

Sunday, April 3, 2011

A = 737 คำ

คำศัพท์พื้นฐาน 13,410 คำ
จาก Cobuild Student Dictionary for Learners of English
คำแปลจาก Google English - Thai Dictionary

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คลิกที่ไอคอนรูปลำโพงเพื่อฟังเสียงอ่าน (และฝึกอ่านตาม)

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A = 737 คำ
1. a.m
2. a level
3. aback
4. abandon
5. abate
6. abbey
7. abbreviate
8. abbreviation
9. abdicate
10. abduct
11. aberration
12. abide
13. abiding
14. ability
15. abject
16. ablaze
17. able
18. abnormal
19. abnormality
20. aboard
21. abolish
22. abominable
23. aboriginal
24. aborigine
25. abort
26. abortive
27. abound
28. about
29. above
30. abrasive
31. abreast
32. abroad
33. abrupt
34. absence
35. absent
36. absent-minded
37. absent minded
38. absentee
39. absolute
40. absolutely
41. absorb
42. absorbed
43. absorbing
44. abstain
45. abstinence
46. abstract
47. abstraction
48. absurd
49. abundance
50. abundant
51. abuse
52. abusive
53. abysmal
54. abyss
55. academic
56. academy
57. accelerate
58. accent
59. accentuate
60. accept
61. acceptable
62. accepted
63. accessible
64. accessory
65. accidental
66. acclaim
67. acclimatize
68. accolade
69. accommodate
70. accompaniment
71. accompany
72. accomplice
73. accomplish
74. accomplished
75. accomplishment
76. accord
77. accordance
78. according to
79. accordingly
80. account
81. accountable
82. accountancy
83. accountant
84. accumulate
85. accurate
86. accusation
87. accuse
88. accused
89. accustom
90. ache
91. achieve
92. achievement
93. achiever
94. acid rain
95. acidic
96. acidity
97. acknowledge
98. acknowledgement
99. acne
100. acorn
101. acoustic
102. acquaint
103. acquaintance
104. acquainted
105. acquire
106. acquit
107. acquittal
108. acrimonious
109. acronym
110. across
111. acrylic
112. acting
113. activate
114. activist
115. activity
116. actor
117. actress
118. actual
119. actually
120. acumen
121. ad hoc
122. adamant
123. adapt
124. adaptable
125. adapted
126. add
127. addict
128. addicted
129. addiction
130. addictive
131. additionally
132. additive
133. adept
134. adequate
135. adhere
136. adhesive
137. adjacent
138. adjective
139. adjoin
140. adjourn
141. adjust
142. adjustable
143. administer
144. administration
145. administrative
146. administrator
147. admirable
148. admiral
149. admiration
150. admire
151. admission
152. admit
153. admittedly
154. adolescent
155. adopt
156. adoptive
157. adorable
158. adore
159. adoring
160. adorn
161. adrenalin
162. adrift
163. adult
164. adultery
165. adulthood
166. advance
167. advanced
168. advancement
169. advantage
170. advantageous
171. advent
172. adventure
173. adventurous
174. adverb
175. adversary
176. adverse
177. adversity
178. advert
179. advertise
180. advertisement
181. advertising
182. advice
183. advice line
184. advisable
185. advise
186. adviser
187. advisory
188. advocacy
189. advocate
190. aerial
191. aerobics
192. aeroplane
193. aerosol
194. aesthetic
195. affable
196. affair
197. affection
198. affectionate
199. affiliate
200. affinity
201. affirm
202. affirmative
203. afflict
204. affliction
205. affluent
206. afford
207. affordable
208. affront
209. afield
210. afloat
211. afoot
212. aforementioned
213. afraid
214. afresh
215. african
216. african-american
217. african-caribbean
218. african american
219. african caribbean
220. aft
221. after
222. aftermath
223. afternoon
224. afterwards
225. again
226. against
227. age-old
228. age of consent
229. age old
230. aged
231. agenda
232. aggravate
233. aggression
234. aggressive
235. aggressor
236. aggrieved
237. aghast
238. agile
239. agitate
240. agitated
241. agitation
242. ago
243. agonize
244. agonizing
245. agony
246. agree
247. agreeable
248. agreement
249. agriculture
250. aground
251. ahead
252. ahead of
253. aid
254. aide
255. ailing
256. ailment
257. aimless
258. ain't
259. aint
260. air-conditioned
261. air-conditioning
262. air base
263. air conditioned
264. air conditioning
265. air force
266. air hostess
267. air raid
268. airborne
269. aircraft
270. airfield
271. airlift
272. airline
273. airliner
274. airman
275. airplane
276. airport
277. airspace
278. airtight
279. airwaves
280. airy
281. aisle
282. aka
283. akin
284. alarm
285. alarm clock
286. alas
287. albeit
288. album
289. alcoholic
290. alert
291. algae
292. algebra
293. alibi
294. alien
295. alienate
296. alight
297. align
298. alike
299. alive
300. all-american
301. all-around
302. all-out
303. all-round
304. all-time
305. all american
306. all around
307. all out
308. all right
309. all round
310. all time
311. allah
312. allay
313. allegation
314. allege
315. allegiance
316. allergic
317. allergy
318. alleviate
319. alley
320. alliance
321. allied
322. alligator
323. allocate
324. allot
325. allotment
326. allow
327. allowance
328. allude
329. allure
330. allusion
331. ally
332. almighty
333. almond
334. almost
335. aloft
336. alone
337. along
338. alongside
339. aloof
340. aloud
341. alphabetical
342. alpine
343. already
344. alright
345. also
346. altar
347. alter
348. alternate
349. alternative
350. alternatively
351. although
352. altitude
353. alto
354. altogether
355. altruism
356. aluminium
357. always
358. amalgamate
359. amass
360. amateur
361. amaze
362. amazement
363. amazing
364. ambassador
365. ambience
366. ambiguity
367. ambiguous
368. ambition
369. ambitious
370. ambivalent
371. amble
372. ambulance
373. ambush
374. amen
375. amend
376. amendment
377. amenity
378. american
379. american football
380. amiable
381. amicable
382. amid
383. amidst
384. amiss
385. ammunition
386. amnesty
387. among
388. amongst
389. amount
390. ample
391. amplifier
392. amplify
393. amputate
394. amuse
395. amused
396. amusement
397. amusing
398. anaemia
399. anaesthetic
400. anaesthetist
401. anal
402. analogue
403. analogy
404. analyse
405. analyst
406. analytic
407. analytical
408. analyze
409. anarchist
410. anarchy
411. anatomy
412. ancestor
413. ancestry
414. ancient
415. anecdote
416. anemic
417. anesthetic
418. anesthetist
419. anew
420. angelic
421. anger
422. angler
423. angling
424. anglo
425. angry
426. angst
427. anguish
428. anguished
429. angular
430. animate
431. animated
432. animation
433. animosity
434. ankle
435. annex
436. annihilate
437. anniversary
438. announce
439. announcement
440. announcer
441. annoy
442. annoyance
443. annoyed
444. annoying
445. annual
446. annum
447. anomaly
448. anonymous
449. anorak
450. anorexia
451. another
452. answer
453. answering machine
454. antagonism
455. antagonist
456. antagonize
457. antenna
458. anthem
459. anthology
460. anthropology
461. anti-clockwise
462. anti-social
463. anti clockwise
464. anti social
465. anticipate
466. antics
467. antidote
468. antiquated
469. antique
470. antiquity
471. antiseptic
472. anxiety
473. anxious
474. any
475. anybody
476. anyhow
477. anymore
478. anyone
479. anyplace
480. anything
481. anytime
482. anyway
483. anyways
484. anywhere
485. apart
486. apartheid
487. apartment
488. apathy
489. apiece
490. apologetic
491. apologize
492. apology
493. apostrophe
494. appal
495. appalling
496. apparatus
497. apparent
498. apparently
499. appealing
500. appear
501. appearance
502. appease
503. appetite
504. appetizing
505. applaud
506. applause
507. appliance
508. applicable
509. applicant
510. applied
511. apply
512. appoint
513. appointed
514. appointment
515. appraisal
516. appraise
517. appreciate
518. appreciative
519. apprehension
520. apprehensive
521. apprentice
522. apprenticeship
523. approach
524. appropriate
525. approval
526. approve
527. approved
528. approving
529. approximate
530. approximation
531. apricot
532. aptitude
533. aquatic
534. arable
535. arbitrary
536. arbitrate
537. arcade
538. archaeology
539. archaic
540. archbishop
541. arched
542. archeology
543. archetype
544. architect
545. archive
546. ardent
547. arduous
548. aren't
549. arena
550. arent
551. arguably
552. argue
553. arid
554. arise
555. aristocracy
556. aristocrat
557. arithmetic
558. armaments
559. armchair
560. armed
561. armed forces
562. armour
563. armoured
564. armoury
565. armpit
566. army
567. aroma
568. aromatic
569. arose
570. around
571. arousal
572. arouse
573. arrange
574. arrangement
575. arrears
576. arrest
577. arrival
578. arrive
579. arrogant
580. arrow
581. arsenal
582. arson
583. artefact
584. artery
585. artichoke
586. articulate
587. articulated
588. artifact
589. artificial
590. artificial intelligence
591. artillery
592. artist
593. artistic
594. artistry
595. ascend
596. ascending
597. ascent
598. ascertain
599. ascribe
600. ashamed
601. ashore
602. ashtray
603. asian
604. aside
605. asleep
606. asparagus
607. aspect
608. aspire
609. aspiring
610. ass
611. assailant
612. assassin
613. assassinate
614. assault
615. assemble
616. assembly
617. assembly line
618. assent
619. assert
620. assertive
621. assess
622. assign
623. assimilate
624. assist
625. assistance
626. assistant
627. associate
628. assorted
629. assortment
630. assume
631. assuming
632. assurance
633. assure
634. assured
635. asterisk
636. asthmatic
637. astonish
638. astonishing
639. astonishment
640. astound
641. astray
642. astride
643. astrology
644. astronaut
645. astronomical
646. astronomy
647. astute
648. asylum
649. ate
650. atheism
651. athlete
652. athletic
653. athletics
654. atomic
655. atrocious
656. atrocity
657. attach
658. attached
659. attack
660. attain
661. attempt
662. attend
663. attendance
664. attendant
665. attention
666. attentive
667. attest
668. attic
669. attitude
670. attorney
671. attract
672. attraction
673. attractive
674. attribute
675. au pair
676. aubergine
677. auburn
678. auction
679. auctioneer
680. audacious
681. audible
682. audience
683. audio
684. audition
685. auditorium
686. augment
687. august
688. aunt
689. auntie
690. aural
691. auspices
692. austere
693. authentic
694. author
695. authorise
696. authoritarian
697. authoritative
698. authorize
699. autobiography
700. autograph
701. automated
702. automatic
703. automation
704. automobile
705. autonomy
706. autopsy
707. autumn
708. auxiliary
709. avail
710. available
711. avalanche
712. avant-garde
713. avant garde
714. avenge
715. avenue
716. aversion
717. avert
718. aviary
719. aviation
720. avid
721. avocado
722. avoid
723. await
724. awake
725. awaken
726. award
727. aware
728. awash
729. away
730. awe
731. awesome
732. awful
733. awfully
734. awhile
735. awkward
736. awoke
737. awoken

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