คำศัพท์พื้นฐาน 13,410 คำ
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P=958 คำ
1. p.m
2. pace
3. pacifier
4. pacifist
5. pack
6. package
7. packaging
8. packet
9. pact
10. padded
11. padding
12. paddle
13. paddock
14. paddy
15. padlock
16. paediatrician
17. paediatrics
18. pagan
19. pageant
20. paid
21. painful
22. painfully
23. painkiller
24. painless
25. painstaking
26. paint
27. paintbrush
28. painter
29. painting
30. pajamas
31. palace
32. palatable
33. palate
34. pale
35. palette
36. pall
37. palpable
38. paltry
39. pamper
40. pamphlet
41. panacea
42. panache
43. pancake
44. panda
45. pander
46. pane
47. panelled
48. pang
49. panic
50. panorama
51. pant
52. pantomime
53. pants
54. papa
55. papal
56. paperback
57. paperwork
58. parable
59. parachute
60. parade
61. paradise
62. paraffin
63. paragon
64. paragraph
65. paralyse
66. paralysis
67. paramilitary
68. paramount
69. paranoia
70. paranoid
71. paraphernalia
72. paraphrase
73. paratrooper
74. parcel
75. parched
76. pardon
77. pare
78. parent
79. parenthood
80. parenting
81. parish
82. parishioner
83. park
84. parking lot
85. parliament
86. parliamentary
87. parlour
88. parochial
89. parody
90. parole
91. parrot
92. parsley
93. parsnip
94. part
95. part-time
96. part time
97. partial
98. participant
99. participate
100. participle
101. particle
102. particular
103. particularly
104. particulars
105. partisan
106. partly
107. partner
108. party
109. passage
110. passageway
111. passenger
112. passing
113. passion
114. passionate
115. passive
116. passover
117. passport
118. password
119. past
120. pasta
121. pastel
122. pastime
123. pastoral
124. pastry
125. pasture
126. patchwork
127. patchy
128. paternal
129. pathetic
130. pathological
131. pathos
132. pathway
133. patience
134. patient
135. patio
136. patriot
137. patriotic
138. patrol
139. patron
140. patronage
141. patronize
142. patter
143. patterned
144. pause
145. pave
146. pavement
147. pavilion
148. paw
149. pawn
150. pawnbroker
151. pay
152. payable
153. payer
154. payment
155. payoff
156. payroll
157. pda
158. pea
159. peace
160. peaceful
161. peach
162. peal
163. peanut
164. pear
165. peasant
166. peat
167. pebble
168. peck
169. peculiar
170. peculiarity
171. pedal
172. peddle
173. pedestal
174. pedestrian
175. pediatrician
176. pediatrics
177. peek
178. peel
179. peep
180. peer
181. peerage
182. pellet
183. pelt
184. pelvic
185. pelvis
186. penal
187. penalize
188. penalty
189. pence
190. penchant
191. pencil
192. pendant
193. pending
194. pendulum
195. penetrate
196. penetrating
197. penguin
198. peninsula
199. penis
200. penniless
201. penny
202. pension
203. pensioner
204. pent-up
205. pent up
206. pentagon
207. penthouse
208. penultimate
209. people
210. pepper
211. peppermint
212. per
213. per annum
214. per capita
215. per cent
216. perceive
217. percentage
218. perception
219. perceptive
220. perch
221. percussion
222. perennial
223. perfect
224. perfection
225. perfectionist
226. perform
227. performance
228. perfume
229. perhaps
230. peril
231. perilous
232. perimeter
233. periodic
234. periodical
235. peripheral
236. periphery
237. perish
238. perjury
239. perk
240. perm
241. permanent
242. permeate
243. permissible
244. permission
245. permissive
246. permit
247. pernicious
248. perpetrate
249. perpetual
250. perpetuate
251. perplexed
252. persecute
253. persevere
254. persist
255. persistent
256. persona
257. personal
258. personal computer
259. personal pronoun
260. personality
261. personalized
262. personally
263. personify
264. personnel
265. perspective
266. perspiration
267. persuade
268. persuasion
269. persuasive
270. pertain
271. pertinent
272. pervade
273. pervasive
274. perverse
275. perversion
276. pervert
277. perverted
278. pessimism
279. pest
280. pester
281. pesticide
282. pet
283. petal
284. peter
285. petite
286. petition
287. petrified
288. petrol
289. petroleum
290. petty
291. petulant
292. pew
293. pewter
294. phantom
295. pharmaceutical
296. pharmacist
297. pharmacy
298. phd
299. pheasant
300. phenomenal
301. phenomenon
302. philosopher
303. philosophic
304. philosophical
305. philosophy
306. phobia
307. phone
308. phone-in
309. phone booth
310. phone box
311. phone call
312. phone in
313. phonecard
314. phoney
315. phosphate
316. photo
317. photo shoot
318. photocopier
319. photocopy
320. photograph
321. photographer
322. photographic
323. photography
324. phrasal verb
325. phrase
326. physical
327. physician
328. physicist
329. physics
330. physiology
331. physiotherapist
332. physiotherapy
333. physique
334. piano
335. pick
336. pickaxe
337. picket
338. pickle
339. pickled
340. picnic
341. pictorial
342. picture
343. picturesque
344. piece
345. piecemeal
346. pierce
347. piercing
348. piety
349. pigeon
350. pike
351. pilgrim
352. pilgrimage
353. pill
354. pillar
355. pillow
356. pimp
357. pin-up
358. pin up
359. pincer
360. pinch
361. pine
362. pineapple
363. pink
364. pinnacle
365. pinpoint
366. pint
367. pioneer
368. pious
369. pipeline
370. piping
371. piracy
372. pirate
373. piste
374. pistol
375. piston
376. pitcher
377. pitfall
378. pitiful
379. pitted
380. pity
381. pivot
382. pivotal
383. pizza
384. placard
385. placate
386. place
387. placement
388. placid
389. plague
390. plaice
391. plain
392. plainly
393. plaintiff
394. plaintive
395. plait
396. planet
397. planetary
398. plank
399. planner
400. planning
401. plantation
402. plaster
403. plastered
404. plastic
405. plastic surgery
406. plateau
407. plated
408. platinum
409. platitude
410. platonic
411. platter
412. plausible
413. play-off
414. play off
415. player
416. playful
417. playground
418. playgroup
419. playing card
420. playing field
421. playwright
422. plaza
423. plc
424. plea
425. plead
426. pleading
427. pleasant
428. please
429. pleased
430. pleasing
431. pleasurable
432. pleasure
433. pleat
434. pleated
435. pledge
436. plentiful
437. plenty
438. pliers
439. plight
440. plod
441. plot
442. plough
443. plow
444. ploy
445. pluck
446. plum
447. plumber
448. plumbing
449. plume
450. plummet
451. plump
452. plunder
453. plunge
454. plural
455. pluralism
456. plus
457. plush
458. plutonium
459. ply
460. plywood
461. poach
462. pocket
463. pocket money
464. podium
465. poem
466. poet
467. poetic
468. poetry
469. poignant
470. point-blank
471. point blank
472. point of view
473. pointed
474. pointer
475. pointless
476. poise
477. poised
478. poison
479. poisonous
480. poke
481. poker
482. polar
483. polarize
484. polemic
485. police
486. police force
487. police officer
488. police station
489. policeman
490. policewoman
491. policy
492. polio
493. polish
494. polite
495. political
496. politician
497. politics
498. poll
499. pollen
500. polling
501. pollutant
502. pollute
503. pollution
504. polo
505. polyester
506. polythene
507. pomp
508. pompous
509. pond
510. ponder
511. ponderous
512. pony
513. ponytail
514. poodle
515. poor
516. poorly
517. popcorn
518. pope
519. poppy
520. populace
521. popular
522. popularize
523. popularly
524. populate
525. porcelain
526. porch
527. pore
528. pork
529. porn
530. pornography
531. porous
532. porridge
533. portable
534. porter
535. portion
536. portrait
537. portray
538. portrayal
539. pose
540. posh
541. positive
542. positively
543. possess
544. possession
545. possessive
546. possibility
547. possible
548. possibly
549. post-mortem
550. post-war
551. post box
552. post mortem
553. post office
554. post war
555. postage
556. postcard
557. postcode
558. poster
559. posterity
560. postgraduate
561. posting
562. postman
563. postpone
564. postulate
565. posture
566. potent
567. potential
568. potion
569. potter
570. pottery
571. potty
572. pouch
573. poultry
574. pounce
575. pour
576. pout
577. poverty
578. powder
579. powdered
580. power line
581. power plant
582. power station
583. powerful
584. powerless
585. pp
586. practicable
587. practical
588. practicality
589. practically
590. practice
591. practise
592. practised
593. practitioner
594. pragmatic
595. pragmatism
596. prairie
597. praise
598. pram
599. prank
600. prawn
601. pray
602. prayer
603. pre-eminent
604. pre-empt
605. pre-emptive
606. pre-war
607. pre eminent
608. pre empt
609. pre emptive
610. pre war
611. preach
612. precarious
613. precaution
614. precede
615. precedence
616. precedent
617. precept
618. precinct
619. precious
620. precipitate
621. precise
622. precisely
623. precision
624. preclude
625. precocious
626. preconception
627. precondition
628. precursor
629. predator
630. predatory
631. predecessor
632. predicament
633. predict
634. predictable
635. prediction
636. predispose
637. predisposition
638. predominant
639. predominate
640. preface
641. prefer
642. preferable
643. preference
644. preferential
645. prefix
646. pregnant
647. preheat
648. prehistoric
649. prejudice
650. prejudiced
651. preliminary
652. prelude
653. premature
654. premier
655. premiere
656. premiership
657. premise
658. premonition
659. prenatal
660. preoccupy
661. preparation
662. preparatory
663. prepare
664. prepared
665. preposition
666. preposterous
667. prerequisite
668. prerogative
669. prescribe
670. prescription
671. presence
672. present
673. present-day
674. present day
675. presentation
676. presently
677. preservative
678. preserve
679. preside
680. presidency
681. president
682. presidential
683. press
684. press-up
685. press conference
686. press release
687. press up
688. pressing
689. pressure group
690. pressurize
691. pressurized
692. prestige
693. prestigious
694. presumably
695. presume
696. presumption
697. presumptuous
698. pretence
699. pretend
700. pretense
701. pretension
702. pretentious
703. pretext
704. pretty
705. prevail
706. prevalent
707. prevent
708. preventative
709. preventive
710. preview
711. previous
712. previously
713. prey
714. priceless
715. pricey
716. prick
717. prickly
718. pride
719. priest
720. priestess
721. priesthood
722. prim
723. primal
724. primarily
725. primary
726. primate
727. prime minister
728. primitive
729. primrose
730. prince
731. princess
732. principally
733. principle
734. principled
735. print
736. printer
737. printout
738. prior
739. priority
740. priory
741. prise
742. prison
743. prisoner
744. pristine
745. private
746. private school
747. privatize
748. privilege
749. privileged
750. prize
751. probable
752. probably
753. probation
754. probation officer
755. problem
756. problematic
757. procedural
758. procedure
759. proceed
760. proceedings
761. procession
762. processor
763. proclaim
764. proclamation
765. procure
766. prod
767. prodigious
768. prodigy
769. produce
770. production line
771. productive
772. productivity
773. prof
774. profess
775. profession
776. professional
777. professor
778. proffer
779. proficient
780. profile
781. profitable
782. profound
783. profuse
784. profusion
785. programme
786. progress
787. progression
788. progressive
789. prohibit
790. prohibitive
791. project
792. projector
793. proliferate
794. prolific
795. prologue
796. prolong
797. prolonged
798. prominent
799. promiscuous
800. promise
801. promising
802. promote
803. promoter
804. promotional
805. prompt
806. promptly
807. prone
808. pronoun
809. pronounce
810. pronounced
811. pronouncement
812. pronunciation
813. prop
814. propaganda
815. propagate
816. propel
817. propeller
818. propensity
819. proper
820. proper noun
821. prophecy
822. prophesy
823. prophet
824. prophetic
825. proponent
826. proportion
827. proportional
828. proportionate
829. proposal
830. propose
831. proposition
832. proprietary
833. proprietor
834. prosaic
835. prose
836. prosecute
837. prosecution
838. prosecutor
839. prospect
840. prospective
841. prosper
842. prosperity
843. prosperous
844. prostitute
845. prostitution
846. protagonist
847. protect
848. protection
849. protective
850. protest
851. protestant
852. prototype
853. protracted
854. protrude
855. protégé
856. proud
857. prove
858. proverb
859. proverbial
860. provide
861. provided
862. providence
863. providing
864. province
865. provincial
866. provision
867. provisional
868. provocation
869. provocative
870. provoke
871. prowess
872. prowl
873. proximity
874. prude
875. prudent
876. prune
877. pry
878. ps
879. pseudonym
880. psyche
881. psychedelic
882. psychiatry
883. psychic
884. psychoanalysis
885. psychological
886. psychology
887. psychopath
888. psychosis
889. psychotherapy
890. psychotic
891. pub
892. puberty
893. public
894. public relations
895. public school
896. public sector
897. publication
898. publicist
899. publicity
900. publicize
901. publish
902. publisher
903. publishing
904. publishing house
905. pudding
906. puddle
907. puff
908. pullover
909. pulp
910. pulpit
911. pulsate
912. pumpkin
913. pun
914. punctual
915. punctuate
916. punctuation
917. punctuation mark
918. puncture
919. pundit
920. pungent
921. punish
922. punishing
923. punishment
924. punitive
925. punk
926. punter
927. pup
928. pupil
929. puppet
930. puppy
931. purchase
932. pure
933. puree
934. purely
935. purge
936. purify
937. purist
938. puritan
939. puritanical
940. purity
941. purple
942. purport
943. purpose
944. purpose-built
945. purpose built
946. purposeful
947. purr
948. purse
949. pursue
950. pursuit
951. purveyor
952. pushchair
953. putt
954. puzzle
955. pyjamas
956. pyramid
957. python
958. pâté
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Monday, April 4, 2011
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