คำศัพท์พื้นฐาน 13,410 คำ
จาก Cobuild Student Dictionary for Learners of English
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O=348 คำ
1. o'clock
2. oak
3. oar
4. oasis
5. oath
6. oats
7. obedient
8. obese
9. obey
10. obituary
11. objection
12. objective
13. obligation
14. obligatory
15. oblige
16. obliged
17. obliging
18. oblique
19. obliterate
20. oblivion
21. oblivious
22. obnoxious
23. obscene
24. obscenity
25. obscure
26. observation
27. observatory
28. observe
29. observer
30. obsess
31. obsession
32. obsessive
33. obsolete
34. obstacle
35. obstetrician
36. obstinate
37. obstruct
38. obstruction
39. obtain
40. obvious
41. obviously
42. occasion
43. occasional
44. occult
45. occupancy
46. occupant
47. occupation
48. occupy
49. occur
50. occurrence
51. ocean
52. oclock
53. october
54. octopus
55. odd
56. oddity
57. odds
58. odour
59. odyssey
60. of
61. of course
62. off
63. off-balance
64. off-licence
65. off-peak
66. off balance
67. off duty
68. off licence
69. off peak
70. offal
71. offence
72. offend
73. offense
74. offensive
75. offering
76. office
77. officer
78. official
79. offline
80. offshoot
81. offshore
82. offside
83. offspring
84. often
85. oh
86. oil paint
87. oil painting
88. oil slick
89. oily
90. ointment
91. okay
92. old
93. old-fashioned
94. old age
95. old fashioned
96. olive oil
97. olympic
98. olympic games
99. omelette
101. ominous
102. omission
103. omit
104. on-screen
105. on screen
106. once
107. one
108. one's
109. one-off
110. one-sided
111. one-time
112. one-to-one
113. one-way
114. one off
115. one sided
116. one time
117. one to one
118. one way
119. onerous
120. ones
121. oneself
122. ongoing
123. onion
124. online
125. onlooker
126. only
127. onset
128. onslaught
129. onto
130. onus
131. onward
132. ooze
133. opaque
134. open-air
135. open-ended
136. open-minded
137. open air
138. open ended
139. open minded
140. opener
141. opening
142. openly
143. opera
144. operate
145. operating theatre
146. operation
147. operational
148. operative
149. opinion
150. opinion poll
151. opium
152. opponent
153. opportunist
154. opportunistic
155. opportunity
156. oppose
157. opposed
158. opposing
159. opposite
160. opposite sex
161. opposition
162. oppress
163. oppressive
164. opt
165. optic
166. optical
167. optician
168. optimism
169. optimistic
170. optimum
171. optional
172. optometrist
173. opulent
174. opus
175. oral
176. orange
177. oratory
178. orbit
179. orbital
180. orchard
181. orchestra
182. orchestrate
183. orchid
184. ordain
185. ordeal
186. orderly
187. ordinal
188. ordinance
189. ordinarily
190. ordinary
191. ordination
192. ore
193. organ
194. organisation
195. organisational
196. organise
197. organism
198. organization
199. organize
200. organized
201. orgasm
202. orgy
203. orient
204. oriental
205. orientated
206. oriented
207. origin
208. original
209. originate
210. ornament
211. ornamental
212. ornate
213. orphan
214. orphanage
215. orthodox
216. orthodoxy
217. ostensibly
218. ostentatious
219. ostrich
220. other
221. otherwise
222. ought
223. oughtn't
224. oughtnt
225. ounce
226. our
227. ours
228. ourselves
229. oust
230. out of date
231. out of work
232. outback
233. outbreak
234. outburst
235. outcast
236. outcome
237. outcry
238. outdated
239. outdo
240. outdoor
241. outdoors
242. outer
243. outer space
244. outfit
245. outflow
246. outgoing
247. outgoings
248. outgrow
249. outing
250. outlaw
251. outlay
252. outlet
253. outline
254. outlive
255. outlook
256. outlying
257. outnumber
258. outpost
259. output
260. outrage
261. outrageous
262. outright
263. outset
264. outside
265. outsider
266. outskirts
267. outspoken
268. outstanding
269. outstretched
270. outstrip
271. outward
272. outwards
273. outweigh
274. outwit
275. oval
276. ovary
277. ovation
278. oven
279. over
280. overall
281. overboard
282. overcame
283. overcharge
284. overcoat
285. overcome
286. overcrowded
287. overcrowding
288. overdo
289. overdose
290. overdraft
291. overdue
292. overeat
293. overestimate
294. overflow
295. overgrown
296. overhang
297. overhaul
298. overhead
299. overheads
300. overhear
301. overheat
302. overhung
303. overjoyed
304. overland
305. overlap
306. overleaf
307. overload
308. overlook
309. overly
310. overnight
311. overpower
312. overpowering
313. overran
314. overrate
315. override
316. overrule
317. overrun
318. overseas
319. oversee
320. overshadow
321. oversight
322. oversized
323. overstate
324. overt
325. overtake
326. overthrow
327. overtime
328. overtone
329. overtook
330. overture
331. overturn
332. overview
333. overweight
334. overwhelm
335. overwhelming
336. overwork
337. ovulate
338. owe
339. owl
340. own
341. owner
342. ownership
343. ox
344. oyster
345. oz
346. ozone-friendly
347. ozone friendly
348. ozone layer
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Monday, April 4, 2011
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