- B2B - business to business: Business-to-business (B2B) are commerce transactions between businesses, such as between a manufacturer and a wholesaler, or between a wholesaler and a retailer. Contrasting terms are business-to-consumer (B2C) and business-to-government (B2G)" (Source: Wikipedia)
- babysit - to take care of babies or children while their parents are away from home เลี้ยงเด็ก
- babysitter - a person who takes care of babies or children while their parents are away from home and is usually paid to do this พี่เลี้ยงเด็ก
- baccarat - a card game in which players hold two or three cards each and bet on whose cards will have the highest number left highest number left การเล่นไพ่แบ็กคาระ
- bachelor - a man who is not yet married โสด
- bachelor's degree - (noun) bachelors degree – the first degree that you get when you study at a university. Bachelor’s degrees include Bachelor of Arts (BA) and Bachelor of Science (BSc) ปริญญาตรี
- bachelorhood - state of being single, unmarried state ช่วงเป็นโสด
- bachelors degree - bachelors degree – the first degree that you get when you study at a university. Bachelor’s degrees include Bachelor of Arts (BA) and Bachelor of Science (BSc) ระดับปริญญาตรี
- bachelor’s degree - the first degree that you get when you study at a university. Bachelor’s degrees include Bachelor of Arts (BA) and Bachelor of Science (BSc) ระดับปริญญาตรี
- Baci ceremony - a ceremony in Laos which involves the tying of white cotton strings around person’s wrists, prayers and well wishes
- back - to support สนับสนุน
- back - to support ให้การสนับสนุน
- back and forth - from one place to another and back again repeatedly ไปๆ มาๆ, กลับไปกลับมา
- back door - "a backdoor in a computer system is a method of gaining entry to a computer system other than by normal login: "bypassing normal authentication, securing illegal remote access to a computer, ... while attempting to remain undetected" (Source: Wikipedia) ประตูหลัง
- back down - to take back or remove a demand, an opinion, a planned action etc. that other people are strongly opposed to ยอมตาม
- back in the old days - in he past... , many years ago...
- back it up - to support ให้การสนับสนุน
- back off - to stop or become less threatening or annoying somebody ถอย
- back on track - operating normally again
- back post - the goal post furthest away from a player controlling the ball
- back post (or far post) - the goal post furthest away from a player controlling the ball
- back road - a road less traveled, not the main road
- back seat driver - a person sitting in the back seat of a car who tells the driver of a car how to drive (which can be very annoying, if not dangerous)
- back taxes - taxes from the past that someone still owes and must pay the government
- back to back - happening one after another, after one finishes the next begins; consecutive ที่ต่อเนื่องตามลำดับ
- back to square one - in the same situation that you were in before you started to do something, with no progress made
- back up - to accumulate into a crowded congested state
- back up - to keep an extra copy of computer files to be safe, if computer crashes you do not lose files
- back up - to support ให้การสนับสนุน
- back-end - supporting the most important activities that go on "in the front of" an organization, such as computer support for sales people ส่วนหลัง
- back-pedal - to walk or run backwards ถอยหลัง
- back-room - of people who do important work for a person or an organisation but who are not well known themselves
- back-stabbing - doing something bad that is not loyal to someone who trusts you ความไม่ซื่อสัตย์
- back-to-back - happening one after another, after one finishes the next begins; consecutive ที่ต่อเนื่องตามลำดับ
- back-up - support, available for use in case of a failure สำรอง, กองหนุน, การสนับสนุน
- back-up - an extra copy of computer files that you keep for safety , in case the original files disapppear
- back-up - when cars or other things are waiting to move forward, when something is preventing them from moving forwards
- back-up plan - a second plan to use if things go wrong, if the first plan fails
- backbone - the main part of something that makes it successful and strong แกนนำ, กระดูกสันหลัง, เสาหลัก, ที่พึ่ง, เครื่องยึดเหนี่ยว, หลัก, ที่ปรึกษา
- backdate - to write a date on a cheque or other document that is earlier than the actual date ลงวันที่หลังเช็คหรือเอกสารอื่น (ระบุวันก่อนวันจริง)
- backdrop - everything that you can see behind the main thing that you are looking at ฉากหลัง ภาพเบื้องหลัง
- backdrop - the view behind something ฉากหลัง
- backed - given support ให้การสนับสนุน
- backed - supported ให้การสนับสนุน
- backed up - when cars or something else cannot move forward, which creates a long line of people waiting to move forwards
- backed-up - waiting to be dealt with; waiting in line because there are too many to do
- backer - someone who strongly supports someone or something ผู้สนับสนุน
- backfire - to have the opposite effect to the one intended, with bad or dangerous results
- backfire - to have the opposite effect or result than the one you intended ส่งผลตรงข้ามกับที่หวังไว้
- background - of the general situation in which something happens บื้องหลัง, หลังฉาก
- background - information about some person or subject that helps you better understand them and understand current events ประวัติ
- background - the part of a picture, photograph or view behind the main objects, people, etc ฉากหลัง, พื้นหลังภาพ
- background - the type of career, training, or education that someone has had ประวัติ
- backheel - to kick a ball using the heel (the back of the foot)
- backhoe - a large vehicle with machinery for digging, used in building roads, etc. รถขุดหรือรถเจาะ
- backing - support การสนับสนุน
- backing - support การสนับสนุน
- backing - support สนับสนุน
- backing - supporting ให้การสนับสนุน
- backing up - not moving forward or being finished or sold
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Monday, April 16, 2018
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