

Monday, April 4, 2011

M=641 คำ

คำศัพท์พื้นฐาน 13,410 คำ
จาก Cobuild Student Dictionary for Learners of English
คำแปลจาก Google English - Thai Dictionary

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M=641 คำ
1. ma'am
2. maam
3. macabre
4. machete
5. machine
6. machine gun
7. machinery
8. machinist
9. macho
10. mackerel
11. mad
12. madam
13. madden
14. made
15. madly
16. mag
17. magazine
18. maggot
19. magic
20. magical
21. magician
22. magistrate
23. magnate
24. magnet
25. magnetic
26. magnetism
27. magnificent
28. magnify
29. magnitude
30. magpie
31. mahogany
32. maid
33. maiden
34. mail order
35. mailbox
36. mailshot
37. maim
38. main
39. main clause
40. main road
41. mainframe
42. mainland
43. mainly
44. mainstay
45. mainstream
46. maintain
47. maize
48. majestic
49. majesty
50. major
51. majority
52. make
53. make-up
54. make up
55. maker
56. makeshift
57. making
58. malaria
59. male
60. malfunction
61. malice
62. malicious
63. malignant
64. maligned
65. mall
66. mallet
67. malnutrition
68. malpractice
69. malt
70. mammal
71. mammoth
72. man-made
73. man made
74. manage
75. manageable
76. management
77. management consultant
78. manager
79. manageress
80. managerial
81. managing director
82. mandate
83. mandatory
84. mane
85. maneuver
86. mangle
87. mango
88. manhood
89. mania
90. maniac
91. manic
92. manicure
93. manifest
94. manifestation
95. manifesto
96. manipulate
97. manipulative
98. mankind
99. manly
100. manned
101. manner
102. manoeuvre
103. manor
104. manpower
105. mansion
106. manslaughter
107. mantelpiece
108. mantra
109. manual
110. manufacture
111. manufacturer
112. manure
113. manuscript
114. many
115. maple
116. mar
117. marathon
118. marble
119. march
120. mare
121. margarine
122. marginal
123. marijuana
124. marina
125. marinade
126. marinate
127. marine
128. marital
129. maritime
130. marked
131. marketplace
132. marking
133. marmalade
134. maroon
135. marquis
136. marriage
137. married
138. marry
139. marsh
140. marshal
141. martial
142. martial art
143. martyr
144. marvel
145. marvellous
146. marxism
147. marxist
148. mascara
149. mascot
150. masculine
151. mash
152. mask
153. masked
154. masochism
155. mason
156. masonry
157. masquerade
158. mass-produce
159. mass media
160. mass produce
161. massacre
162. massage
163. masse
164. massive
165. mast
166. mastermind
167. masterpiece
168. mastery
169. matched
170. mate
171. material
172. materialism
173. materialize
174. maternal
175. maternity
176. math
177. mathematical
178. mathematician
179. mathematics
180. maths
181. matinee
182. matt
183. matter-of-fact
184. matter of fact
185. mattress
186. mature
187. maul
188. maverick
189. maxim
190. maximize
191. maximum
192. may
193. maybe
194. mayhem
195. mayonnaise
196. mayor
197. maze
198. me
199. meadow
200. meagre
201. meal
202. meander
203. meaning
204. meaningful
205. meaningless
206. means
207. meant
208. meantime
209. meanwhile
210. measles
211. measurable
212. measurement
213. meat
214. mechanic
215. mechanical
216. mechanism
217. mechanize
218. medal
219. medallist
220. meddle
221. media circus
222. mediaeval
223. mediate
224. medical
225. medication
226. medicinal
227. medicine
228. medieval
229. mediocre
230. meditate
231. meek
232. meet
233. meeting
234. megabyte
235. melancholy
236. mellow
237. melodrama
238. melodramatic
239. melody
240. melon
241. melt
242. member
243. member of parliament
244. membership
245. memo
246. memoirs
247. memorabilia
248. memorable
249. memorandum
250. memorial
251. memorize
252. men
253. menace
254. mend
255. menopause
256. menstrual
257. menstruate
258. menswear
259. mental
260. mentality
261. mention
262. mentor
263. menu
264. mep
265. mercenary
266. merchandise
267. merchandising
268. merchant
269. mercifully
270. merciless
271. mercy
272. mere
273. merely
274. merge
275. merit
276. mermaid
277. merry
278. mesh
279. mesmerize
280. mess
281. messenger
282. messiah
283. messrs
284. messy
285. met
286. metabolic
287. metallic
288. metamorphosis
289. metaphor
290. metaphorical
291. mete
292. meteor
293. meteorite
294. meteorological
295. methane
296. method
297. methodical
298. methodology
299. meticulous
300. metre
301. metric
302. metro
303. metropolis
304. metropolitan
305. mg
306. mice
307. micro-organism
308. micro organism
309. microbe
310. microchip
311. microcosm
312. microphone
313. microprocessor
314. microscope
315. microscopic
316. microwave
317. mid-air
318. mid air
319. midday
320. middle
321. middle-aged
322. middle age
323. middle aged
324. middle class
325. middle east
326. middleman
327. midlands
328. midnight
329. midst
330. midway
331. midweek
332. midwife
333. might
334. might've
335. mightily
336. mightn't
337. mightnt
338. mightve
339. mighty
340. migraine
341. migrant
342. migrate
343. mike
344. mild
345. mile
346. mileage
347. milestone
348. milieu
349. militant
350. military
351. militia
352. milky
353. millennium
354. milligram
355. millilitre
356. millimetre
357. million
358. millionaire
359. millionth
360. mimic
361. min
362. mince
363. mind
364. minder
365. mindful
366. mindless
367. mine
368. minefield
369. mineral
370. mineral water
371. mingle
372. miniature
373. minibus
374. minidisc
375. minimal
376. minimalist
377. minimize
378. minimum
379. mining
380. minister
381. ministerial
382. ministry
383. mink
384. minority
385. minus
386. minuscule
387. minute
388. miracle
389. miraculous
390. miscalculate
391. miscarriage
392. miscellaneous
393. mischief
394. mischievous
395. misconception
396. misconduct
397. misdemeanour
398. miserable
399. misery
400. misfit
401. misfortune
402. misgiving
403. misguided
404. mishap
405. misinterpret
406. misjudge
407. mislead
408. misleading
409. misled
410. mismanage
411. misplaced
412. misread
413. misrepresent
414. miss
415. missile
416. missing
417. mission
418. missionary
419. mistake
420. mistaken
421. mister
422. mistook
423. mistress
424. mistrust
425. misty
426. misunderstand
427. misunderstanding
428. misunderstood
429. misuse
430. mite
431. mitigate
432. mitigating
433. mix
434. mixed
435. mixed up
436. mixer
437. mixture
438. ml
439. mm
440. moan
441. mob
442. mobile
443. mobile phone
444. mobilize
445. mock
446. mockery
447. modal
448. moderate
449. moderation
450. modern
451. modernize
452. modest
453. modesty
454. modifier
455. modify
456. moist
457. moisture
458. molecular
459. molest
460. molten
461. mom
462. moment
463. momentary
464. momentous
465. momentum
466. monarch
467. monarchist
468. monarchy
469. monastery
470. monday
471. monetary
472. money laundering
473. monk
474. monkey
475. monogamy
476. monolithic
477. monologue
478. monopolize
479. monotonous
480. monsoon
481. monster
482. monstrous
483. month
484. monthly
485. monument
486. monumental
487. mood
488. moody
489. moonlight
490. moor
491. mooring
492. moorland
493. moose
494. mop
495. mope
496. moped
497. moral
498. morale
499. morality
500. moratorium
501. morbid
502. moreover
503. morgue
504. morning
505. morose
506. morphine
507. morsel
508. mortal
509. mortality
510. mortar
511. mortician
512. mortuary
513. moslem
514. mosque
515. mosquito
516. moss
517. most
518. mostly
519. motel
520. moth
521. mother
522. mother-in-law
523. mother in law
524. motherhood
525. motherland
526. motherly
527. motif
528. motion picture
529. motionless
530. motivate
531. motivation
532. motive
533. motor car
534. motorbike
535. motorcycle
536. motorcyclist
537. motoring
538. motorist
539. motorized
540. motorway
541. motto
542. mould
543. mound
544. mount
545. mountain
546. mountain bike
547. mountaineer
548. mountainous
549. mountainside
550. mounted
551. mourn
552. mourner
553. mournful
554. mousse
555. moustache
556. mouthful
557. mouthpiece
558. movable
559. move
560. moveable
561. movement
562. movie
563. moving
564. mow
565. mower
566. mp
567. mp3
568. mph
569. mrs
570. msp
571. much
572. muck
573. mucus
574. muddle
575. muddled
576. muddy
577. muffle
578. mug
579. mule
580. mull
581. multilateral
582. multinational
583. multiple
584. multiple sclerosis
585. multiplicity
586. multiply
587. multitude
588. mum
589. mumble
590. mummy
591. munch
592. mundane
593. municipal
594. municipality
595. munitions
596. mural
597. murder
598. murderous
599. murky
600. murmur
601. muscle
602. muscular
603. muse
604. museum
605. mushroom
606. music
607. musical
608. musical instrument
609. musician
610. muslim
611. muslin
612. mussel
613. must
614. must've
615. mustache
616. mustard
617. muster
618. mustn't
619. mustnt
620. mustve
621. mutant
622. mutate
623. mute
624. mutilate
625. mutiny
626. mutter
627. mutton
628. mutual
629. muzzle
630. my
631. myriad
632. myself
633. mysterious
634. mystery
635. mystic
636. mystical
637. mystify
638. mystique
639. myth
640. mythical
641. mythology

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