คำศัพท์พื้นฐาน 13,410 คำ
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T=616 คำ
1. t-shirt
2. t shirt
3. tab
4. tablecloth
5. tablespoon
6. tablet
7. tabloid
8. taboo
9. tacit
10. tack
11. tackle
12. tacky
13. tact
14. tactful
15. tactic
16. tactical
17. tailor
18. tailor-made
19. tailor made
20. taint
21. take
22. takeaway
23. taken
24. takeoff
25. takeout
26. takeover
27. taker
28. takings
29. tale
30. talent
31. talented
32. talisman
33. talk
34. tall
35. tally
36. tame
37. tamper
38. tampon
39. tandem
40. tangible
41. tangle
42. tanker
43. tanned
44. tantalize
45. tantamount
46. tantrum
47. tape measure
48. tape recorder
49. taper
50. tapestry
51. tarmac
52. tarnish
53. tart
54. tartan
55. task
56. tasteful
57. tasteless
58. tasty
59. tattered
60. tatters
61. tattoo
62. taught
63. taunt
64. taut
65. tax
66. tax-free
67. tax free
68. taxable
69. taxation
70. taxi
71. taxing
72. taxpayer
73. tb
74. teach
75. teaching
76. teak
77. team
78. team-mate
79. team mate
80. teamwork
81. teapot
82. tear
83. tear gas
84. tearful
85. tease
86. teaspoon
87. technical
88. technicality
89. technically
90. technician
91. technique
92. technology
93. teddy
94. tedious
95. teem
96. teen
97. teenage
98. teenager
99. teeter
100. teeth
101. tefl
102. telecommunications
103. telegram
104. telemarketing
105. telepathy
106. telephone
107. telephone box
108. telesales
109. telescope
110. televise
111. television
112. tell
113. telling
114. telly
115. temper
116. temperament
117. temperamental
118. temperate
119. template
120. tempo
121. temporal
122. temporary
123. tempt
124. temptation
125. tempted
126. ten
127. tenacious
128. tenacity
129. tenancy
130. tenant
131. tend
132. tendency
133. tendon
134. tenement
135. tenet
136. tennis
137. tenor
138. tense
139. tension
140. tent
141. tentacle
142. tentative
143. tenth
144. tenuous
145. tenure
146. tepid
147. terminate
148. terminology
149. termite
150. terrace
151. terraced house
152. terracotta
153. terrain
154. terrible
155. terrific
156. terrify
157. terrifying
158. territorial
159. territory
160. terror
161. terrorist
162. terrorize
163. terse
164. tertiary
165. test case
166. testament
167. testicle
168. testify
169. testimonial
170. testimony
171. testosterone
172. tether
173. text
174. text message
175. text messaging
176. textbook
177. textile
178. texting
179. texture
180. than
181. thank
182. thankful
183. thankfully
184. thanks
185. thanksgiving
186. that
187. that's
188. thatched
189. thats
190. thaw
191. the
192. theatre
193. theatrical
194. theft
195. their
196. theirs
197. them
198. theme
199. themselves
200. then
201. theologian
202. theology
203. theoretical
204. theoretically
205. theorize
206. therapeutic
207. therapist
208. therapy
209. there
210. thereafter
211. thereby
212. therefore
213. therein
214. thermal
215. thermometer
216. these
217. thesis
218. they
219. they'd
220. they'll
221. they're
222. they've
223. theyd
224. theyll
225. theyre
226. theyve
227. thick
228. thicken
229. thief
230. thigh
231. thin
232. thing
233. think
234. thinker
235. thinking
236. third
237. third party
238. third world
239. thirdly
240. thirst
241. thirsty
242. thirteen
243. thirteenth
244. thirtieth
245. thirty
246. this
247. thorn
248. thorny
249. thorough
250. those
251. though
252. thought
253. thoughtful
254. thoughtless
255. thousand
256. thousandth
257. thrash
258. threat
259. threaten
260. three
261. three-dimensional
262. three-quarters
263. three dimensional
264. three quarters
265. threw
266. thrift
267. thrill
268. thrilled
269. thriller
270. thrilling
271. thrive
272. throb
273. throne
274. throng
275. throttle
276. through
277. throughout
278. throw
279. thrown
280. thrust
281. thud
282. thug
283. thumb
284. thump
285. thunder
286. thunderous
287. thunderstorm
288. thursday
289. thus
290. thwart
291. thyme
292. ticket
293. tickle
294. tidal
295. tidal wave
296. tide
297. tidy
298. tier
299. tight
300. tighten
301. tights
302. tile
303. tiled
304. till
305. tilt
306. timber
307. time-honoured
308. time honoured
309. timeless
310. timely
311. timetable
312. timid
313. timing
314. tinge
315. tinged
316. tingle
317. tinker
318. tinned
319. tint
320. tiny
321. tiptoe
322. tirade
323. tire
324. tired
325. tireless
326. tiresome
327. tiring
328. tissue
329. titillate
330. titled
331. toad
332. toast
333. toaster
334. tobacco
335. today
336. toddler
337. toe
338. toenail
339. toffee
340. together
341. toil
342. toilet
343. toilet paper
344. toiletries
345. token
346. told
347. tolerable
348. tolerant
349. tolerate
350. toll
351. tomato
352. tomb
353. tombstone
354. tomorrow
355. tonic
356. tonight
357. tonne
358. too
359. took
360. tool
361. toolbar
362. tooth
363. toothbrush
364. toothpaste
365. top class
366. top secret
367. topic
368. topical
369. topless
370. topped
371. topple
372. torch
373. tore
374. torment
375. torn
376. tornado
377. torpedo
378. torrent
379. torrential
380. torso
381. tortoise
382. tortuous
383. torture
384. tory
385. toss
386. total
387. totalitarian
388. totter
389. touch
390. touch-screen
391. touch screen
392. touchy
393. tough
394. toughen
395. tour
396. tourism
397. tourist
398. tournament
399. tout
400. tow
401. towards
402. towel
403. tower
404. towering
405. town
406. town hall
407. township
408. toxic
409. toy
410. track record
411. tracksuit
412. tractor
413. trade union
414. trade unionist
415. trademark
416. trader
417. tradition
418. traffic circle
419. traffic jam
420. traffic light
421. tragedy
422. tragic
423. trail
424. trailer
425. trailer park
426. trainee
427. trainer
428. trainspotter
429. trainspotting
430. trait
431. traitor
432. tram
433. tramp
434. trample
435. trance
436. tranquil
437. tranquillize
438. tranquillizer
439. transaction
440. transatlantic
441. transcend
442. transcribe
443. transcript
444. transform
445. transfusion
446. transient
447. transistor
448. transit
449. transition
450. transitive
451. translate
452. translucent
453. transmission
454. transmit
455. transmitter
456. transparency
457. transparent
458. transpire
459. transplant
460. transport
461. transportation
462. trapped
463. trappings
464. trash
465. trauma
466. traumatic
467. travel
468. travel agent
469. traveller
470. traveller's cheque
471. travellers cheque
472. traverse
473. travesty
474. trawler
475. tray
476. treacherous
477. treachery
478. tread
479. treadmill
480. treason
481. treasure
482. treasurer
483. treasury
484. treat
485. treatment
486. treaty
487. treble
488. trek
489. tremble
490. tremendous
491. tremor
492. trench
493. trend
494. trendy
495. trepidation
496. trespass
497. tribe
498. tribulation
499. tribunal
500. tribute
501. trick
502. trickle
503. tricky
504. tried
505. trifle
506. trigger
507. trillion
508. trilogy
509. trim
510. trimming
511. trio
512. trip
513. triple
514. triplet
515. tripod
516. triumph
517. triumphant
518. trivia
519. trivial
520. triviality
521. trod
522. trodden
523. trolley
524. trombone
525. troop
526. trooper
527. trophy
528. tropical
529. tropics
530. trot
531. trouble
532. troubled
533. troublemaker
534. troublesome
535. trough
536. troupe
537. trousers
538. trout
539. truant
540. truce
541. truck
542. trudge
543. true
544. truly
545. trump
546. trumpet
547. trumpeter
548. trundle
549. trunk
550. trusting
551. trustworthy
552. truthful
553. try
554. trying
555. tub
556. tuberculosis
557. tubing
558. tuck
559. tuesday
560. tug
561. tuition
562. tulip
563. tumble
564. tummy
565. tumour
566. tumultuous
567. tuna
568. tune
569. tunic
570. tunnel
571. turbine
572. turbulent
573. turf
574. turmoil
575. turning
576. turning point
577. turnip
578. turnout
579. turquoise
580. turtle
581. tusk
582. tussle
583. tutor
584. tutorial
585. tuxedo
586. tv
587. tweed
588. twelfth
589. twelve
590. twentieth
591. twenty
592. twice
593. twig
594. twilight
595. twin
596. twinkle
597. twirl
598. twist
599. twisted
600. twister
601. twitch
602. two
603. two-thirds
604. two-way
605. two thirds
606. two way
607. tycoon
608. typewriter
609. typhoon
610. typical
611. typically
612. typify
613. typist
614. tyranny
615. tyrant
616. tyre
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Monday, April 4, 2011
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