

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Introduction ของ Chapter3 แผนชาติฯ ฉบับที่ 10

     ดับเบิ้ลคลิกคำศัพท์ เพื่อดูคำแปลเป็นภาษาไทย
Community originates from the aggregation of people from rural and urban

areas, those in a village or between villages, districts, or provinces, those with the

same profession, or those coming from different careers and areas but sharing the

same interest. Such aggregation may be in the forms of foundations, cooperatives,

association, or any other groups unregistered as career groups or clubs. Within a

community, there must be regulations, principles and coexistence criteria; strong

participation of community members to bring thoughts into practice; a learning

process and various knowledge management styles according to the socio-geography

of each community suitable for a way of living based on natural resources, wisdom

and use of community culture with caution and carefulness; morality and ethics; love

and concern for one another; unity and sacrifice; and determination to develop oneself

and others. His Majesty the King’s Sufficiency Economy philosophy is thus brought

as the basis for community members to carry out and participate in community

activities which lead to the happiness brought about from balance, reasonable

moderation, and a good safety net, enabling people to rely on themselves. That is

because the community is able to make use of existing economic capital, social

capital, and natural resource and environmental capital with equilibrium and in

relation to tradition, custom, and community culture, as well as to strengthen close

social relations among people both inside and outside the community. Strong

aggregation of community members can prevent and fix hard and complicated

problems, especially poverty that is holistically involved with the economy, society,

and politics. So as to tackle the problem, strong communities are required as the

backbone in an operation to eradicate poverty. Apart from problem solving and

fixing, the aggregation enables people to improve the future of the communities.

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