

Sunday, April 3, 2011

C=1139 คำ

คำศัพท์พื้นฐาน 13,410 คำ
จาก Cobuild Student Dictionary for Learners of English
คำแปลจาก Google English - Thai Dictionary

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คลิกที่ไอคอนรูปลำโพงเพื่อฟังเสียงอ่าน (และฝึกอ่านตาม)

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C = 1139 คำ
1. cabaret
2. cabbage
3. cabin
4. cabinet
5. cactus
6. cadet
7. cafeteria
8. caffeine
9. café
10. caged
11. cajole
12. cake
13. calamity
14. calculate
15. calculated
16. calculating
17. calculation
18. calculator
19. calf
20. calibre
21. call centre
22. caller
23. callous
24. calm
25. calves
26. camcorder
27. came
28. camel
29. cameo
30. camera
31. cameraman
32. camouflage
33. campaign
34. camper
35. campsite
36. campus
37. can't
38. canal
39. cancel
40. candid
41. candidacy
42. candidate
43. candour
44. candy
45. cane
46. canine
47. canister
48. cannabis
49. cannibal
50. cannon
51. cannot
52. canoe
53. cant
54. canteen
55. canter
56. canvas
57. canvass
58. canyon
59. capable
60. cape
61. capital punishment
62. capitalise
63. capitalism
64. capitalize
65. capitulate
66. capsize
67. captain
68. captaincy
69. caption
70. captivate
71. captive
72. captivity
73. capture
74. car park
75. caramel
76. carat
77. caravan
78. caravan site
79. carbohydrate
80. carbon dioxide
81. carbon monoxide
82. carcass
83. cardboard
84. cardiac
85. cardigan
86. cardinal
87. care
88. career
89. carefree
90. careful
91. careless
92. caress
93. caretaker
94. cargo
95. caricature
96. caring
97. carnage
98. carnation
99. carnival
100. carol
101. carpenter
102. carpet
103. carpeted
104. carriage
105. carriageway
106. carrot
107. cart
108. cartilage
109. carton
110. cartoon
111. cartoonist
112. cartridge
113. carve
114. carving
115. case-sensitive
116. case sensitive
117. case study
118. cashier
119. cashmere
120. casino
121. casserole
122. cassette
123. cast-iron
124. cast iron
125. caste
126. castigate
127. castle
128. castrate
129. casual
130. casualty
131. catalogue
132. catapult
133. catastrophe
134. catastrophic
135. catch
136. catchy
137. categorical
138. categorize
139. category
140. cater
141. caterer
142. catering
143. caterpillar
144. cathedral
145. catholic
146. cattle
147. catwalk
148. caucus
149. caught
150. cauldron
151. cauliflower
152. caution
153. cautionary
154. cautious
155. cavalier
156. cavalry
157. cavern
158. cavernous
159. caviar
160. cavity
161. cctv
162. cd burner
163. cd player
164. cd writer
165. cease
166. ceasefire
167. cedar
168. cede
169. celebrate
170. celebrated
171. celebrity
172. celery
173. celestial
174. celibate
175. cellar
176. cello
177. cellphone
178. cellular
179. cellulite
180. celsius
181. cemetery
182. censor
183. censorship
184. censure
185. centenary
186. center
187. centigrade
188. centimetre
189. central
190. central heating
191. centralize
192. centre
193. century
194. ceramic
195. cereal
196. cerebral
197. ceremonial
198. ceremony
199. certain
200. certainly
201. certainty
202. certify
203. cervix
204. cfc
205. chairman
206. chairperson
207. chairwoman
208. chalet
209. chalkboard
210. challenge
211. challenger
212. challenging
213. chamber
214. chamber of commerce
215. champ
216. champagne
217. champion
218. championship
219. chancellor
220. chancellor of the exchequer
221. chandelier
222. chant
223. chaotic
224. chapel
225. chaplain
226. chapped
227. chapter
228. characteristic
229. characterize
230. charade
231. charcoal
232. charisma
233. charitable
234. charity
235. charm
236. charming
237. charred
238. charter
239. chartered
240. chasm
241. chat room
242. chat show
243. chatline
244. chatter
245. chauffeur
246. chauvinism
247. cheap
248. cheat
249. check-up
250. check up
251. checked
252. checkout
253. checkpoint
254. cheek
255. cheekbone
256. cheeky
257. cheer
258. cheerful
259. cheery
260. chef
261. chemical
262. chemist
263. chemistry
264. cheque
265. cherish
266. chess
267. chest
268. chestnut
269. chew
270. chic
271. chick
272. chick flick
273. chicken
274. chide
275. chief
276. chiefly
277. chiffon
278. childbirth
279. childhood
280. childish
281. childless
282. childlike
283. children
284. chili
285. chill
286. chilli
287. chilly
288. chime
289. chimney
290. chimpanzee
291. chin
292. chink
293. chisel
294. chlorine
295. chocolate
296. choice
297. choir
298. choke
299. cholera
300. choose
301. chopper
302. choral
303. chore
304. choreograph
305. choreography
306. chorus
307. chose
308. chosen
309. christen
310. christening
311. christian
312. christian name
313. christianity
314. christmas
315. christmas day
316. christmas eve
317. christmas tree
318. chrome
319. chromium
320. chronicle
321. chronological
322. chrysanthemum
323. chubby
324. chuck
325. chuckle
326. chug
327. chum
328. chunk
329. chunky
330. church
331. churn
332. chute
333. chutney
334. château
335. cider
336. cigar
337. cigarette
338. cinder
339. cinema
340. cinnamon
341. circa
342. circular
343. circulate
344. circumcise
345. circumference
346. circumstance
347. circus
348. citation
349. cite
350. citizen
351. citizenship
352. citrus
353. city
354. civic
355. civil
356. civil rights
357. civil servant
358. civil service
359. civil war
360. civilian
361. civilization
362. civilize
363. civilized
364. cjd
365. clad
366. claimant
367. clam
368. clamber
369. clamour
370. clamp
371. clan
372. clandestine
373. clap
374. claret
375. clarify
376. clarinet
377. clarity
378. clash
379. clasp
380. classic
381. classical
382. classified
383. classify
384. classless
385. classmate
386. classroom
387. classy
388. clatter
389. clause
390. claw
391. cleaner
392. cleanliness
393. cleanse
394. cleanser
395. clear-cut
396. clear cut
397. clearance
398. clearing
399. clench
400. clergy
401. clergyman
402. cleric
403. clerical
404. clerk
405. clever
406. cliché
407. clientele
408. cliff
409. climate
410. climax
411. climb
412. climber
413. climbing
414. clinch
415. cling
416. clinic
417. clinical
418. clink
419. clipped
420. clipping
421. clique
422. cloak
423. cloakroom
424. clobber
425. clockwise
426. clockwork
427. clog
428. close-up
429. close up
430. closed
431. closed-circuit
432. closed circuit
433. closet
434. closing
435. clot
436. cloth
437. clothed
438. clothes
439. clothing
440. cloudy
441. clout
442. clove
443. clown
444. clubhouse
445. clue
446. clump
447. clumsy
448. clung
449. clutch
450. clutter
451. co-
452. co-operate
453. co-operative
454. co-ordinate
455. co-star
456. co operate
457. co operative
458. co ordinate
459. co star
460. coalition
461. coarse
462. coast
463. coastguard
464. coastline
465. coat
466. coating
467. coax
468. cobble
469. cobra
470. cobweb
471. cocaine
472. cock
473. cockpit
474. cockroach
475. cocktail
476. cocky
477. cocoa
478. coconut
479. cocoon
480. coded
481. coding
482. coerce
483. coffee shop
484. coffers
485. coffin
486. cognac
487. cognitive
488. coherent
489. cohesion
490. cohesive
491. coil
492. coin
493. coinage
494. coincide
495. coincidence
496. coincidentally
497. coke
498. cola
499. cold calling
500. collaborate
501. collaborative
502. collage
503. collapse
504. collate
505. colleague
506. collect
507. collection
508. collective
509. collector
510. college
511. collide
512. colliery
513. collision
514. collude
515. colonel
516. colonial
517. colonialism
518. colonist
519. colonize
520. colony
521. colorless
522. colossal
523. colour
524. coloured
525. colourful
526. colouring
527. colourless
528. colt
529. columnist
530. comb
531. combat
532. combatant
533. combative
534. combine
535. combustion
536. come
537. comeback
538. comedian
539. comedy
540. comet
541. comfort
542. comfortable
543. comforting
544. comic
545. comic book
546. comical
547. coming
548. comma
549. command
550. commandant
551. commander
552. commanding
553. commando
554. commemorate
555. commemorative
556. commence
557. commend
558. commendable
559. comment
560. commentary
561. commentate
562. commentator
563. commerce
564. commercial
565. commissioner
566. commit
567. commitment
568. committee
569. common
570. common law
571. common sense
572. commonplace
573. commonwealth
574. commotion
575. communal
576. commune
577. communicate
578. communion
579. communiqué
580. communist
581. community centre
582. community service
583. commute
584. compact
585. compact disc
586. companion
587. companionship
588. company
589. comparable
590. comparative
591. compare
592. compared
593. comparison
594. compartment
595. compassion
596. compassionate
597. compatible
598. compatriot
599. compel
600. compelling
601. compensate
602. compete
603. competent
604. competitive
605. competitor
606. compilation
607. compile
608. complacent
609. complain
610. complaint
611. complementary
612. complete
613. complex
614. complexion
615. complexity
616. compliance
617. complicate
618. complicated
619. complication
620. complicity
621. compliment
622. complimentary
623. comply
624. compose
625. composer
626. compost
627. composure
628. comprehend
629. comprehension
630. comprehensive
631. compress
632. comprise
633. compromise
634. compromising
635. compulsion
636. compulsive
637. compulsory
638. computerize
639. computing
640. comrade
641. con
642. conceal
643. concede
644. conceivable
645. conceive
646. concentrate
647. concentrated
648. concentration camp
649. concept
650. conception
651. concern
652. concerning
653. concert
654. concerted
655. concerto
656. concession
657. conciliation
658. conciliatory
659. concise
660. conclude
661. conclusion
662. conclusive
663. concoct
664. concoction
665. concur
666. concurrent
667. concussion
668. condemn
669. condemned
670. condense
671. condescend
672. conditional
673. condolence
674. condom
675. condone
676. conducive
677. conduct
678. confederation
679. confer
680. conference
681. confess
682. confession
683. confide
684. confidence
685. confident
686. confidential
687. configuration
688. configure
689. confine
690. confined
691. confirm
692. confiscate
693. conflict
694. conform
695. conformity
696. confound
697. confront
698. confrontation
699. confuse
700. confused
701. confusing
702. congenial
703. congested
704. congratulate
705. congratulations
706. congregate
707. congregation
708. congress
709. congressman
710. congresswoman
711. conjecture
712. conjoined twin
713. conjunction
714. conjure
715. connect
716. connected
717. connection
718. connoisseur
719. connotation
720. conquer
721. conquest
722. conscience
723. conscientious
724. conscious
725. consciousness
726. conscript
727. consecrate
728. consecutive
729. consensus
730. consent
731. consequence
732. consequent
733. conservation
734. conservationist
735. conservative
736. conservatory
737. conserve
738. consider
739. considerable
740. considerate
741. consideration
742. considering
743. consign
744. consignment
745. consist
746. consistency
747. consistent
748. consolation
749. console
750. consolidate
751. consonant
752. consortium
753. conspicuous
754. conspiracy
755. conspirator
756. conspire
757. constable
758. constellation
759. consternation
760. constituency
761. constituent
762. constitute
763. constitution
764. constrain
765. constraint
766. constrict
767. construct
768. construction
769. constructive
770. construe
771. consul
772. consulate
773. consult
774. consultancy
775. consultant
776. consultation
777. consultative
778. consume
779. consumed
780. consumer
781. consuming
782. consummate
783. consumption
784. contact lens
785. contagious
786. contain
787. container
788. contaminate
789. contemplate
790. contemporary
791. contempt
792. contemptuous
793. contend
794. content
795. contented
796. contention
797. contentious
798. contentment
799. contest
800. contestant
801. context
802. continent
803. contingency
804. contingent
805. continual
806. continuation
807. continue
808. continuity
809. continuous
810. contort
811. contour
812. contraception
813. contraceptive
814. contractor
815. contractual
816. contradict
817. contradiction
818. contradictory
819. contrary
820. contravene
821. contribute
822. contribution
823. contrive
824. contrived
825. controversial
826. controversy
827. convalesce
828. convene
829. convenience
830. convenient
831. convent
832. convention
833. conventional
834. converge
835. conversation
836. converse
837. convert
838. convertible
839. convey
840. conveyor belt
841. convict
842. conviction
843. convince
844. convincing
845. convoy
846. convulsion
847. cook
848. cookbook
849. cooker
850. cookery
851. cooking
852. cope
853. copious
854. coral
855. cordial
856. cordon
857. cork
858. corkscrew
859. corner
860. cornerstone
861. corny
862. coronary
863. coronation
864. coroner
865. corporal
866. corporal punishment
867. corporate
868. corps
869. corpse
870. correct
871. correction
872. corrective
873. correlate
874. correspond
875. correspondence
876. correspondent
877. corridor
878. corroborate
879. corrode
880. corrugated
881. corrupt
882. corruption
883. cosmetic
884. cosmic
885. cosmopolitan
886. cosmos
887. cost-effective
888. cost effective
889. cost of living
890. costly
891. costume
892. cosy
893. cot
894. cottage
895. cotton
896. cotton wool
897. couch
898. cough
899. could
900. could've
901. couldn't
902. couldnt
903. couldve
904. council
905. councillor
906. counsel
907. count noun
908. countable noun
909. countdown
910. countenance
911. counter-attack
912. counter-productive
913. counter attack
914. counter productive
915. counteract
916. counterclockwise
917. counterfeit
918. counterpart
919. countess
920. countless
921. country
922. countryman
923. countryside
924. county
925. coup
926. coup d'état
927. coup détat
928. couple
929. courage
930. courageous
931. courgette
932. courier
933. court-martial
934. court martial
935. courteous
936. courtesy
937. courthouse
938. courtier
939. courtroom
940. courtship
941. courtyard
942. cousin
943. cove
944. cover-up
945. cover up
946. coverage
947. covering
948. covert
949. covet
950. coveted
951. cow
952. coward
953. cowardice
954. cowardly
955. cowboy
956. coy
957. cozy
958. crackdown
959. crackle
960. cradle
961. craft
962. craftsman
963. craftsmanship
964. crafty
965. cram
966. crammed
967. cramp
968. cramped
969. crane
970. crank
971. crass
972. crate
973. crater
974. crave
975. crawl
976. crayon
977. craze
978. crazed
979. crazy
980. creak
981. creamy
982. crease
983. create
984. creation
985. creative
986. creature
987. credence
988. credentials
989. credible
990. credit card
991. creditable
992. creditor
993. creed
994. creek
995. creepy
996. cremate
997. crept
998. crescendo
999. crescent
1000. crevice
1001. crew
1002. crib
1003. cricket
1004. cricketer
1005. crime
1006. criminal
1007. crimson
1008. cringe
1009. cripple
1010. crippling
1011. crisis
1012. crisp
1013. criss-cross
1014. criss cross
1015. criterion
1016. critic
1017. critical
1018. criticism
1019. criticize
1020. critique
1021. croak
1022. crockery
1023. crocodile
1024. croissant
1025. crony
1026. crook
1027. crooked
1028. croon
1029. croquet
1030. cross-country
1031. cross-examine
1032. cross-section
1033. cross country
1034. cross examine
1035. cross section
1036. crossing
1037. crossover
1038. crossroads
1039. crossword
1040. crotch
1041. crouch
1042. crow
1043. crowd
1044. crowded
1045. crucial
1046. crucify
1047. crude
1048. crude oil
1049. cruel
1050. cruise
1051. cruiser
1052. crumb
1053. crumble
1054. crumbly
1055. crumple
1056. crunch
1057. crunchy
1058. crusade
1059. crush
1060. crust
1061. crusty
1062. crutch
1063. crux
1064. cry
1065. cryptic
1066. crystal clear
1067. crystallize
1068. crèche
1069. cub
1070. cubic
1071. cubicle
1072. cuckoo
1073. cucumber
1074. cuddle
1075. cuddly
1076. cue
1077. cuff
1078. cuisine
1079. culinary
1080. cull
1081. culminate
1082. culprit
1083. cult
1084. cultivate
1085. cultivated
1086. cultural
1087. cultured
1088. cum
1089. cumbersome
1090. cumulative
1091. cunning
1092. cupboard
1093. curable
1094. curate
1095. curator
1096. curb
1097. curfew
1098. curiosity
1099. curious
1100. curl
1101. curly
1102. currency
1103. current account
1104. current affairs
1105. curriculum
1106. curry
1107. curse
1108. cursor
1109. curt
1110. curtail
1111. curtain
1112. curve
1113. cushion
1114. custard
1115. custodial
1116. custodian
1117. custody
1118. custom
1119. customary
1120. customer
1121. customer service
1122. customize
1123. customs
1124. cut-off
1125. cut off
1126. cutback
1127. cute
1128. cutlery
1129. cutter
1130. cutting
1131. cutting edge
1132. cv
1133. cyanide
1134. cybercafé
1135. cyclical
1136. cyclist
1137. cyclone
1138. cynic
1139. cynical

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