คำศัพท์พื้นฐาน 13,410 คำ
จาก Cobuild Student Dictionary for Learners of English
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S=1530 คำ
1. sabbath
2. sabotage
3. sack
4. sacred
5. sacrifice
6. sadden
7. saddle
8. sadism
9. sae
10. safari
11. safe
12. safe sex
13. safeguard
14. safety
15. safety belt
16. safety net
17. sag
18. saga
19. said
20. sail
21. sailing
22. sailor
23. saint
24. sake
25. salad
26. salary
27. sales clerk
28. salesman
29. salesperson
30. saliva
31. salmon
32. salon
33. saloon
34. salty
35. salute
36. salvage
37. salvation
38. same
39. sanction
40. sanctity
41. sanctuary
42. sandal
43. sandstone
44. sandwich
45. sandy
46. sane
47. sang
48. sanitary
49. sanitation
50. sanity
51. sank
52. sarcasm
53. sarcastic
54. sardine
55. sardonic
56. sat
57. satan
58. satellite dish
59. satin
60. satire
61. satirical
62. satisfaction
63. satisfactory
64. satisfied
65. satisfy
66. satisfying
67. saturate
68. saturday
69. sauce
70. saucepan
71. saucer
72. saucy
73. sauna
74. saunter
75. sausage
76. sauté
77. savage
78. savagery
79. save
80. savings
81. saviour
82. savour
83. savoury
84. saw
85. sawdust
86. sawn
87. sax
88. saxophone
89. say
90. saying
91. scaffolding
92. scald
93. scalp
94. scamper
95. scandal
96. scandalous
97. scanner
98. scant
99. scapegoat
100. scar
101. scarce
102. scarcely
103. scarcity
104. scare
105. scared
106. scarf
107. scarlet
108. scary
109. scathing
110. scatter
111. scattered
112. scattering
113. scavenge
114. scenario
115. scene
116. scenery
117. scenic
118. scent
119. scented
120. sceptic
121. sceptical
122. scepticism
123. schedule
124. scheme
125. schizophrenia
126. schizophrenic
127. scholar
128. scholarly
129. scholarship
130. school
131. schoolboy
132. schoolchild
133. schooldays
134. schoolgirl
135. schooling
136. schoolteacher
137. sci-fi
138. sci fi
139. science fiction
140. scientific
141. scientist
142. scissors
143. scoff
144. scold
145. scoop
146. scooter
147. scorch
148. scorching
149. scorn
150. scornful
151. scotch
152. scour
153. scourge
154. scout
155. scowl
156. scramble
157. scrap
158. scrape
159. scratch
160. scratch card
161. scrawl
162. scream
163. screech
164. screen saver
165. screenplay
166. screenwriter
167. screwdriver
168. scribble
169. scripture
170. scroll
171. scroll bar
172. scrub
173. scruffy
174. scrupulous
175. scrutinize
176. scrutiny
177. scuffle
178. sculpt
179. sculpture
180. scum
181. scupper
182. scurry
183. scuttle
184. sea level
185. seafood
186. seagull
187. seam
188. seaman
189. seamless
190. search
191. search engine
192. searching
193. searing
194. seaside
195. season
196. season ticket
197. seasonal
198. seasoned
199. seasoning
200. seat
201. seat-belt
202. seat belt
203. seating
204. seaweed
205. secluded
206. seclusion
207. second-class
208. second-hand
209. second-rate
210. second best
211. second class
212. second hand
213. second rate
214. second thoughts
215. secondary
216. secondly
217. secrecy
218. secret
219. secret police
220. secret service
221. secretarial
222. secretariat
223. secretary
224. secretary of state
225. secrete
226. secretion
227. secretive
228. sect
229. sectarian
230. secular
231. secure
232. security camera
233. sedate
234. sedation
235. sedative
236. sedentary
237. sediment
238. seduce
239. seductive
240. see
241. see-through
242. see through
243. seedling
244. seedy
245. seek
246. seem
247. seeming
248. seen
249. seep
250. seethe
251. segregate
252. seize
253. seizure
254. seldom
255. select
256. selection
257. selective
258. self
259. self-confident
260. self-conscious
261. self-contained
262. self-control
263. self-defence
264. self-determination
265. self-employed
266. self-esteem
267. self-evident
268. self-help
269. self-image
270. self-imposed
271. self-indulgent
272. self-interest
273. self-pity
274. self-respect
275. self-righteous
276. self-study
277. self-styled
278. self-sufficient
279. self confident
280. self conscious
281. self contained
282. self control
283. self defence
284. self determination
285. self employed
286. self esteem
287. self evident
288. self help
289. self image
290. self imposed
291. self indulgent
292. self interest
293. self pity
294. self respect
295. self righteous
296. self study
297. self styled
298. self sufficient
299. selfish
300. selfless
301. sell
302. sell-off
303. sell-out
304. sell off
305. sell out
306. seller
307. selves
308. semblance
309. semen
310. semester
311. semi-colon
312. semi-detached
313. semi-final
314. semi colon
315. semi detached
316. semi final
317. semiconductor
318. seminal
319. seminar
320. semitic
321. senate
322. senator
323. send
324. senile
325. senior
326. senior citizen
327. sensation
328. sensational
329. sense
330. sense of humour
331. senseless
332. sensibility
333. sensible
334. sensitive
335. sensor
336. sensory
337. sensual
338. sensuous
339. sent
340. sentence
341. sentiment
342. sentimental
343. sentry
344. separate
345. separatist
346. september
347. sequel
348. sequin
349. serene
350. sergeant
351. sergeant major
352. serial
353. serious
354. seriously
355. sermon
356. serpent
357. servant
358. serve
359. service provider
360. serviceman
361. serving
362. set-top box
363. set-up
364. set top box
365. set up
366. setback
367. settee
368. setting
369. settle
370. settled
371. settlement
372. settler
373. seven
374. seventeen
375. seventeenth
376. seventh
377. seventieth
378. seventy
379. sever
380. several
381. severe
382. sew
383. sewage
384. sewer
385. sewing
386. sewn
387. sexist
388. sexual
389. sexual intercourse
390. sexuality
391. sexy
392. sh
393. shabby
394. shack
395. shade
396. shadow
397. shadowy
398. shady
399. shaggy
400. shake
401. shake-up
402. shake up
403. shaky
404. shall
405. shallow
406. shallows
407. sham
408. shambles
409. shame
410. shameful
411. shameless
412. shampoo
413. shan't
414. shant
415. shape
416. shaped
417. shareholder
418. shark
419. sharpen
420. shatter
421. shattered
422. shave
423. shaver
424. shaving
425. shawl
426. she
427. she'd
428. she'll
429. she's
430. shear
431. sheath
432. shed
433. sheen
434. sheepish
435. sheer
436. sheet
437. sheikh
438. shelf
439. shellfish
440. shelter
441. sheltered
442. shelve
443. shepherd
444. sheriff
445. sherry
446. shes
447. shield
448. shift
449. shimmer
450. shin
451. shine
452. shingle
453. shining
454. shiny
455. ship
456. shipment
457. shipping
458. shipwreck
459. shipyard
460. shirt
461. shiver
462. shoal
463. shock wave
464. shocking
465. shod
466. shoddy
467. shoe
468. shone
469. shook
470. shoot
471. shop
472. shop assistant
473. shop floor
474. shopkeeper
475. shoplift
476. shopping
477. shopping centre
478. shopping mall
479. shore
480. shoreline
481. shorn
482. short-lived
483. short-sighted
484. short-term
485. short cut
486. short lived
487. short sighted
488. short term
489. shortage
490. shortcoming
491. shorten
492. shortfall
493. shorthand
494. shortlist
495. shortly
496. shotgun
497. should
498. should've
499. shoulder
500. shouldn't
501. shouldnt
502. shouldve
503. shout
504. shove
505. shovel
506. show
507. show-off
508. show business
509. show off
510. showdown
511. shower
512. shower gel
513. shown
514. showpiece
515. showroom
516. shrank
517. shrapnel
518. shred
519. shrewd
520. shriek
521. shrill
522. shrimp
523. shrine
524. shrink
525. shrivel
526. shroud
527. shrub
528. shrug
529. shrunk
530. shudder
531. shuffle
532. shun
533. shunt
534. shut
535. shutdown
536. shutter
537. shuttle
538. shuttlecock
539. shy
540. sibling
541. sick
542. sicken
543. sickly
544. sickness
545. side-effect
546. side effect
547. side road
548. side salad
549. side street
550. sideline
551. sidestep
552. sidewalk
553. sideways
554. siege
555. sieve
556. sift
557. sigh
558. sight
559. sighting
560. sightseeing
561. signatory
562. significance
563. significant
564. signify
565. sikh
566. silence
567. silent
568. silhouette
569. silicon
570. silicone
571. silky
572. sill
573. silly
574. silt
575. silver medal
576. silvery
577. sim card
578. similar
579. similarity
580. similarly
581. simmer
582. simplicity
583. simplify
584. simplistic
585. simply
586. simulate
587. simultaneous
588. since
589. sincere
590. sincerely
591. sinful
592. sing
593. singer
594. single-
595. single-handed
596. single-minded
597. single handed
598. single minded
599. single parent
600. singular
601. sinister
602. sip
603. siphon
604. sir
605. siren
606. sister
607. sister-in-law
608. sister in law
609. sit-up
610. sit up
611. sitting-room
612. sitting room
613. situated
614. situation
615. six
616. six-yard box
617. six pack
618. six yard box
619. sixteen
620. sixteenth
621. sixth
622. sixth form
623. sixtieth
624. sixty
625. sizable
626. sizeable
627. sizzle
628. skate
629. skeletal
630. skeleton
631. skeptic
632. skeptical
633. skepticism
634. sketch
635. sketchy
636. skewer
637. ski
638. skid
639. skilful
640. skill
641. skilled
642. skillful
643. skim
644. skimpy
645. skinny
646. skip
647. skipper
648. skirmish
649. skirt
650. skull
651. sky
652. skyline
653. skyscraper
654. slab
655. slack
656. slacken
657. slacks
658. slain
659. slam
660. slander
661. slang
662. slant
663. slap
664. slash
665. slate
666. slaughter
667. slave
668. slavery
669. slay
670. sleazy
671. sled
672. sledge
673. sleek
674. sleep
675. sleeper
676. sleeping bag
677. sleepless
678. sleepover
679. sleepy
680. sleet
681. sleeve
682. sleigh
683. slender
684. slept
685. slew
686. slice
687. slick
688. slide
689. slight
690. slightly
691. slim
692. slime
693. sling
694. slipper
695. slippery
696. slit
697. slither
698. sliver
699. slog
700. slogan
701. slop
702. slope
703. sloppy
704. slouch
705. slow
706. slow motion
707. slowdown
708. sludge
709. slug
710. sluggish
711. slum
712. slumber
713. slumber party
714. slump
715. slung
716. slur
717. sly
718. smack
719. small
720. small-scale
721. small print
722. small scale
723. smart
724. smartly
725. smash
726. smashing
727. smear
728. smell
729. smelly
730. smelt
731. smile
732. smirk
733. smog
734. smoky
735. smolder
736. smooth
737. smother
738. smoulder
739. smudge
740. smug
741. smuggle
742. snack
743. snag
744. snail
745. snap
746. snapshot
747. snare
748. snarl
749. snatch
750. sneak
751. sneaker
752. sneer
753. sneeze
754. sniff
755. snigger
756. snip
757. snipe
758. snippet
759. snob
760. snobbery
761. snooker
762. snoop
763. snore
764. snorkel
765. snort
766. snow
767. snowball
768. snowboard
769. snowboarding
770. snowy
771. snub
772. snuck
773. snuff
774. snug
775. snuggle
776. so-and-so
777. so-called
778. so and so
779. so called
780. soak
781. soap opera
782. soar
783. sob
784. sober
785. sobering
786. soccer
787. sociable
788. social
789. social life
790. social science
791. social security
792. social services
793. social work
794. social worker
795. socialist
796. socialize
797. society
798. sociology
799. sock
800. soda
801. sodden
802. sodium
803. sofa
804. soft
805. soft drink
806. soften
807. soggy
808. soil
809. solace
810. solar
811. solar system
812. sold
813. soldier
814. solemn
815. solicit
816. solicitor
817. solidarity
818. solidify
819. solitary
820. solitude
821. solo
822. soloist
823. soluble
824. solve
825. sombre
826. some
827. somebody
828. somehow
829. someone
830. someplace
831. something
832. sometime
833. sometimes
834. somewhat
835. somewhere
836. son-in-law
837. son in law
838. sonata
839. song
840. sonic
841. sonnet
842. soon
843. soot
844. soothe
845. sophisticated
846. sophistication
847. soprano
848. sordid
849. sore
850. sorely
851. sorrow
852. sorrows
853. sorry
854. sort
855. sortie
856. soufflé
857. sought
858. sought-after
859. sought after
860. soul
861. soundcard
862. soundly
863. soundtrack
864. soup
865. sour
866. south
867. south-east
868. south-eastern
869. south-west
870. south-western
871. south east
872. south eastern
873. south west
874. south western
875. southerly
876. southern
877. southerner
878. southward
879. souvenir
880. sovereign
881. sovereignty
882. sow
883. space station
884. spacecraft
885. spaceship
886. spacing
887. spacious
888. spade
889. spaghetti
890. spank
891. spanner
892. spar
893. spare
894. spare part
895. spare time
896. sparing
897. spark
898. sparkle
899. sparkling
900. sparrow
901. sparse
902. spartan
903. spasm
904. spat
905. spate
906. spatial
907. spatter
908. speak
909. speaker
910. spear
911. spearhead
912. spec
913. special
914. special effect
915. specialise
916. specialist
917. speciality
918. specialize
919. specialized
920. specially
921. specialty
922. specific
923. specifically
924. specification
925. specifics
926. specify
927. specimen
928. speck
929. spectacle
930. spectacular
931. spectator
932. spectre
933. speculate
934. speculative
935. sped
936. speech
937. speechless
938. speed limit
939. speedy
940. spell
941. spellcheck
942. spellchecker
943. spelt
944. spend
945. spent
946. sperm
947. spew
948. sphere
949. spice
950. spiced
951. spicy
952. spiked
953. spiky
954. spill
955. spin-off
956. spin off
957. spinach
958. spinal
959. spine
960. spiral
961. spire
962. spirit
963. spirited
964. spiritual
965. spit
966. spite
967. splash
968. splatter
969. splendid
970. splendour
971. splinter
972. split second
973. splutter
974. spoil
975. spoke
976. spoken
977. spokesman
978. spokesperson
979. spokeswoman
980. sponge
981. sponsor
982. sponsorship
983. spontaneity
984. spontaneous
985. spooky
986. spool
987. spoon
988. sporadic
989. spore
990. sport
991. sporting
992. sportsman
993. sportswoman
994. sporty
995. spotlight
996. spouse
997. spout
998. sprain
999. sprang
1000. sprawl
1001. spray
1002. spree
1003. sprig
1004. sprinkle
1005. sprint
1006. sprout
1007. spruce
1008. sprung
1009. spun
1010. spurious
1011. spurn
1012. spurt
1013. spy
1014. sq
1015. squabble
1016. squad
1017. squadron
1018. squalid
1019. squalor
1020. squander
1021. squarely
1022. squash
1023. squat
1024. squatter
1025. squeak
1026. squeal
1027. squeeze
1028. squid
1029. squint
1030. squirm
1031. squirrel
1032. squirt
1033. st
1034. stab
1035. stabbing
1036. stabilize
1037. stable
1038. stadium
1039. staff
1040. staffing
1041. stag
1042. stagger
1043. staggering
1044. stagnant
1045. stagnate
1046. staid
1047. stain
1048. stained glass
1049. stainless steel
1050. stair
1051. staircase
1052. stairway
1053. stake
1054. stale
1055. stalemate
1056. stalk
1057. stall
1058. stallion
1059. stalwart
1060. stamina
1061. stammer
1062. stamp
1063. stamped addressed envelope
1064. stampede
1065. stance
1066. stand
1067. stand-in
1068. stand-off
1069. stand-up
1070. stand in
1071. stand off
1072. stand up
1073. standard of living
1074. standardize
1075. standby
1076. standing
1077. standpoint
1078. standstill
1079. stank
1080. staple
1081. starboard
1082. starch
1083. stardom
1084. stare
1085. stark
1086. start
1087. starter
1088. starting point
1089. startle
1090. startling
1091. starve
1092. starving
1093. stash
1094. state-of-the-art
1095. state of affairs
1096. state of mind
1097. state of the art
1098. stately
1099. statement
1100. statesman
1101. static
1102. station
1103. stationary
1104. stationery
1105. statistic
1106. statue
1107. stature
1108. status
1109. status quo
1110. statute
1111. statutory
1112. staunch
1113. stave
1114. stay
1115. stead
1116. steadfast
1117. steady
1118. steak
1119. steal
1120. stealth
1121. steam
1122. steamer
1123. steamy
1124. steely
1125. steep
1126. steeped
1127. steer
1128. steering wheel
1129. stench
1130. stencil
1131. stepfather
1132. stepmother
1133. stepping stone
1134. stereo
1135. stereotype
1136. sterile
1137. sterilize
1138. sterling
1139. stern
1140. steroid
1141. stew
1142. steward
1143. stewardess
1144. stick
1145. stick insect
1146. sticker
1147. sticky
1148. stiff
1149. stiffen
1150. stifle
1151. stifling
1152. stigma
1153. stigmatize
1154. stiletto
1155. still
1156. still life
1157. stimulant
1158. stimulate
1159. stimulus
1160. sting
1161. stink
1162. stint
1163. stipulate
1164. stir
1165. stirring
1166. stitch
1167. stock exchange
1168. stock market
1169. stockbroker
1170. stockbroking
1171. stockholder
1172. stocking
1173. stockist
1174. stockpile
1175. stocky
1176. stoke
1177. stole
1178. stolen
1179. stomp
1180. stone
1181. stone age
1182. stony
1183. stood
1184. stool
1185. stoop
1186. stoppage
1187. storage
1188. store
1189. storey
1190. storm
1191. stormy
1192. story
1193. stout
1194. stove
1195. stow
1196. straddle
1197. straight
1198. straight away
1199. straighten
1200. straightforward
1201. strained
1202. strait
1203. strand
1204. strange
1205. stranger
1206. strangle
1207. stranglehold
1208. strap
1209. strata
1210. strategic
1211. strategist
1212. strategy
1213. stratum
1214. straw
1215. strawberry
1216. stray
1217. streak
1218. stream
1219. streamline
1220. streamlined
1221. street
1222. street crime
1223. streetcar
1224. strength
1225. strengthen
1226. strenuous
1227. stressed
1228. stressful
1229. stretch
1230. stretcher
1231. strewn
1232. stricken
1233. strict
1234. strictly
1235. stride
1236. strident
1237. strife
1238. striker
1239. striking
1240. stringent
1241. stripe
1242. striped
1243. stripper
1244. strive
1245. strode
1246. stroll
1247. stroller
1248. strong
1249. stronghold
1250. strove
1251. struck
1252. structural
1253. struggle
1254. strum
1255. strung
1256. strut
1257. stub
1258. stubble
1259. stubborn
1260. stuck
1261. stud
1262. studded
1263. student
1264. studio
1265. study
1266. stuff
1267. stuffing
1268. stuffy
1269. stumble
1270. stumbling block
1271. stump
1272. stun
1273. stung
1274. stunk
1275. stunning
1276. stunt
1277. stupid
1278. sturdy
1279. stutter
1280. stylish
1281. stylistic
1282. stylized
1283. suave
1284. subcommittee
1285. subconscious
1286. subculture
1287. subdivision
1288. subdue
1289. subdued
1290. subject matter
1291. subjective
1292. subjunctive
1293. sublime
1294. submarine
1295. submerge
1296. submission
1297. submissive
1298. submit
1299. subordinate
1300. subordinate clause
1301. subscribe
1302. subscription
1303. subsequent
1304. subservient
1305. subside
1306. subsidiary
1307. subsidize
1308. subsidy
1309. subsistence
1310. substantial
1311. substantially
1312. substantiate
1313. substantive
1314. substitute
1315. subterranean
1316. subtle
1317. subtlety
1318. subtract
1319. suburb
1320. suburban
1321. suburbia
1322. subversion
1323. subversive
1324. subvert
1325. subway
1326. succeed
1327. success
1328. success story
1329. successful
1330. succession
1331. successive
1332. successor
1333. succinct
1334. succulent
1335. succumb
1336. such
1337. suck
1338. sucker
1339. sudden
1340. sue
1341. suede
1342. suffer
1343. suffering
1344. suffice
1345. sufficient
1346. suffix
1347. suffocate
1348. suggest
1349. suggestion
1350. suggestive
1351. suicidal
1352. suicide
1353. suit
1354. suitable
1355. suitcase
1356. suite
1357. suited
1358. suitor
1359. sulfur
1360. sulk
1361. sullen
1362. sulphur
1363. sultan
1364. sultry
1365. sum
1366. summarize
1367. summary
1368. summer
1369. summer camp
1370. summertime
1371. summing up
1372. summit
1373. summon
1374. summons
1375. sumptuous
1376. sunbathe
1377. sunburn
1378. sunday
1379. sundry
1380. sunflower
1381. sung
1382. sunglasses
1383. sunk
1384. sunken
1385. sunlight
1386. sunny
1387. sunrise
1388. sunscreen
1389. sunset
1390. sunshine
1391. suntan
1392. super
1393. superb
1394. superficial
1395. superfluous
1396. superimpose
1397. superintendent
1398. superior
1399. superlative
1400. supermarket
1401. supermodel
1402. supernatural
1403. superpower
1404. supersede
1405. supersonic
1406. superstar
1407. superstition
1408. superstitious
1409. supervise
1410. supervisory
1411. supper
1412. supplant
1413. supple
1414. supplement
1415. supplementary
1416. supplier
1417. supply
1418. supportive
1419. suppose
1420. supposed
1421. suppress
1422. supremacy
1423. supreme
1424. sure
1425. surely
1426. surf
1427. surface
1428. surge
1429. surgeon
1430. surgery
1431. surgical
1432. surmise
1433. surname
1434. surpass
1435. surplus
1436. surprise
1437. surprised
1438. surprising
1439. surreal
1440. surrender
1441. surrogate
1442. surround
1443. surroundings
1444. surveillance
1445. survey
1446. survival
1447. survive
1448. susceptible
1449. suspect
1450. suspend
1451. suspenders
1452. suspense
1453. suspicion
1454. suspicious
1455. sustain
1456. sustainable
1457. swab
1458. swagger
1459. swallow
1460. swam
1461. swamp
1462. swan
1463. swap
1464. swarm
1465. swat
1466. swathe
1467. sway
1468. swear
1469. sweat
1470. sweater
1471. sweatshirt
1472. sweaty
1473. sweep
1474. sweeping
1475. sweetcorn
1476. sweeten
1477. sweetener
1478. sweetheart
1479. swell
1480. swelling
1481. sweltering
1482. swept
1483. swerve
1484. swift
1485. swim
1486. swimming
1487. swimming pool
1488. swimsuit
1489. swindle
1490. swipe
1491. swipe card
1492. swirl
1493. swish
1494. switchboard
1495. swivel
1496. swollen
1497. swoon
1498. swoop
1499. swop
1500. sword
1501. swore
1502. sworn
1503. swum
1504. swung
1505. syllable
1506. syllabus
1507. symbolic
1508. symbolize
1509. symmetrical
1510. symmetry
1511. sympathetic
1512. sympathize
1513. sympathy
1514. symphony
1515. symphony orchestra
1516. symposium
1517. symptom
1518. symptomatic
1519. synagogue
1520. synchronize
1521. syndicate
1522. synonym
1523. synonymous
1524. synthesis
1525. synthesize
1526. synthetic
1527. syphon
1528. syringe
1529. syrup
1530. systematic
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Monday, April 4, 2011
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