

Thursday, July 21, 2016

TOEFL Vocabulary - The Complete Vocabulary List

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abandon: 1. a lack of control or restraint 2. loss of inhibitions 3. exuberance 4. surrender to one's natural impulses
abandonment: 1. leaving someone, such as a child or a spouse, voluntarily 2. the act of giving something up 3. the act of letting something or someone go
abate: reduce in amount, degree, or intensity; lessen
abbreviate: make (a word, phrase, or text) shorter
abbreviation: 1. a shortened form of a name, phrase or word 2. the act of shortening something
abdicate: 1. leave or give up a throne, right, power, claim, responsibility, or the like, especially in a formal manner; abandon, lay down, or withdraw from 2. fail to do what is required by (a responsibility or duty)
aberration: a departure from what is right, true, correct, etc., typically an unwelcome one
abeyance: 1. a temporary stoppage or delay of activity 2. suspension
abhor: regard with extreme dislike and hatred
abide: 1. to accept 2. to put up with; to tolerate 3. to conform
ability: 1. the capacity to do something 2. a skill or talent in a specific area
abjure: 1. to officially renounce 2. to formally and publicly announce that one no longer believes in something
abnormal: 1. strange 2. not usual or typical 3. not what is considered to be normal
aboard: 1. on a boat or any sort of vehicle, such as a train or plane 2. into a group; as a participant
abolish: 1. to get rid of in an official way 2. to put an end to 3. to completely destroy
abolition: 1. the act of getting rid of something 2. the act of stopping or cancelling something
abrasive: 1. unkind or rude 2. an abrasive substance that is used in order to grind down, clean or polish objects
abridge: 1. to make something shorter while keeping the same meaning 2. to condense 3. to reduce
abrogate: 1. to officially put an end to something, especially a law or another type of formal agreement
abrupt: 1. brusque or curt in behavior or speech 2. unexpected or sudden, most often in an unpleasant or shocking way 3. steep
abscond: leave or escape from a place hurriedly or secretly, typically to avoid detection of, capture, legal prosecution or arrest for an unlawful action
absence: 1. the state or condition of someone or something not being present or not existing 2. a failure to appear
absent: 1. not present in a certain time or location 2. non-existent 3. missing
absolute: 1. complete, definite or perfect 2. not limited in any way 3. unadulterated
absolutely: 1. completely 2. definitely 3. without exception
absolution: 1. giving forgiveness; freeing from blame or fault, especially when referring to religious issues
absorb: 1. to incorporate something 2. to soak up or suck up something 3. to gradually take something in
absorption: 1. the act or process of taking in or absorbing any substance 2. the state of being mentally engrossed in something; total concentration
abstain: deliberately choose not to do or have something that is enjoyable but that may not be healthy, safe, or morally right 2. refrain from voting
abstemious: 1. moderation when consuming something one enjoys, such as alcohol or food 2. showing restraint
abstract: 1. not concrete; not related to a physical object or real event 2. expressing or showing feelings instead of real objects or people 3. difficult to understand because of its complexity 4. theoretical
abstruse: difficult to understand, especially because of being extremely complex
absurd: 1. silly or ridiculous, especially in a laughable way 2. illogical or totally untrue 3. difficult or impossible to believe
abundance: 1. an extremely large quantity of something 2. a quantity that is considered to be more than enough
abundant: 1. great in number 2. available in a large number 3. more than enough; plenty
abuse: 1. misuse of something 2. unfair or hurtful treatment of a person or an animal 3. improper use
academic: 1. related to school or scholarly subjects 2. theoretical; not practical 3. scholarly; good at studying
accede: 1. to formally take on official duties 2. to agree; to give consent 3. to do what someone else says
accelerate: 1. to speed up 2. to go faster 3. to make something happen or to happen at a quicker rate than normal
acceleration: 1. an increase in speed or rate 2. the ability of something to go faster
access: 1. a way of entering or exiting a place 2. the right or permission to use, approach, or enter something or somewhere 3. the act of approaching
accessible: 1. obtainable 2. easy to enter, speak with, or approach 3. easily influenced
accessory: 1. an object that is added to another in order to make it more useful or attractive 2. a person that helps another person commit a crime, but who does not actually take part in the crime
accident: 1. an unforeseen event that causes harm, damage, injury or even death 2. a sudden and unplanned event
accidental: 1. unexpected 2. not predicted 3. happening by chance
accidentally: 1. by chance 2. unexpectedly 3. by mistake
accolade: 1. an award 2. a declaration of praise, approval, or admiration
accommodate: 1. to do a favor or oblige someone 2. to supply 3. to provide space for people to stay or to be 4. to adapt or to make suitable
accommodation: 1. lodgings used for travelers 2. a place to stay or live

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accompaniment: 1. something that accompanies something or someone else 2. music that accompanies a singer or the main tune
accompany: 1. to go along with 2. to be associated with 3. to go somewhere with someone
accomplish: 1. to carry something out; to finish something 2. to be successful in doing something 3. to complete or fulfill
accomplishment: 1. fulfillment, success or achievement 2. something that was done successfully
accord: concurrence of opinions or wills
account: 1. an explanation or description of a specific event or situation 2. a narrative 3. the reasons behind a specific event or action
accountant: 1. a person who keeps and prepares financial reports for businesses and individuals
accounting: 1. the practice or process of recording and keeping financial records of individuals or corporations
accumulate: 1. to collect or gather 2. to amass 3. to increase in quantity or amount
accumulation: 1. the act of growing or increasing in amount over an extended period of time 2. agglomeration
accurate: 1. meticulous or giving careful consideration to the details 2. exact 3. free from errors and mistakes
achieve: 1. to accomplish 2. to reach something through hard work 3. to succeed
acquiesce: 1. to agree to something reticently but without protesting
acquire: 1. to obtain 2. to purchase 3. to develop or learn a habit or skill 4. to pinpoint and hold a target or something else through the use of radar or another tracking device
acquisition: 1. the act of getting something or gaining possession of a skill or a good 2. something that one gets or gains possession of
acrid: 1. a strong, bitter or stinging smell which often creates an unpleasant smell in one's throat 2. a bitter or sharp taste
acrimony: sharpness, harshness, or bitterness of nature, temper, manner, or speech
acumen: the ability to think clearly, make good judgments and take quick decision in a particular subject, such as business or politics
adamant: 1. refusing to be persuaded, or unwilling to change an opinion or decision in spite of pleas, appeals, or reason; stubbornly unyielding 2. too hard to cut, break, or pierce
adapt: 1. to make changes in order to fit a specific situation or purpose 2. to modify 3. to alter something
adaptation: 1. the act of modifying something so that it better fits one's needs 2. change; adjustment
adept: highly skilled or proficient at doing something; expert
adequate: 1. sufficient to fit the requirements or needs 2. good enough, but not excessively good 3. satisfactory
adjacent: 1. near 2. close to 3. neighboring 4. touching
adjust: 1. to make changes to 2. to settle or adapt to a situation
adjustment: 1. a change or modification that makes something more suitable or accurate for the person or situation 2. an adaptation
administration: 1. a person or group that governs or manages a particular organization 2. the act of controlling a particular organization, group or plan
adroit: very clever or skillful in a physical or mental way
adulation: excessive admiration, praise, or flattery
adversity: a difficult, unlucky, or unpleasant situation, condition, or event; misfortune; tragedy
advocate: 1. publicly speak, write, plead, recommend, support or argue for a cause, particular policy or way of doing things 2. a person who publicly speaks, writes, pleads, recommends, supports or argues for a cause, particular policy or way of doing things
aesthetic: 1. relating to beauty or the study or appreciation of beauty or good taste 2. nice to look at
affable: 1. kind or friendly 2. warm and open to others
affect: 1. to impact someone emotionally or mentally 2. to produce a change in
affected: 1. behaving in an artificial way to impress people 2. emotionally stirred or moved 3. impaired, harmed, or attacked, as by climate or disease 4. artificial and not sincere
aggregate: 1. to collect or bring together 2. to add amounts together
aid: 1. help; assistance 2. a person who helps someone or something 3. a helpful device
alacrity: a cheerful readiness, promptness, or willingness to do something
albeit: 1. although 2. even if 3. notwithstanding
alchemy: 1. a type of chemistry from the Medieval age which focused on two major tasks: turning ordinary metals into gold and developing an elixir that allows people to stay young forever 2. magical powers of transformation or creation
allay: 1. to calm or to lessen negative feelings or pain 2. to pacify 3. to alleviate or relieve
allocate: divide and give out (something) for a particular purpose
aloof: 1. unfriendly or unwilling to interact with others 2. distant 3. uninvolved
alter: 1. to change or modify 2. to make something different 3. to castrate or spay an animal
alternative: 1. not traditional or usual 2. being a choice; offering a choice 3. existing outside traditional society
amalgamate: mix, merge, combine or unite to form one thing
amass: 1. to gather or collect goods of any kind over a long period of time 2. to accumulate
ambiguous: 1. not expressed or understood clearly 2. open to or having several possible meanings or interpretations
ambivalence: 1. the state of having simultaneous contradicting feelings towards an someone or something 2. uncertainty 3. fluctuation
ameliorate: 1. to improve 2. to make better 3. to make tolerable

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amenable: 1. ready or willing to answer, act, agree, or yield 2. responsible or answerable
amend: 1. to make changes to 2. to improve 3. to alter 4. to remove errors from
amendment: 1. a change that is made to something, such as a law, an agreement or any other document 2. a minor change or addition to something
amiable: pleasant and friendly; good-natured and likable
amicable: characterized by or exhibiting friendliness or goodwill, often despite a difficult situation
amity: 1. a positive or friendly relationship 2. a peaceful relationship, especially when referring to two or more nations or specific groups
amorphous: 1. without a defined shape or form 2. unorganized 3. missing a clear structure
anachronism: a person or a thing that is mistakenly placed in a time where it does not belong to, especially a thing or person that belongs to an earlier time
analogous: 1. similar to 2. alike or related in a way that allows analogies to be drawn
analogy: 1. a comparison designed to show that two or more things are similar 2. partial resemblance 3. comparability
analyse: 1. to examine something critically 2. to separate something into its parts in order to examine it or better understand it 3. to psychoanalyze
analysis: 1. the study or examination of something in an attempt to define it or understand it 2. investigation 3. the act of breaking a subject down into parts to study it
anarchy: 1. a lack of government or social control of any sort 2. lawlessness and confusion due to an absence of control or structure
anecdote: a short, often funny story, especially about something some happening, usually personal or biographical
animosity: 1. clear negativity or hatred of someone or something 2. strong opposition 3. open hostility
annex: 1. to take control or possession over a piece of land without permission and often by the use of force 2. to add or attach 3.
annual: 1. occurring each year 2. payable on a yearly basis or calculated over a year 3. yearly
anomaly: 1. something strange or different from what is considered to be normal 2. unusual or unexpected 3. irregularity
anonymous: 1. with no name known or acknowledged 2. made or done by someone unknown 3. having no unusual or interesting features
antagonist: a person who opposes to, struggles against, or competes with someone or something, especially in combat; adversary; opponent
anthology: 1. a book that contains many different selections, often from various authors 2. a collection of music or different works of art
anthropology: the study of human races, origins, societies, beliefs, cultures, and its physical development
anticipate: 1. to predict or foresee 2. to look forward to something 3. to prepare for something or deal with something before it happens
antipathy: a strong feeling of intense aversion, dislike, or hostility
antiquated: 1. so old that it is no longer fashionable 2. old-fashioned 3. obsolete 4. out-dated
apathetic: feeling or showing little or no interest, enthusiasm, or concern, especially over something important
apathy: 1. uninterested and not energetic behavior 2. lack of interest 3. lack of concern
apocryphal: 1. something that is quite possibly untrue or is of doubtful authenticity, despite the fact that many people believe it to be true
apparent: 1. clear and able to be seen 2. obvious; evident 3. easily understood
appease: 1. to calm a situation 2. to pacify a situation by giving one's enemies what they demand 3. to soothe
append: 1. to attach something; to affix 2. to add something to a written work such as a letter or a book
appendix: 1. additional material that is found at the end of a book, an essay or another written piece 2. added information
appreciate: 1. to become more valuable or increase in worth 2. to be grateful or thankful for 3. to understand the true meaning of a situation
appreciation: 1. an increase in value 2. the act of recognizing something's quality, worth, validity, merit, etc. 3. an expression of thanks or gratitude 4. judgment
apprehensive: 1. worried about something that is going to occur in the future 2. quick to understand
approach: to move nearer
approbation: 1. approval, which is often given warmly or officially 2. accolade
appropriate: 1. to take possession or control of something 2. to steal 3. to set aside or to devote to a specific purpose
approximate: 1. to come close to something 2. to be similar to something 3. to get near
apt: 1. exactly suitable; appropriate 2. likely to do something; having a tendency to do something 3. quick to learn or understand
arbitrary: 1. determined in a random way 2. based on preference rather than logic
arbitrate: officially try to settle a disagreement between opposing or contending parties or sides after hearing the opinions and ideas of both
arcane: known or understood by only a few; secret or mysterious
archaic: 1. antiquated 2. belonging to a time in the past 3. old-fashioned
archetype: 1. a perfect example or model for something 2. a prototype 3. the original pattern or model
area: 1. a geographical region 2. part of a surface or space 3. a subject or field of study
arid: 1. very dry, especially having insufficient rainfall to support trees or plants 2. lacking in interest, excitement, or meaning
arrogate: 1. to appropriate or take ownership of something without the power or right to do so 2. to claim something in a way that is illegal or unfair
articulate: 1. capable of expressing oneself in a clear and coherent manner 2. clear and well formulated language
artisan: 1. a craftsman 2. a worker who has a specific skill and is able to make things by hand 3. a company or person that produces small batches of high quality goods

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ascendancy: the advantage, power, or influence that one person or group has over another; supremacy; domination
ascetic: avoiding physical pleasures and living a simple and severe self-disciplined life, typically for religious reasons
aspect: 1. a part or quality of something 2. one part of a situation 3. exposure; the way in which a structure is facing
assail: physically attack or severely criticize (someone or something) in a violent or angry way
assemble: 1. to put something together by joining its parts 2. to bring people together into one single group
assembly: 1. a gathering of people that takes place because the people share a common goal or interest; a meeting 2. a gathering of teachers and students where information is shared
assess: 1. to estimate or determine the value of something; to appraise 2. to evaluate
assessment: 1. the act of evaluating and judging something 2. one's judgments or observations about a particular subject
assiduous: showing hard work, great care, and attention to detail; diligent
assist: 1. to support or help; to aid
assistance: 1. help or support 2. the act of helping or supporting someone
assuage: 1. make less intense or severe 2. appease or satisfy
assume: 1. to believe that something is true without proof 2. to take on a role or responsibility 3. to adopt an idea
assurance: 1. a feeling of confidence in oneself or something else 2. a promise designed to give confidence
assure: 1. to assure someone that something is true, in hopes of getting rid of doubts 2. to confidently promise; to pledge 3. to guarantee 4. to make secure or safe
astute: 1. crafty 2. possessing the ability to correctly judge situations and use one's observations to take advantage of the situation 3. shrewd
asylum: 1. protection, safety, or the right to stay, especially that given by a government to people who has escaped from war or political trouble in their own country 2. an institution for the care of the mentally ill, or of the aged, the poor, etc.
atheist: 1. a person who does not believe that God or other supreme beings exist
atrophy: 1. (of body tissue or a part of the body) a wasting or decrease in size because of disease, injury, or lack of use 2. gradual degeneration, decline, or decrease in effectiveness or vigor due to underuse or neglect
attach: 1. to fasten or join two or more objects 2. to include 3. to add a file to an e-mail
attached: 1. joined or fastened together somehow 2. connected 3. feeling love or attraction for someone
attain: 1. to succeed at something 2. to achieve 3. to reach or arrive at
attenuate: reduce the strength, effect, density, amount, or size of something
attitude: 1. a feeling or an opinion; a mental position 2. physical posture 3. a way of acting, thinking or feeling
attribute: 1. a trait or quality 2. a characteristic
audacious: extremely bold or daring, despite difficulties, risks, or the negative attitudes of other people
augment: 1. to increase something in size, quantity or value 2. to enlarge 3. to enhance
August: impressive; majestic; inspiring awe or admiration
auspicious: 1. showing signs or suggesting that a positive and successful future is likely 2. favored by fortune; prosperous; fortunate
austere: 1. strict or cold in one's behavior or appearance 2. serious 3. plain and lacking adornment, decoration or luxury
author: 1. the creator of something 2. the person who writes a document 3. the person responsible for an action
authority: 1. power; the ability and right to control 2. the person or group that is in charge of a person, group or region 3. an expert on a specific subject 4. jurisdiction 5. official permission
automate: 1. to mechanize a process, replacing people with machines 2. to operate by automation
automaton: a self-operating machine or mechanism, especially a robot
available: 1. free and ready to be used; not busy 2. accessible 3. at someone's disposal
avarice: extreme greed to get or keep money or possessions; cupidity
aversion: 1. dislike of or repugnance toward something or someone 2. the person or thing that causes this strong dislike
aware: 1. cognizant; knowing 2. informed about something 3. conscious of something
balk: 1. to stop suddenly and refuse to continue 2. to hinder or obstruct 3. to hesitate 4. to stubbornly refuse or to be unwilling to continue or let something happen
banal: boring, ordinary, or not interesting because it contains nothing new, original, or unusual
bane: 1. the cause behind something negative such as death or distress 2. something or someone that greatly annoys someone 3. a curse
bard: 1. a poet 2. a poet that composes or recites lyric poetry
beguile: 1. to trick someone, convincing them to do something 2. to charm someone 3. to mislead
behalf: 1. in the interest of 2. on part of 3. supporting 4. representing
belabor: 1. to attack someone in either a physical or verbal way 2. to talk about something repeatedly or at great length and with great detail
beleaguer: 1. to harass or create trouble for 2. to besiege or surround a place, person or group with troops
belie: 1. give a false representation to; disguise or misrepresent 2. show to be false; contradict; prove false
bellicose: 1. hostile 2. aggressive and willing to fight 3. fond of arguing or fighting 4. quarrelsome
belligerent: inclined or eager to fight or argue; hostile and aggressive
benefit: 1. an advantage 2. a gift or payment from an employer to an employee 3. a payment from an insurance company or social welfare program 4. something intended to help 5. an event designed to raise money for someone or for a cause

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benevolent: kind, generous, and helpful; charitable
benign: 1. not harmful 2. displaying kindness or gentleness 3. beneficial
bequeath: 1. leave or give (personal property) by will 2. pass (something) on to another; hand down
bias: supporting or opposing a particular person or thing in an unfair way, especially in a way considered to be unfair
bilk: 1. to cheat or swindle someone, getting them to give you money you do not deserve 2. to slip away or evade
blandishment: a flattering or pleasing statement, speech, or action intended to flatter, coax, entice someone gently into doing something
blasphemy: 1. an action or a message which shows disrespect for a religion, God, or a holy object
blatant: 1. obvious, easily detectable, or blunt 2. noisy in a vulgar way 3. obtrusive
blighted: 1. suffering from a disease 2. anything that destroys, prevents growth, or causes devaluation
blithe: 1. happy or joyous 2. carefree 3. casual and not worried about the possible negative consequences of one's actions
bog: an area having a wet, spongy ground that is too soft to support a heavy body; a small marsh or swamp
boisterous: 1. noisy, energetic, and lacking in restraint or discipline 2. (of waves, weather, wind, etc.) wild or stormy
bolster: 1. a long, narrow cushion or pillow 2. support or reinforce; strengthen
bombast: speech or writing that is meant to impress people but is not sincere, meaningful, or does not express things very clearly
bombastic: (of speech, writing, etc.) high-sounding but with little meaning, usually intended to impress people; inflated; pretentious
bond: 1. the link or connection between people or things 2. a written promise 3. a force that unites or pushes people together 4. a certificate of debt issued by a government or company, promising to pay borrowed money back over a specified period of time
boon: 1. a blessing or something helpful 2. a positive result that is gained through having made a request
boorish: rude and bad-mannered; of or like a boor; insensitive; awkward
bourgeois: 1. middle class and acting in a way that is consistent with what is expected of the middle class 2. materialistic 3. typical, conventional
breach: 1. an act of breaking or failing to follow a law, rule, trust, faith, promise, agreement, or code of conduct 2. a hole, opening or space in a wall, fence, barrier, or line of defense, especially during a military attack
brevity: 1. briefness or shortness of duration 2. conciseness or using few words
brief: 1. concise 2. short in duration 3. curt 4. scanty
broach: 1. to start to discuss a difficult or otherwise uncomfortable subject 2. to talk about a difficult subject for the first time
brusque: a very direct, brief, and unfriendly way in speech or manner
bulk: 1. the size or mass of something 2. the largest portion or part of something 3. great in quantity
bulwark: 1. something or someone which protects one from negative, dangerous or unpleasant things or gives support and encouragement in bad situations 2. a wall built for defense
buoyant: 1. able to float 2. cheerful and optimistic
burgeon: 1. grow, increase, expand or develop quickly 2. begin to grow or blossom (as buds or branches)
burnish: 1. to make something brilliant or shiny by rubbing it 2. to polish
cacophonous: involving or producing a harsh, discordant, and unpleasant mixture of loud sounds
cacophony: a harsh, discordant, and unpleasant mixture of loud sounds
cadge: 1. ask for or obtain (something) for free 2. beg or get by begging
cajole: persuade by flattery or promises; wheedle; coax
callous: unkind, cruel, and without sympathy or feeling about the problems or suffering of other people
candid: 1. direct or honest, even in situations when the truth is considered to be uncomfortable or unpleasant; frank; straightforward 2. impartial or unbiased 3. unrehearsed or informal
candor: 1. the quality or state of being honest or frank, especially when the truth is painful or difficult 2. fairness; impartiality
cantankerous: bad-tempered, quarrelsome, and often angry and annoyed
capable: 1. able to do something 2. quite good at a certain task; skilled
capacious: capable of containing a large quantity easily; spacious; roomy
capacity: 1. the ability to do something 2. the maximum number of things that a place or object can hold
capitulate: 1. surrender unconditionally or on stipulated terms 2. give up all resistance, usually because they are stronger than you
caprice: 1. a sudden, unpredictable and unexpected change of mood, opinion, behavior, or the weather without any good reason 2. whim
capricious: suddenly and unexpectedly changing mood or behavior without any good reason; impulsive and unpredictable
castigate: criticize someone or something severely
catalyst: 1. (Chemistry) a substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction 2. somebody, something or an event that quickly causes change or action
category: 1. a group of things organized due to the fact that they share a common trait 2. a group or class 3. a division
catharsis: 1. a purging or cleansing of any part of the human body 2. a release of strong feelings or emotional tensions, especially through art
caucus: 1. a closed or private meeting of political officials or party members in which party affairs are discussed or candidates are selected 2. a group of politicians with similar interests
caustic: 1. capable of burning, corroding, destroying, or eating away by chemical action 2. severely critical or sarcastic, often in a funny or clever way
cease: 1. to stop doing something; to quit 2. to discontinue 3. to come to an end

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censure: strong criticism or disapproval of (someone or something), especially in a formal statement
chagrin: a feeling of being very annoyed, disappointed, or embarrassed because of failure, disappointment, or humiliation
challenge: 1. to question or express objection to 2. to test someone 3. to invite someone to take part in a debate or competition; to dare
channel: 1. a route through which water flows or can flow 2. a television or radio station 3. a course of direction through which actions or ideas pass
chapter: 1. a section of a book or a written work 2. a branch of a society or group 3. a stage in a person's life
chart: 1. a drawing or illustration which displays information in an easy to understand way; a graph 2. a detailed map used for navigation of the sea or air
chary: 1. cautious about taking risks or acting 2. choosy or sparing
chastise: 1. punish, especially by beating 2. scold or criticize someone severely for doing something wrong
chicanery: the use of clever, unfair, or dishonest methods to achieve a political, financial, or legal purpose
chide: 1. express mild disapproval of (someone) 2. scold mildly so as to correct or improve; reprimand
choleric: 1. hot-tempered and easily angered 2. prone to become angry quickly and/or easily
churlish: 1. rude, unfriendly, and unpleasant 2. difficult to work with or deal with
circumscribe: 1. draw a line around; encircle 2. restrict something such as power, rights, or opportunities within limits
circumspect: 1. prudent or careful about taking risks 2. cautious and wary about the outcome of an action
circumstance: 1. the conditions surrounding an event 2. a factor which influences something
circumvent: 1. surround or circle around (an enemy, for example); enclose or entrap 2. avoid (defeat, failure, unpleasantness, etc.), especially cleverly or illegally 3. go around or bypass
cite: 1. to use information or exact words from another source; to quote 2. to use as an example
civil: 1. not related to the church or military, but rather the ordinary people of a country 2. secular 3. polite or courteous
clamor: 1. a loud outcry, uproar, demand, complaint or shouting 2. a loud noise that continues for a long time
clandestine: kept or done secretly and often illegal
clarify: 1. to make something clearer or easier to understand 2. to remove ambiguity
clarity: 1. clearness of expression or thought 2. the ability to be understood 3. the ability to think in a clear way
classical: 1. relating to ancient cultures 2. respecting tradition or the original way of doing things 3. traditional
clause: 1. a provision or stipulation in a contract or another formal document 2. a phrase containing a subject and a verb that is part of a larger sentence
clemency: 1. mildness or kindness, especially at the time of deciding on punishment 2. pleasantness or mildness of weather
coalesce: 1. grow together or into one body 2. unite or merge into a single body, group, or mass
code: 1. a rule or law which governs an organization or a political region 2. a set of words or images which are used to communicate a message in a secret way or in an abbreviated form
coercion: 1. persuasion through threats or force 2. using force to convince someone to do something
cogent: 1. an argument that is structured in such a way that makes it easily believable 2. something convincing 3. a logical argument
coherence: 1. a logical ordering of things 2. consistency 3. the state of being logical
coherent: 1. consistent or logical 2. understandable 3. capable of explaining one's thoughts or ideas in a way that is easily understood 4. unified; sticking together
coincide: 1. to happen at the same time 2. to be present at the same time and place 3. to agree with or be in agreement
collaborate: 1. work together, especially in a joint intellectual effort 2. cooperate with an enemy who has invaded your country during a war
collapse: 1. to cave in due to pressure or lack of support 2. to fall down 3. to break down 4. to fold into a smaller or more compact shape, allowing something to be more easily stored
colleague: 1. a coworker 2. someone you work with in the same profession or organization
colloquial: 1. not formal 2. familiar and conversational 3. informal
collusion: 1. a conspiracy 2. secret cooperation or activities for illegal or fraudulent purposes
comment: 1. to say something 2. to make a remark 3. to explain something through a verbal or written remark
commission: 1. a fee or payment for goods or services rendered 2. a request to create a specific work for someone 3. a group which studies a certain issue
commit: to do something
commitment: 1. one's promise or willingness to do something 2. an obligation, engagement, pledge or understanding
commodity: 1. a product or good that can be bought and sold 2. something useful or of value
communicate: 1. to transmit something, such as energy or an illness 2. to transmit information to others through written, verbal or non verbal words or signals
communication: 1. the act of transmitting information from one person to another 2. the message that is transmitted
community: 1. a group of people living in the same area or region 2. a group of people who share common interests 3. the greater public
compatible: 1. able to exist in harmony 2. well-suited 3. capable of being mixed
compendious: containing or presenting briefly and concisely all the essentials; concise but comprehensive; succinct
compensate: 1. to pay someone for something that has been lost, damaged, or taken away 2. to make up for something negative 3. to pay someone for their services
compensation: 1. a reward or a payment that is given in exchange for some sort of negative incident
compile: 1. to gather things together 2. to put things together in a logical or orderly form

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complaisant: 1. willing or eager to please other people 2. cheerfully obliging 3. agreeable
complement: 1. to go well with something 2. to make perfect; to complete
complex: 1. complicated and not easy to understand 2. involving or made from many different parts
component: 1. one specific part of something 2. an ingredient or element
compound: 1. to increase 2. to combine 3. to make something worse 4. to pay interest
comprehensive: 1. all-encompassing 2. thorough 3. extensive 4. dealing with most or all aspects of a certain issue
comprise: 1. to be made up of 2. to be composed of 3. to include; to contain
compromise: 1. a settlement of differences by mutual concessions 2. reduce the quality, value, or degree of something 3. endanger the interests or reputation of
compute: 1. to calculate 2. to determine by using a calculator or computer
conceive: 1. to draw up or think up a plan 2. to get pregnant 3. to invent something
concentrate: 1. to focus on something 2. to strengthen something 3. to bring things or people together in a common location
concept: 1. an idea or a notion 2. a plan 3. an experimental model for a future product
concern: A matter of interest or importance
concise: 1. expressed in few words 2. clear and succinct 3. brief yet clear
conclude: 1. to finish 2. to terminate or cause something to come to an end 3. to deduce or to infer based on what one has seen or heard
concomitant: 1. something that is connected to something else, often occurring at the same time 2. something associated with another thing
concurrent: 1. contemporary 2. happening or existing at the same time 3. simultaneous
conduct: to lead or guide
confer: 1. to grant something, like a title, to someone 2. to discuss or exchange opinions
conference: 1. a meeting of people who share a similar interest attend a variety of talks or sessions about a specific subject or topic 2. a meeting
confine: 1. to limit or restrict 2. to forcibly keep someone or something in a certain place; to imprison
confirm: 1. to check 2. to verify 3. to strengthen 4. to reinforce
confirmed: 1. firmly settled in a habit 2. established 3. unlikely to change
conflict: 1. a fight or a disagreement between two or more parties 2. a struggle 3. an incompatibility
confluence: 1. a place where two rivers or streams join to become one 2. a coming together of people or things
conform: 1. to meet (standards) 2. to comply with 3. to be similar to 4. to behave in a way that is expected and acceptable
conformity: 1. agreement or compliance with a particular subject or issue 2. behavior that displays compliance with socially accepted rules or norms
confound: 1. to surprise or confuse someone 2. to mix something up 3. to refute 4. to bewilder
congenial: 1. (of a person) agreeable, suitable, or pleasing in nature or character 2. (of a thing) pleasant or agreeable because suited to or adapted in one's spirit, feeling, temper, etc.; compatible
congenital: 1. present since birth 2. inherent 3. inborn
connoisseur: 1. an expert or a specialist in a certain matter 2. a discerning judge 3. an expert about a certain subject like food or art
conscientious: 1. controlled by or done according to, what one knows is right 2. working hard and careful to do things well
consensus: 1. majority opinion 2. an opinion or decision reached by all, or nearly all, members of a group 3. a general agreement
consent: 1. to allow or agree with 2. to grant permission 3. to approve
consequent: 1. resulting 2. following 3. progressing logically
consider: to think carefully
considerable: 1. quite large; substantial 2. worthy of recognition or consideration 3. noteworthy
consist: 1. to be composed of 2. to be inherent 3. to be compatible
consistent: 1. regular 2. not changing over time 3. constantly acting or behaving the same way
conspicuous: 1. obvious; easily noticed 2. attracting attention, especially because it is strange or unusual
constant: 1. unchanging 2. firm or resolute 3. persistent; continuing over a long period of time 4. loyal
consternation: a feeling of worry, shock, or confusion, often caused when something unexpected happens
constitute: 1. to formally set up or establish 2. to appoint someone to a position 3. to be the same as or equivalent to
constitutional: 1. permitted by the constitution of a country, group or business 2. related to the constitution of a country, group or business
constrain: 1. to keep back; to confine 2. to restrain; to limit 3. to force; to oblige
construct: 1. to create or to form 2. to build; to put pieces together to form a whole object 3. to combine smaller pieces to develop something new
construction: 1. the act or business of building things, especially structures
consult: 1. to get advice from someone or something; to ask someone their opinion 2. to consider; to take into account
consume: 1. to eat 2. to use; to use up 3. to totally destroy
consumer: 1. a person who purchases goods or services

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consummate: 1. perfect 2. indicating great skill or ability 3. superb; supreme
contact: 1. to communicate with someone over the phone or by writing a letter, e-mail or text message
contemporary: 1. from or existing in the same time period 2. modern
contempt: 1. a feeling that someone or something is unimportant and deserves no respect 2. disregard for something that is usually respected or feared 3. open disrespect or willful disobedience of the authority of a court of law or legislative body
contentious: 1. tending to argue or quarrel; quarrelsome 2. causing, involving, or characterized by argument or controversy
context: 1. the circumstances surrounding something 2. the words before and after something that help explain what it means 3. the circumstances or situation in which something happens, which help to explain it
contract: 1. to get smaller; to shrink 2. to make smaller 3. to hire someone to work under a contract 4. to get
contradict: 1. to make a statement that goes against what has been expressed by another 2. to deny 3. to disagree with something
contradiction: 1. a difference between two or more messages or statements which shows that one of the statements must be wrong 2. an inconsistency
contrary: 1. opposite or completely different 2. obstinate 3. unfavorable
contrast: 1. the act of finding differences between two or more things 2. a difference between two or more things
contribute: 1. to write for a newspaper or a magazine 2. to give goods, money or time and effort to a person or group in order to help them
contribution: 1. something one gives or does in order to help reach a shared achievement 2. a donation 3. a specific tax payment
controversy: 1. a disagreement or dispute over a specific subject about which people have differing opinions 2. a heated discussion or argument
contusion: 1. a bruise 2. an injury that doesn't cut one's skin
conundrum: 1. a difficult problem, for which there is no clear answer 2. a puzzle or riddle that can be answered using a pun
convene: 1. to bring people together for a formal or official purpose such as a meeting 2. to gather
convention: 1. a formal political agreement 2. a gathering or meeting of people or professionals with a shared interest 3. a social custom
conventional: 1. traditional 2. based on what is considered to be traditional or typical 3. common 4. related to or based on a convention or an agreement
converse: 1. to talk with a person or a group of people 2. to have a conversation
conversely: 1. reciprocally 2. in a contrary manner
convert: 1. to change something; to transform 2. to undergo a change 3. to change to another religion
convince: 1. to make someone believe what you are saying; to persuade
convinced: 1. very sure 2. persuaded 3. certain
convivial: 1. (of an atmosphere or event) friendly, lively, and making you feel happy and welcome; festive 2. (of a person) cheerful and friendly; jovial 3. fond of eating, drinking, and good company; sociable; jovial
cooperate: 1. to work together with one or more other people in order to reach a shared or mutually beneficial goal
cooperative: 1. done with others 2. willing to work with others
coordinate: 1. to harmonize 2. to make two or more things work well or efficiently together 3. to match
coordination: 1. the act of making various parts work together in one organized or harmonious way
copious: large in quantity or number; affording ample supply; abundant; plentiful
core: 1. the center of something 2. the most important or essential part of something
corporate: 1. belonging or pertaining to a large company or corporation 2. common or shared between people or a group of people
corpulent: 1. overweight 2. fat 3. physically large
correspond: 1. to communicate through messages, letters or e-mails 2. to be related to or quite similar to
corresponding: 1. related to 2. comparable 3. matching 4. directly related
corroborate: strengthen, confirm or give support to (a statement, theory, etc.) by providing information or evidence that agrees with them
cosmopolitan: 1. common to or representative of all or many different countries and cultures 2. containing or having experience of many different countries and cultures 3. including people from many different countries 4. free from local or national habits or prejudice
counterfeit: 1. to forge a copy of something, often for illegal or dishonest reasons 2. to create a high-quality copy of something with the intention of defrauding someone
couple: 1. two people who are romantically involved 2. two similar or equal things
craven: 1. contemptibly lacking in courage; cowardly 2. a cowardly person
create: 1. to invent something; to develop something new 2. to cause or bring about
credible: 1. trustworthy 2. easy to believe or convincing 3. reliable
credit: 1. money that is given to someone with the understanding that it will be paid back with interest 2. recognition or praise
credulous: 1. gullible or easily deceived 2. overly willing to believe what one sees or hears 3. easily tricked or convinced
cringe: 1. to move away from something or someone suddenly because you are surprised, afraid or embarrassed
criteria: 1. the standards or rules on which something is judged or based
crucial: 1. of the utmost importance 2. extremely important 3. decisive
cryptic: 1. mysterious 2. possessing a hidden meaning 3. written or said using a special code or cypher
culpable: deserving blame or censure
culture: 1. behaviors, beliefs, and standards that are shared between one large group of people or a society 2. art, such as music, literature, dance, theater, etc.

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cumulative: 1. increasing due to the constant addition of other elements 2. gradually increasing 3. snowballing
cupidity: 1. avarice 2. a strong or excessive desire for possessions or wealth
currency: 1. money; any other medium of exchange
cursory: quick and probably not detailed
cycle: 1. an extended period of time 2. a bi- or tri- cycle 3. a series of events which repeat over time
cynical: 1. displaying a belief that people only act in self-interested ways 2. pessimistic or skeptical 3. distrustful of humans or human nature 4. contemptuous or condescending
data: 1. information, facts or figures about a specific subject that is often used to make a decision 2. information used by a computer
dearth: a lack of something or an inadequate supply
debacle: 1. a complete collapse or failure, often in an embarrassing way 2. a sudden, disastrous collapse, downfall, or defeat
debase: 1. to degrade 2. to adulterate 3. to reduce in quality or value 4. to humiliate
debate: 1. a civil or controlled argument between two or more people or groups with opposing viewpoints 2. a formal discussion before a vote 3. discussion
decimate: 1. destroy, kill, or remove a large number or proportion of (a group) 2. reduce, damage, or destroy the strength or effectiveness of something severely 3. select by lot and kill every tenth one of
decline: 1. a fall in the number of something; a reduction 2. the act of reducing in number 3. a downward slope
decorum: 1. appropriateness and good taste in behavior, speech, dress, etc. 2. etiquette 3. (often used in plural) decorums: the conventions or requirements of polite behavior
decry: 1. to openly express displeasure or disagreement with 2. to condemn
deduce: 1. to reach a conclusion based on the facts available 2. to infer
deference: respectful submission to someone or something
deferential: 1. considerate 2. respectful towards one's elders or superiors 3. polite
define: 1. to explain exactly what something means 2. to describe what a word means 3. to clarify 4. to limit
definite: 1. exact 2. clear 3. undeniable 4. certain and unlikely to change
definition: 1. a clear outline of something 2. the meaning of a word or phrase
degradation: 1. the act or process of degrading such as in rank, status, or condition 2. treat someone or something poorly and without respect; humiliation
deleterious: 1. damaging or harmful 2. injurious to health
deliberate: 1. to carefully debate or think about something serious 2. to thoughtfully weigh the available options
delineate: 1. describe or portray (something) clearly and precisely 2. draw or trace the outline of; sketch or trace in outline
demagogue: a person, especially an orator or political leader, who gains power and popularity by appealing to emotion, passions, prejudice, etc. rather than by using rational argument in order to win them over quickly and so gain power
demonstrate: 1. to deliberately show or prove 2. to make clear
demur: 1. to hesitate because you have doubts or object to something 2. to refuse to do something 3. to voice opposition
demure: (especially of a woman or her behavior) reserved, modest, shy, and well behaved
denigrate: 1. criticize in a derogatory and often unfair manner; defame 2. make (something) seem less important or valuable; belittle
denote: 1. to be a name or symbol for 2. to indicate 3. to mean; to symbolize
denounce: 1. to condemn or accuse something or someone, often in a formal manner 2. to strongly and publicly criticize someone or something
deny: 1. to say that something is not true 2. to claim one is not guilty of something; to not admit 3. to not let someone have something
depict: 1. show (someone or something) in a picture, drawing, painting, photograph, etc. 2. describe (someone or something) using words, a story, etc.
deplete: 1. to cause a great reduction in the fullness or size of 2. to use up 3. to decrease the number of something
deplore: 1. to believe something is wrong or bad 2. to lament; to regret 3. to feel great sadness about
depose: 1. remove someone important from office or a position of power suddenly and forcefully 2. testify or affirm under oath, especially in a written statement
deprecate: 1. criticize or express disapproval of (someone or something) 2. depreciate; belittle
depreciation: 1. decrease in value due to age, wear, decay, market conditions, etc. 2. a decrease in the purchasing or exchange value of money 3. an instance of disparaging or belittlement
depredation: 1. a predatory attack 2. an act of attacking, plundering, or preying upon
depress: 1. to press or force down 2. to make someone feel quite sad 3. to weaken 4. to lower the amount of something
depression: 1. extreme sadness 2. a dip in a surface 3. a severe recession in an economy
derivative: 1. developed from, based on, influenced by, or copied something else; derived 2. copied or adapted from others; not original; secondary
derive: 1. to get something from a source 2. to deduce 3. to show or trace the origin of
derogatory: showing a critical or disrespectful attitude
descry: 1. see (something unclear or distant) by looking carefully 2. discover by looking carefully
desecrate: 1. to pollute something with violence or spoil something, especially in reference to holy places
design: 1. a sketch or a plan that shows what something will be like when it is produced or constructed 2. a pattern or plan
despite: 1. hatred or malice 2. injury
destitute: 1. extremely poor and lacking money, food, a home, or possessions 2. (often followed by of) destitute of: deprived of, devoid of, or lacking

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detect: 1. to note or to feel something 2. to discover or catch 3. to note the presence of
deter: 1. to discourage or keep someone from doing something 2. to make someone decide not to do something by making them fear the consequences or repercussions
deteriorate: 1. to get or become worse 2. to depreciate 3. to disintegrate over time
deterrent: something that discourages; tending to deter
detrimental: 1. causing damage or injury 2. harmful
device: 1. a contraption used to perform specific tasks 2. an explosive, like a bomb 3. a method used to do something
devoid: completely lacking something that is necessary or usual; destitute or empty (usually followed by of = devoid of)
devote: 1. to dedicate time or resources to something 2. to set apart
diatribe: an angry, bitter, and sharply abusive speech or piece of writing that strongly criticizes, denounces, or attacks against someone or something
didactic: 1. intended to teach something, especially a moral lesson 2. too much inclined to teach others, often in a way that is annoying
differentiate: 1. to determine or recognize the difference between two or more things; to distinguish 2. to make one thing unlike another
diffident: modest or shy because of a lack of self-confidence in one's own ability, worth, or fitness
diffuse: 1. pour out and cause to spread freely, as a fluid 2. spread or scatter over a wide area widely or thinly; disseminate; dispersed; not concentrated in one area 3. spread among a large group of people 4. cause (light) to spread evenly to reduce glare
digress: leave or move away from the main subject being discussed temporarily in talking or writing
digression: a temporary departure from the main subject, especially in speech or writing
dilatory: 1. causing or tending to cause delay, gain time, or defer decision 2. inclined to delay or procrastinate; slow or late in doing things
dilemma: 1. a serious problem 2. a situation in which a difficult decision must be made
diligent: steady, hard-working, and careful in one's work or duties; industrious; painstaking
dimension: 1. a property or way of measuring space 2. a part or aspect of something larger
diminish: 1. to reduce or make smaller 2. to become smaller or less
dire: 1. causing or involving great fear or suffering; dreadful; terrible 2. warning of or indicating dreadful or terrible future (trouble, disaster, misfortune, etc.) 3. extremely serious or urgent; requiring immediate action
disabuse: free (a person) from a falsehood, misconception, deception, or error
discern: 1. see, recognize, find out, or understand something that is far away or not very clear 2. perceive or recognize (someone or something) with difficulty by the sight or some other sense 3. come to know, recognize, or distinguish mentally
discount: a reduction in the usual price of something
discredit: 1. damage the credit or reputation of (someone); disgrace 2. cause (someone or something) to seem dishonest or untrue
discrepancy: 1. a difference or variation between things that should be identical 2. inconsistency 3. disagreement
discrete: 1. distinct 2. separate 3. not continuous
discretion: 1. the ability to judge people or situations wisely and make the right choices 2. the ability to behave in a way that does not cause offense
discursive: 1. prone to straying from the main subject of a conversation or a lesson 2. rambling or superficially covering a wide range of topics
disdain: the feeling of not liking someone or something and thinking that they are not important and do not deserve any interest, respect, notice, response, etc.
disingenuous: 1. not straightforward; not candid or frank; insincere 2. slyly deceptive or misleading, typically by pretending that one knows less about something than one really does
disinterested: 1. impartial; not influenced by opinion, prejudice, etc.; free from bias 2. uninterested; indifferent
disparage: 1. speak of in a slighting or disrespectful way; belittle 2. lower in rank or reputation
disparity: 1. a large difference between two or more things 2. inequality 3. incongruity
dispassionate: not influenced or affected by passion, emotion, or bias
dispel: 1. make (a doubt, fear, belief, feeling, or idea) go away or end, usually by proving them wrong or unnecessary 2. drive away or off in various directions; disperse; dissipate
displace: 1. to force someone or something out of its proper place or position 2. to take over for 3. to remove
displacement: 1. the act of removing someone or something from the place it held or lived previously
display: 1. to show or present 2. to demonstrate 3. to reveal
dispose: 1. to get rid of or throw away 2. to make someone feel a certain way 3. to arrange
dissemble: 1. hide your true feelings, opinions, motives, beliefs, etc. 2. hide under a false appearance; feign
disseminate: 1. spread (something, especially news, information, ideas, etc.) widely 2. scatter widely, as in sowing seed
distinct: 1. different or separate 2. unmistakable; obvious
distinction: 1. honor or excellence 2. something that makes a person or a thing different from the rest
distort: 1. to misrepresent or give false information 2. to change something so that it is no longer the way it originally was
distribute: 1. to give out or hand out 2. to spread something out over a surface 3. to deliver products
distribution: 1. the act of giving something out to people 2. the way in which something is distributed or spread out over an area
diurnal: 1. daily; happening every day 2. done during the daytime or related to daytime
divergent: 1. tending to split and move out in different directions from a single point; diverging 2. be or become different
diverse: 1. possessing various characteristics 2. distinct 3. diversified

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diversity: 1. difference or variety 2. the state of having people from different races and cultures gathered together in one space or organization
divert: 1. to distract 2. to make something move in a different direction or on a different course 3. to use for a different purpose than the original 4. to amuse or entertain
divulge: make (something private, secret, or previously unknown) known to public; disclose; reveal
docile: 1. submissive 2. easy to handle, manage or teach 3. compliant
doctrine: 1. a belief or set of beliefs that are taught and accepted by a religious, political, scientific, or other group; dogma 2. a statement of official government policy, especially in foreign or military affairs
document: 1. to record something on paper or in digital format 2. to provide written evidence
dogged: marked by stubborn determination and persistent in effort to do or get something and continuing to try despite difficulties
dogmatic: an authoritative, arrogant assertion of unproved or unprovable principles as if they are certainly correct and cannot be doubted
domain: 1. territory 2. field of activity or study 3. a set or group of websites that share the same suffix such as .net .org etc.
domestic: 1. related to house, home or family 2. from one's own country
dominant: 1. governing; ruling; exercising one's control 2. more important than similar things 3. commanding
dominate: 1. to be very good at something 2. to command; to have power over 3. to be the most important or largest thing in a group
dormant: 1. sleeping, lying asleep or as if asleep; inactive 2. not active or developing now, but it may become active or develop in the future 3. in a state of rest or inactivity; inoperative
draft: 1. the first draft or copy of something 2. a sketch 3. a rush of air through a building or space
drama: 1. a play that is performed in a theater, on television or on the radio 2. a literary work that deals with a serious subject 3. the art of performing
dramatic: 1. sensational 2. pronounced 3. extremely sudden 4. extreme
droll: 1. strange yet amusing 2. curious in a funny way
dubious: 1. doubtful 2. questionable 3. not totally good or honest 4. undecided
dupe: 1. deceive (an unwary person) by trickery; fool or cheat 2. an easily deceived person
duration: 1. the amount of time that something lasts
dynamic: 1. full of energy; enthusiastic 2. constantly changing 3. relating to energy or physical forces
ebullient: cheerful, lively, and showing excitement; overflowing with enthusiasm or excitement
eccentric: 1. strange 2. unusual 3. unconventional and deviating from what is considered to be "normal" behavior
eclectic: 1. selecting or choosing from various sources, systems, or styles 2. made up of or combining elements from a variety of sources
economic: 1. cheap 2. pertaining to the economy of a country or region 3. related to the system of buying and selling goods and services
edifice: 1. a building or structure that is large and impressive 2. any sort of well-established system
edition: 1. a group of a publications that were published at the same time 2. a specific version or a book or a product
efface: 1. cause to disappear by rubbing out or wiping out; erase 2. cause (something) to fade or disappear
effigy: 1. a sculpture or monument of a person 2. a poorly made dummy that looks like or represents a person and is most often used in protest or ridicule
effrontery: 1. presumptuousness without the ability to see that one's behavior is unacceptable 2. shamelessly bold behavior
effusive: 1. expressing pleasure or gratitude in an unrestrained manner; gushy 2. overflowing 3. exuberant
egalitarian: 1. affirming, promoting, or characterized by the belief that all people should have equal political, social, and economic rights 2. a person who believes in the equality of all people
egregious: 1. something terribly bad 2. something surprisingly negative
element: 1. a specific part of something tangible 2. a characteristic of something abstract or intangible 3. the most basic information about a certain subject
elicit: 1. evoke or draw out (a response, information, etc.) from someone 2. draw out or entice forth; bring to light
eliminate: 1. to get rid of 2. to abolish 3. to remove
eloquent: 1. persuasive in speaking or writing 2. characterized by fluent and persuasive speech 3. movingly or vividly expressive
elucidate: make clear, plain, or easy to understand, especially by explanation or giving more information; clarify; explain
elude: 1. avoid or escape from (a danger, enemy, or pursuer) by quickness, cunning, etc.; evade 2. fail to be understood or remembered by (someone) 3. fail to be achieved by (someone)
elusive: 1. difficult to describe, find, catch, achieve, understand, or remember 2. cleverly or skillfully evasive
emancipate: 1. to liberate someone or something 2. to free someone or something from bondage or control 3. to grant freedom and rights to someone
embroil: 1. cause someone to become deeply involved in an argument, conflict, or difficult situation; draw into a situation; cause to be involved 2. throw into confusion or commotion by contention or discord
emerge: 1. to appear 2. to come into view 3. to become known 4. to come into existence
empathetic: understanding and sharing the feelings of another; showing empathy for others, and recognizing their feelings etc.; compassionate
emphasis: 1. the importance that is specifically placed on something 2. stress
empirical: relying on or derived from observation or experiment rather than theory or pure logic
emulate: try to equal or excel (someone or something you admire), typically by imitation
enable: 1. to make someone able to do something 2. to give someone the tools or resources to do something 3. to allow someone to do something
encompass: 1. form a circle or ring around; encircle; surround 2. include different types of people or things; include comprehensively; contain 3. enclose; envelop
encounter: 1. to find someone or something unexpectedly 2. to stumble across 3. to face

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endemic: 1. very common, prevalent in, or peculiar to a particular locality, region, or people 2. native
endorse: 1. to publicly declare one's support for something 2. to acknowledge a document by signing it
endurance: 1. the ability or power to withstand stress or an unpleasant situation 2. the act of persevering 3. duration
enduring: 1. long-lasting 2. patient 3. durable
energy: 1. the effort or power needed to do something 2. heat, electricity, light or the resources used to produce power
enervate: 1. deprive (someone) of physical, mental, or moral energy or vitality 2. weaken
engage: to occupy the attention
engender: produce, cause, or give rise to (a feeling, situation, or condition)
enhance: intensify, increase, or improve the quality, amount, extent, or strength of something, as in cost, value, attractiveness, effectiveness, etc.
enigma: someone or something that is mysterious, puzzling, and difficult to understand or explain completely
enmity: 1. animosity 2. hatred 3. ill-will towards others 4. a deep-seated dislike of another person
enormous: 1. extremely large in size or quantity 2. massive
ensconce: 1. to make oneself comfortable or safe; to settle 2. to conceal something
ensure: 1. to make sure that something happens or happened 2. to guarantee 3. to secure or make safe
entity: 1. an individual, complete, unit that possesses its own unique characteristics 2. a being
environment: 1. all of the conditions and circumstances that surround a specific person, animal or thing 2. the surroundings
ephemeral: lasting for only a very short time
epiphany: a moment when you suddenly see or understand the reality or essential meaning of something, usually initiated by some simple, homely, or commonplace occurrence or experience
epitome: 1. a person or thing that is a representative or perfect example of a whole class or type 2. a summary of a written work; an abstract
equanimity: the state of being calm, stable, and composed, especially after a shock or disappointment or in a difficult situation
equation: 1. a math problem 2. the act of considering one thing to be the same as another
equip: 1. to give someone the tools or skills necessary to perform a job 2. to dress
equipment: 1. supplies or tools needed to complete a task
equitable: dealing fairly and equally with everyone; just and impartial
equivalent: 1. equal to 2. of the same amount, size, value, meaning
equivocal: 1. not clear and seeming to have two or more possible opposing meanings 2. ambiguous
equivocate: 1. to deliberately speak in a way that confuses people in an attempt to conceal the truth 2. to lie 3. to mislead a person or people
erode: 1. to eat away or wear away something 2. to slowly deteriorate 3. to reduce something
erosion: 1. the gradual corroding or eating away of a subject 2. deterioration
erratic: 1. irregular in movement or behavior 2. not following a regular pattern 3. not doing what is expected
erudite: having, containing, or showing a lot of knowledge or learning gained from reading
eschew: 1. to escape or avoid 2. to stop doing something or give something up 3. to intentionally keep away from something
esoteric: intended for or understood by only a small number of people, especially those with special knowledge
espouse: 1. to marry someone or take them as your spouse 2. to give your support to a belief or an idea 3. to embrace a cause
establish: to set up
estate: 1. a rather large piece of property 2. all of one's possessions at death
estimate: 1. to make a guess or calculate the amount or value of something 2. to judge
estrange: 1. cause (someone) to be no longer friendly or close to another person or group; make unfriendly or hostile; alienate the affections of 2. (as adjective estranged) (of a wife or husband) no longer living with their partner
ethnic: 1. of or relating to a specific group of people who share a common race, heritage, set of customs or traditions
eulogy: a speech or a piece of writing in praise of a person, event, or thing, especially one praising someone who has died
evaluate: 1. to judge 2. to closely examine something before determining its value
evanescent: soon passing away or fading from sight, memory, or existence like vapor or smoke; quickly fading or disappearing; lasting for only a short time
eventual: 1. happening at a time in the future that has not been specified
eventually: 1. in the end 2. at an unspecified time in the future 3. finally
evidence: 1. material that shows someone is innocent or guilty of something 2. material that proves something
evident: clearly and easily seen or understood
evince: 1. to show or demonstrate something in a clear way 2. to reveal something, such as an emotion
evoke: 1. bring (a memory, feeling, image, etc.) into the mind 2. bring out; arouse; call forth
evolution: 1. gradual development or change, especially over long periods of time
evolve: 1. to grow 2. to develop gradually over an extended period of time 3. to go through evolutionary changes

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exacerbate: increase the severity, violence, or bitterness of (disease, pain, annoyance, etc.)
exacting: 1. rigid or severe in demands or requirements; not easily satisfied; rigorous 2. requiring great effort, time, care, patience, or attention
excavate: 1. dig a large hole or channel in the ground, especially with a machine 2. uncover or expose by digging; unearth 3. dig out and remove (earth, soil, etc.) 4. form (a hole, tunnel, etc.) by digging
exceed: 1. to surpass 2. to go beyond 3. to be greater than
exceptionable: 1. debatable; open to or causing objection 2. upsetting 3. causing people to be offended
exclude: 1. to leave someone or something out 2. to eject 3. to deliberately not include 4. to prevent
exculpate: show, declare, or prove that someone is not guilty of a crime or other bad action
execrable: 1. abominable or excessively terrible 2. detestable or easy to hate
exegesis: 1. critical analysis or explanation of a text, especially one from the Bible
exemplar: a person or thing that is worthy of imitation, especially a perfect or typical example or instance
exemplary: 1. extremely good and deserving to be admired and copied; serving as a model or example 2. (of a punishment) serving as a warning or deterrent 3. serving as a sample, instance, type, etc.
exemplify: 1. to serve as a typical example of 2. to use an example to illustrate or clarify 2. to embody
exhibit: 1. to display or show 2. to present to the public 3. to reveal
exorbitant: going far beyond what is reasonable, fair, expected, just, proper, or usual, especially of a price or amount charged
expand: 1. to add details or information 2. to grow larger 3. to cause growth or to make larger
expansion: 1. growth 2. the act or process of getting larger 3. an increase in size or number
expatriate: 1. someone who no longer lives in the country they were born in or the country considered to be their homeland
expedient: helpful or useful in a particular situation and produces an immediate result or solution to a problem, even though possibly improper or immoral
expert: 1. a person who has a great deal of knowledge about or skill in a specific subject
expiate: 1. to accept punishment or pay the price for one's actions 2. to make amends
explicit: fully and clearly expressed or demonstrated, leaving no room for confusion or doubt
exploit: 1. to take advantage of 2. to make use of
exploitation: 1. selfish utilization of someone's work 2. abuse of someone in order to gain advantage
export: 1. to sell or send abroad 2. to introduce or transmit an idea from one country into another
exposition: 1. a show where works of art are displayed for the public to contemplate 2. a clear, detailed, easy to understand explanation 3. a show in which many objects that are for sale are displayed
exposure: 1. the disclosure or revealing of something 2. the state of having no protection from the elements or other harmful agents
expunge: 1. to get rid of or cancel 2. to get rid of something written by erasing it or striking it out
extenuate: (of a factor or situation) lessen or try to lessen the seriousness or extent of (an offense, guilt, etc.) by giving excuses or serving as an excuse
external: 1. from or located out the outside; outer 2. coming from the outside or an outside source 3. peripheral
extol: praise (someone or something) highly, especially in a very enthusiastic way
extract: 1. to remove or pull something out of another source 2. to convince a person to give you something they don't want to give you, often through the use of force
extraneous: 1. not essential 2. not required to do something 3. unrelated; irrelevant
fabricate: 1. to create 2. to manufacture 3. to build
facile: 1. ignoring the true complexities or difficulties of a real situation; superficial 2. (of a person) having a superficial or simplistic knowledge or approach 3. working, acting, or speaking with effortless ease and fluency 4. (of success) easily achieved
facilitate: 1. to help make something happen 2. to assist 3. to make something easier
faction: 1. a small group within a larger group, usually contentious minority within a larger group 2. conflict within an organization or nation; internal dissension
factor: 1. a variable or an element 2. something that influences a result
fallacious: 1. based on false information or ideas; erroneous; illogical 2. deceptive; misleading
fallacy: 1. a mistaken belief that a lot of people think is true but is in fact false 2. (logic) a mistake or failure in reasoning that makes an argument or idea invalid 3. a misleading or unsound argument 4. deceptive, misleading, or false nature
falter: 1. to move or speak in an unsteady, awkward manner 2. to stop doing something, even for just a moment 3. to lose strength
fanatical: 1. too enthusiastic 2. unreasonably zealous about something 3. extreme in one's beliefs or activities
fanaticism: wildly excessive or irrational (especially religious, political, or ideological) beliefs, devotion, dedication, or enthusiasm that make someone behave in an unreasonable way
fathom: 1. a unit of length equal to 6 feet (1.83 meters), a unit for measuring the depth of water 2. understand the reason for (something) thoroughly after much thought
fatuous: 1. something or someone that is silly, foolish or pointless
feasible: 1. achievable 2. capable of being done or accomplished 3. possible 4. likely
feature: 1. a part or aspect of something 2. a quality
federal: 1. related to the central or national government 2. related to the system of federalism, a system in which states or provinces and central governments share power
fee: 1. to pay a tip to someone 2. to pay someone for their services
feign: pretend to feel or be affected by (a feeling, state, or injury)
felicitous: 1. suitable or carefully chosen for some purpose or situation; aptly chosen; appropriate; apt 2. marked by happiness or good fortune; pleasing and fortunate

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fervent: 1. having or showing great warmth or intensity of spirit, feeling, enthusiasm, etc. 2. hot; boiling; burning; glowing
fervid: 1. having or showing feelings, spirit, or enthusiasm, especially to an excessive degree 2. very hot; burning; glowing
fervor: 1. intensity of emotion 2. zeal 3. enthusiasm 4. great heat
fickle: 1. likely to change one's opinion; not constant 2. unstable; frequently changing
file: 1. to cut away using a file 2. to put in order; to arrange 3. to submit or send a document 4. to walk in a line
final: 1. last; concluding 2. ultimate 3. coming at the end
finance: 1. money that is used to pay for a large and expensive project 2. the money that a person, company or nation has 3. the management of money
financial: 1. related to money or finance
finesse: 1. impressive delicacy, skill, or subtlety in action, performance, skill, discrimination, taste, etc. 2. skillful, subtle handling or manipulating of people or difficult situations; tactful, diplomatic maneuvering; adroit and artful management
finite: 1. limited 2. measurable 3. having an end
fitful: 1. restless or sporadic 2. marked by frequent stops or pauses 3. prone to change
flagrant: 1. (of a bad action, situation, person, etc.) shockingly noticeable or evident; obviously offensive; glaringly bad; notorious; outrageous 2. notorious; scandalous
flamboyant: 1. excessively decorated 2. ornate 3. brightly colored and showy, often to draw attention to someone or something
flaunt: 1. to show something, like a personal quality, wanting to get admiration from others 2. to flaunt something
fledgling: 1. a young bird just fledged 2. a young, inexperienced, or underdeveloped person or organization
flexibility: 1. the ability or willingness to make changes 2. easily bent 3. adaptability
flexible: 1. pliable; capable of being manipulated 2. able to change or be modified 3. able to be bent
flippant: showing a lack of proper respect or seriousness about a serious subject or situation, in an attempt to be funny or to appear clever, especially when this annoys other people
florid: 1. flushed with red or pink 2. highly decorated
flounder: stagger or struggle helplessly or clumsily to move or regain one's balance, as in deep mud or snow
flout: 1. to scorn something 2. to reject 3. to consciously refuse to comply with a rule or law
fluctuate: 1. to constantly undergo changes 2. to undulate 3. to shift back and forth; to rise and fall
focus: 1. the center point of something 2. the center of attention 3. the main point
folly: 1. a lack of good sense, understanding, or foresight; foolishness 2. a foolish action, practice, idea, etc. 3. any foolish and useless but expensive undertaking
foolhardy: bold or daring in a foolish way; foolishly ignoring obvious dangers; rash; reckless
forbearance: the quality of being polite, calm, and patient in difficult situations or in the face of provocation; self-control; patient restraint and tolerance
forensic: 1. related to the use of science in the judicial system and in investigations of crimes 2. used in court or in an argument; rhetorical
forlorn: 1. pitifully sad and lonely; unhappy and neglected; abandoned or left behind 2. nearly hopeless; desperate
format: 1. to arrange a document in a specific way 2. to prepare a computer disk to save specific files
formula: 1. a fixed or standard way of doing something 2. mathematical symbols that express a rule or a fact
forsake: 1. to desert or abandon someone who needs you 2. to give up something special or important
forthcoming: 1. upcoming; approaching 2. appearing shortly 3. helpful; collaborative
fortitude: mental and emotional strength in facing or enduring pain, difficulty, adversity, misfortune, danger, or temptation with courage
fortuitous: 1. happening by accident or chance rather than intention, especially in a way that is lucky or convenient 2. lucky; fortunate
foster: 1. promote the growth or development of (something, especially something desirable and over a period of time) 2. bring up with care, raise, or rear a child, usually for a limited time, without being the child's legal parent
foundation: 1. the base on which something is built 2. an organization that deals with social issues or projects 3. the underlying principle or basis
fractious: 1. irritable and quarrelsome 2. difficult to control; unruly
framework: 1. the basic structure for something 2. something's skeleton 3. a set of rules around which something is done
fraudulent: 1. dishonest and illegal; based on fraud or deception; using fraud; tricky; deceitful; dishonest 2. done or obtained by deception, especially criminal deception
fraught: filled, charged, or loaded (with), especially unpleasant or undesirable things such as problems, difficulties, or things that are confusing
frivolous: 1. not serious 2. unimportant 3. carefree in nature and superficial 4. trivial
frugal: 1. sparing or economical in use or expenditure; not wasteful; not spending freely or unnecessarily 2. simple, cheap, and not very big
function: 1. a duty or an activity that one must perform 2. a formal event 3. a purpose
fund: 1. money saved or collected that is destined for a specific purpose 2. a large supply of something 3. capital
fundamental: 1. essential 2. of great importance 3. basic
furthermore: 1. in addition 2. moreover 3. besides 4. additionally
furtive: done quietly, quickly and secretly to avoid being noticed
futile: 1. incapable of producing any result; unsuccessful, or useless; ineffective 2. of no importance; worthless
gallant: 1. (of a person or their behavior) brave and noble; high-spirited and daring 2. (of a man) courteously attentive especially to women; chivalrous; flirtatious 3. showy, colorful, or stylish, as in dress or manner; splendid; magnificent; well-dressed
gargantuan: very large in size or amount; of a tremendous size, volume, or degree; huge; enormous; gigantic

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garish: too bright or colorful (clothes or decoration) in an ugly way; tastelessly colorful, showy, or elaborate
garner: 1. to gather or to collect something, especially through great effort 2. to acquire or to amass
garrulous: talking much or too much, especially about things that are not important
gaunt: 1. extremely thin due to illness or hunger 2. empty or barren 3. dreary
gender: 1. one's sex or sexual identity 2. all members of a specific sex
generate: 1. to create or bring about 2. to produce 3. to produce energy, like electricity
generation: 1. a group of people in a society or in a family that were born in the same general age 2. a period of around thirty years in which people are born, grow up, and have babies of their own
genial: 1. cheerful, friendly, and sympathetic; amiable 2. (of air or climate) pleasantly mild and warm; favorable for life, growth, or comfort
genre: 1. a category or class 2. a specific style used in works of art that share common features
germane: 1. relevant to the argument or subject being discussed 2. fitting 3. related to a subject
germinate: 1. sprout or cause to sprout, as from a seed, spore, bulb, or bud 2. start developing or growing 3. come into existence; begin
glacial: 1. icy or unfriendly 2. related to a glacier 3. slow moving 4. extraordinarily cold
global: 1. world-wide 2. found around the world 3. comprehensive
glutton: 1. a person who eats and drinks excessively or voraciously 2. a person with a great desire, fondness, or capacity for something
goad: 1. to provoke someone 2. to urge someone on 3. to tease or incite a person or an animal
goal: 1. an aim, target or objective 2. the area where players must put a ball or puck in order to receive points in various sporting events
gossamer: 1. a fine, filmy cobweb often seen floating in the air or caught on bushes or grass 2. (something) delicate, light, delicate or flimsy
grade: 1. a level or rank 2. a number or letter that indicates the quality of something
grant: 1. to give something to someone 2. to allow someone to have something 3. to bestow
gratis: 1. free 2. without charge or price
gratuitous: 1. unearned; not called for 2. not necessary 3. with no cause 4. free
gravity: 1. the force that pulls matter toward a center of attraction; the force that pulls matter to the ground 2. seriousness or solemnity
gregarious: 1. an extremely sociable person 2. an animal that tends to live in flocks or herds
guarantee: 1. the promise that something will happen or that something is true 2. an assurance
guffaw: 1. a hearty, unrestrained, and loud burst of laughter
guile: clever and usually dishonest methods to achieve something or to make others do what you want
gullible: 1. easily tricked because one is too trusting 2. quick to believe something, even if it's not true 3. naive
hackneyed: 1. (of a phrase, idea, fashion, etc.) have been said or used so often that they no longer seem interesting or original and have become boring and not interesting 2. not fresh or original
hamper: slow or prevent the free movement, progress, or action of (someone or something); hold back; hinder; impede
hapless: unlucky and usually unhappy
harangue: 1. a long, angry and vociferous speech, often made with the intention of persuading someone 2. an aggressive and highly opinionated piece of writing
hardy: 1. capable of enduring extreme conditions or difficult situations; robust 2. bold or daring; courageous 3. brazenly daring; audacious 4. (of plants) able to survive outside during winter without protection from the weather
hasten: 1. make something happen sooner or more quickly; speed up; accelerate 2. move or act quickly; hurry 3. cause to hurry
haughty: having or showing irrational pride in oneself and irrational disdain for others
headlong: 1. with the head leading 2. very quickly and without taking time to think about your actions
hedonist: a person who believes that pleasure or happiness is the most important goal in life; a pleasure-seeker
heed: 1. to listen to or pay attention, especially when referring to advice or warnings 2. to consider or take notice of
hegemony: 1. dominance, influence or control over others, especially in reference to political power
hence: 1. therefore 2. for this reason 3. from this time 4. from this place
heresy: 1. a belief or opinion that is against the orthodox doctrines of a particular (especially Christian) religion and is considered wrong 2. any belief or theory (in politics, philosophy, science, etc.) that is opposed to established beliefs, customs, etc.
hiatus: 1. a pause in a specific event or activity 2. an interruption or space where something is missing 3. a gap or a break
hierarchy: 1. the order of people based on their rank or status 2. a system where people or things are ranked based on their status
highlight: 1. to stress something 2. to make something appear more important 3. to emphasize
hinder: 1. to limit someone's possibilities or the ability to do something 2. to hamper or impede 3. to slow something down
histrionic: 1. of or relating to actors, acting, or the theater 2. excessively theatrical, dramatic, or emotional in character or style; affected
hoary: 1. white, gray, or grayish-white in color 2. ancient 3. extremely old
homogeneous: of the same or similar nature or kind
hone: 1. to sharpen something or make it sharper than it already is 2. to improve a skill 3. to perfect
hubris: excessive pride or self-confidence that offends people; arrogance resulting from excessive pride or from passion
hyperbole: 1. a figure of speech in which the speaker or writer exaggerates for emphasis 2. an exaggerated statement that is not intended to be taken literally

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hypothesis: an unproved theory, proposition, supposition, etc. that is made on the basis of limited evidence and not proven but that leads to further study, discussion, or investigation, etc.
iconoclast: 1. a person who attacks widely accepted ideas, beliefs, traditional institutions, etc. 2. a person who destroys sacred images used in religious worship or opposes to the religious use of images
identical: 1. exactly alike 2. the same as something else 3. extraordinarily similar
identify: 1. to discover 2. to equate 3. to recognize a person or a problem
ideology: 1. a set of ideas which influence or govern a person or a society
idiosyncrasy: 1. a strange or unusual habit, way of behaving, or feature that is characteristic of a person, especially that is different from most people 2. an unusual feature or characteristic of something 3. an unusual individual reaction to food or a drug
idyllic: 1. extremely pleasant, beautiful, or peaceful; extremely happy, without any problems 2. pastoral or picturesque
ignominy: public shame or embarrassment where you lose other people's respect; shame and dishonor; infamy
ignorant: 1. not aware 2. possessing little knowledge or training 3. uneducated; uninformed
illuminate: 1. to make something brighter; to brighten 2. to explain something in a way that makes it understandable; to instruct
illustrate: 1. to show something or explain, especially by giving examples 2. to draw pictures that are to be used in a book or other written document 3. to represent
image: 1. a picture or a visual representation of something 2. a mental picture of something
immigration: 1. the act of moving into a new country in order to live there
immutable: 1. not able to be changed 2. always the same
impact: 1. a collision; the moment when two or more bodies hit 2. the effect that an event has on a person; an influence
impartial: 1. fair and unbiased 2. refraining from supporting a specific side in an argument 3. not partial
impasse: 1. a situation that has no solution or escape, especially because the people involved cannot agree; a deadlock or a stalemate 2. a road or passage having no exit; a blind alley
impassive: 1. calm and not showing emotion 2. unaffected 3. expressionless and without feeling
impeccable: 1. without fault 2. perfect 3. flawless 4. not capable of sin
impecunious: having little or no money
imperious: proud and unplesant attitude of assuming power or authority without justification and expecting other people to obey
impertinent: 1. rude and not demonstrating the amount of respect that is customary for the situation at hand
impervious: 1. (scientific) impenetrable 2. incapable of being affected or harmed
impetuous: 1. acting or done quickly, without considering the results of your actions; controlled by emotion rather than thought 2. moving with great force or violence; rushing; furious
implacable: 1. someone with strong ideas which are impossible to change 2. unable to appease
implement: 1. to put something in force or into effect 2. to carry out
implicate: 1. to demonstrate, imply or show that a person is involved in something, such as a crime
implication: something implied or suggested without saying it directly
implicit: 1. not explicitly said or explained; implied 2. suggested
imply: 1. express or indicate (something) indirectly 2. indicate or suggest without saying or showing
impose: 1. to force people to comply with a rule or to accept something 2. to demand
impromptu: 1. done without any planning 2. unrehearsed 3. offhand
impudent: 1. insolent 2. rude towards others 3. disrespectful toward someone that should receive respect
impute: say or suggest that someone or something has a specific quality, especially a bad one, or is guilty of (something, especially something undesirable)
incentive: 1. something that motivates people to do something or take action 2. a reward or the threat of punishment that inspires people to act
incessant: 1. unending 2. never stopping or pausing 3. continuing constantly without interruptions of any sort
inchoate: not completely formed or developed yet; disorganized; incomplete
incidence: 1. the rate or frequency at which something happens 2. occurrence
incipient: 1. just starting 2. in the beginning stages 3. beginning to appear
incisive: 1. sharp 2. penetrating 3. clearly expressed 4. direct
inclination: 1. a tendency to support something or like something; a preference 2. a slope or angle
incline: 1. to be in favor of something or have a preference 2. to bend or slant 3. to slope
income: 1. money that one receives in exchange for one's work or smart investing 2. revenue 3. a company's profits
incompatible: 1. unable to exist together in harmony or agreement because of basic differences 2. not consistent or able to coexist with (another)
incongruity: 1. the condition, quality, or fact of being unusual or different to other things which happen or exist in the same situation; incompatibility; unsuitableness; dissimilarity; inconsistency 2. disagreement of parts; lack of symmetry or of harmony
incongruous: 1. inappropriate or not considered to be normal 2. incompatible or inconsistent with the rest of things in its group or time
inconsequential: 1. of little or no importance; insignificant; trivial 2. inconsequent; illogical 3. irrelevant
incontrovertible: 1. very clear and obviously true; undeniable
incorporate: 1. to include something into a larger unit or group 2. to combine
incorrigible: (of a person or their tendencies) not able to be corrected, changed, improved, or reformed, especially because firmly established

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incredulous: 1. unwilling or unable to believe something, and usually showing this; doubting; skeptical 2. showing doubt or disbelief 3. incredible; not easy to be believed
incriminate: 1. make someone appear guilty, especially of a crime 2. accuse of or present proof of a crime or other wrongful act
indefatigable: 1. untiring and inexhaustible 2. not yielding to fatigue despite persisting in labor or effort for a long time
indelible: 1. impossible to remove or forget 2. producing marks that cannot be erased or removed 3. permanent
index: 1. an alphabetical list showing all that is included in a book or a larger document 2. an alphabetical list of the documents in a collection 3. an indication
indicate: 1. to show 2. to be a sign of 3. to signal 4. to suggest
indifferent: 1. not caring about something; apathetic or indifferent 2. impartial 3. unremarkable or average
indigenous: existing, growing, or produced naturally in a particular place or climate; native
indignant: feeling or showing anger or annoyance at unfair, mean, or ungrateful action or treatment
indiscriminate: 1. affecting or harming many people or things without considering who or what you harm or damage 2. done without choosing or judging carefully; not discriminating 3. random; haphazard
individual: 1. a single human being 2. a person
indolent: 1. disliking or avoiding work; idle; lazy 2. causing little or no pain 3. slow to heal, grow, or develop; inactive
indomitable: very determined and impossible to defeat, discourage, or subdue; unyielding; unconquerable
induce: 1. persuade or influence someone to do something 2. bring about, produce, or cause 3. draw (a general rule or conclusion) by inductive reasoning
inept: 1. not effective 2. unfit or wrong in an inappropriate way 3. awkward or clumsy
inert: 1. unable to move or act 2. moving or acting very slowly 3. not energetic or interesting
inertia: 1. lack of activity 2. the fact that matter moves in the same direction unless acted upon by another force
inevitable: 1. impossible to avoid, evade, escape, or prevent 2. sure to happen
inevitably: 1. in a way that isn't preventable 2. not able to be avoided
inexorable: 1. incapable of being altered, swayed or stopped 2. not capable of being persuaded
infallible: 1. never failing 2. unable to make a mistake 3. trustworthy or totally sure 4. incapable of being wrong
infamous: 1. famous for a bad reason 2. notorious 3. having a terrible reputation
infer: form an opinion or guess that something is true by reasoning, especially based on known facts, evidence, or premises
infrastructure: 1. the underlying features of something; framework 2. a country's basic systems, such as power, water or transportation
ingenious: clever, resourceful, original, and inventive
ingenuous: innocent and unsuspecting, artless, innocent, naive, candid or openly straightforward, especially because they have not had much experience of life
inherent: existing in someone or something as a natural and inseparable element, quality, right, or attribute
inhibit: 1. prevent someone from doing what he or she wants to do 2. prevent or slow down the activity, growth or occurrence of (something) 3. restrain, hinder, arrest, or check (an action, impulse, etc.)
inimical: 1. harmful or injurious 2. unkind or hostile towards others
initial: 1. first 2. occurring at the beginning of something 3. incipient
initiate: 1. to begin 2. to introduce a person to into a subject or knowledge; to teach someone 3. to formally admit someone into a group
injury: 1. physical harm caused by violence or an accident
innate: 1. a quality or ability existing in one from birth 2. an essential characteristic existing as part of the basic nature
innocuous: 1. that does not injure or harm 2. not likely to bother or offend anyone 3. not likely to arouse strong feelings or hostility
innovation: 1. the use of something new; a change to a particular process
innuendo: an indirect or subtle hint, remark, gesture, or reference, especially of a disparaging or a derogatory nature
insatiable: 1. not able to be satisfied 2. never satisfied 3. very greedy
inscrutable: (especially of a person or their expression) difficult or impossible to understand or interpret; enigmatic; mysterious
insert: 1. to put or place something in something else 2. to add something
insidious: 1. seemingly harmless yet, in truth, damaging and harmful 2. slowly acting and causing harm
insight: 1. understanding of a specific theme or topic 2. the ability to clearly understand a difficult or complicated situation or topic
insipid: 1. without flavor; tasteless 2. not interesting or exciting; dull; boring
inspect: 1. to carefully examine something, especially in search of problems or flaws 2. to make an official visit to ensure that rules are being followed or complied with
inspection: 1. the act of examining something by an official or a person who has been specially trained 2. an official or formal review
instance: 1. an occurrence 2. an example used to demonstrate something
instigate: 1. cause something to happen or begin, especially an official process 2. urge, provoke, or incite to some action, especially something bad
institute: 1. an organization that promotes education or art 2. an organization that carries out research 3. an organization with a specific purpose
instruct: 1. to teach someone 2. to show someone how to do something 3. to direct or give orders
insurgent: 1. rebellious 2. fighting against leadership, authority, government or political rule
integral: 1. fundamental; essential 2. of the utmost importance 3. necessary

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integrate: 1. to add something to a unit to make it whole 2. to combine two or more things 3. to join; to unify
integrity: 1. the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles 2. the quality or state of being whole and undivided 3. the quality or state of being unimpaired; soundness
intelligence: 1. the ability to learn or to acquire knowledge or skills 2. classified or secret information about an organization or a country
intend: plan
intense: 1. acute 2. very strong; extreme 3. profound
interact: 1. to communicate with and react to another human 2. to act on
interaction: 1. the act of communicating and acting with other individuals
intermediate: 1. in the middle of two things, places, etc. 2. between two levels; between basic and advanced
interminable: 1. continual 2. without end 3. tedious
intermittent: 1. happening at irregular intervals 2. not steady 3. stopping and starting
internal: 1. found or existing within certain limits 2. inner 3. interior
interpretation: 1. explanation 2. definition 3. the act of orally translating from one language to another
interval: 1. the space or spaces between things 2. the period of time between two things 3. a pause
intervene: 1. to get involved or become involved in a situation in order to change its suspected outcome 2. to interrupt 3. to be situated between two things
intervention: 1. the act of becoming involved in something
intransigent: unwilling or refusing to change your opinions or behavior with no good reason
intrepid: very bold or brave and showing no fear of dangerous situations; fearless
intrinsic: 1. inherent 2. relating to the basic nature of something 3. fundamental
inundate: overwhelm (someone or something) by sending or providing with a large amount of things at the same time
invective: 1. severe or abusive language used to blame, criticize or insult
investigate: 1. to thoroughly examine something 2. to explore a topic in order to learn the truth about it 3. to try to get information about something
investigation: 1. research or inquiry 2. the act of trying to find information about something in order to better understand it
inveterate: 1. established or habitual 2. deep-rooted 3. settled in a habit and unlikely to change
invidious: 1. arousing anger or envy in others 2. causing animosity due to unfairness 2. offensive
invoke: 1. request blessing, help, inspiration, support, etc. from someone, especially God, a god, a saint, etc. 2. ask for; request earnestly 3. make someone have a particular feeling or remember something
involve: 1. to engage 2. to include something as necessary 3. to cause a person to participate or get involved
irascible: becoming angry very easily
irate: feeling or showing extreme anger; very angry; enraged
ire: 1. intense anger 2. wrath 3. rage
irksome: 1. annoying and tedious 2. irritating
ironic: 1. using words that literally mean the opposite of what the speaker or writer wants to say, especially when one wants to express humor
irony: a method of humorous or subtly sarcastic expression in which the intended meaning of the words is different from and often opposite to their literal meaning
irreverent: having or showing a lack of seriousness or respect for official, important, or holy things that are generally taken seriously
irrevocable: 1. unable to be taken away 2. unable to be changed 3. final
isolate: 1. to seclude someone or something 2. to place something in quarantine 3. to separate something or someone
isolated: 1. separated from others 2. occurring just one time
issue: topic
item: 1. a single object 2. a piece of news 3. a subject to be discussed or dealt with
itinerant: 1. moving from place to place, especially for work reasons 2. traveling
jargon: 1. special vocabulary or expressions that are difficult to understand and are exclusively used by a certain group of professionals 2. gibberish
journal: 1. a newspaper or magazine 2. a magazine that contains articles about a specific subject 3. a written record of the day 4. a logbook
jovial: 1. (of a person ) cheerful, friendly, and good-humored 2. (of a situation ) enjoyable because of being friendly and pleasant
jubilant: 1. thrilled 2. feeling and expressing great joy 3. expressing extreme happiness, often due to a victory or success
judicious: having, applying, or showing reason and good judgment or sense in making decisions
justification: 1. the reason behind something; something that explains or justifies something else
justify: 1. to explain or defend one's position or reasoning 2. to adjust one's text so that the right and left edges of a document are equal 3. to prove something to be correct
juxtaposition: 1. the act of placing items side-by-side 2. the act of placing items close together, often to incite comparison
kindle: 1. to build or light a fire 2. to make something burn; to ignite 3. to arouse an emotion or cause a feeling 4. to stir up
label: 1. a piece of material on an object that gives information about the object 2. a name or phrase assigned to a person to classify them, often in an unfair manner 3. a company that produces music
labour: 1. work or physical exertion 2. the process of giving birth to a baby 3. workers, when considered collectively

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labyrinth: 1. something that is perplexing or confusing 2. a network of paths or passages that is considered to be confusing or difficult to navigate
lachrymose: 1. depressed; sad 2. tending to cry easily or frequently 3. causing tears
laconic: using very few words in speech, writing, or expression; terse; concise
laggard: someone or something that is very slow or late in doing things and always falling behind others
lampoon: 1. to criticize a person or a group through a humorous piece of writing or art
languid: 1. lacking enthusiasm, energy, or strength; without interest or spirit 2. (of a period of time) relaxed and pleasant 3. weak or faint from illness or fatigue 4. slow in progress; tardy
languish: 1. to become weaker 2. to suffer through a difficult, unwanted situation over an extended period of time 3. to long for something or someone 4. to be ignored or neglected
larceny: 1. theft 2. the act of taking someone else's property and acting as if it is now yours
latent: exists but is not active, obvious, completely developed, or cannot be seen
laud: praise someone or something highly
lavish: 1. extravagant or expensive 2. liberal in one's spending or giving of money 3. impressive 4. generous 5. sumptuous
lax: 1. not as strict or strong 2. loose 3. not careful
layer: 1. different tiers that make something up 2. a thin sheet of a certain substance 3. a substance that is above or under another substance
lecture: 1. a speech or lesson about a specific subject 2. a speech that is open to to the public 3. a long and serious scolding
legal: 1. allowed or permitted by law 2. related or connected to law
legend: 1. the part of a map or a chart where each symbol or color are explained 2. a story that has been told over generations that may or may not be true; myth
legislate: 1. to create and pass laws
legislation: 1. laws 2. the act of lawmaking
lethargic: 1. sluggish or drowsy; tired or slightly tired 2. apathetic
levity: 1. lack of seriousness, especially when strictness is required or appropriate 2. frivolity 3. fickleness
levy: 1. to impose a tax, fee or fine on 2. to officially request the payment of a tax, fee or fine
liberal: 1. tolerant or open-minded 2. in favor of personal rights and freedoms 3. in favor of reform and progressive policies 4. generous
licentious: 1. amoral or lascivious 2. showing little to no respect for laws or social norms 3. not restrained
likewise: 1. similarly 2. moreover 3. in addition
link: 1. to connect two or more things 2. to relate things 3. to join
locate: 1. to find 2. to situate 3. to be in a certain place 4. to discover the exact position
location: 1. the place where someone or something can be found 2. place
lofty: 1. elevated; high 2. arrogant; thinking that one is better or more important than others 3. tall
logic: 1. a specific or formal way of thinking 2. the scientific study of the processes used when humans reason or think
longevity: 1. long life 2. the length or duration of life 3. long existence or service
loquacious: tending to talk a lot or too much
lucid: 1. very clear and easy to understand 2. clear; transparent 3. able to think clearly
lucrative: producing a lot of wealth or profit; profitable
ludicrous: 1. absurd 2. laughable; deserving of or causing laughter 3. ridiculous
lugubrious: very sad, mournful, dismal, or gloomy, especially in a way that seems exaggerated, ridiculous, or insincere way
lull: 1. cause to sleep, rest, or calm, typically with soothing sounds or movements 2. cause someone feel secure, relaxed, or confident instead of careful and alert, especially by deception 3. a temporary calm, quiet, or stillness, as in a storm 4. become calm
lurid: 1. causing shock or horror, especially because involving violence, sex, or immoral activity; gruesome 2. glowing with an unnatural glare and in an ugly way
luxuriant: 1. (of vegetation) abundant or lush in growth; having heavy and thick growth 2. fertile; fruitful; productive 3. richly abundant, profuse, or superabundant 4. marked by or displaying luxury; luxurious
lynch: 1. to kill someone without a fair trial in court because they allegedly committed some sort of crime
magnanimity: generosity
maintenance: 1. financial support given from one ex-spouse to another 2. upkeep 3. the act of maintaining
major: 1. quite important 2. serious 3. large 4. more important
maladroit: 1. awkward 2. clumsy 3. inept 4. unskilled
malady: 1. an illness, disease or ailment 2. a major problem
malediction: 1. a curse or the act of saying a curse 2. speaking in a defamatory or evil way
malevolent: causing or wanting to cause harm or evil to another or others; malicious; evil
malleable: 1. (of a metal or other material) able to be hammered, pounded, or pressed into various shapes without breaking or cracking 2. easily influenced, trained, or controlled; adaptable
mallet: 1. a hammer or a hammer-like tool 2. a stick with a spherical padded head that is used to play specific percussion instruments 3. a long-handled wooden hammer used to play croquet
manipulate: 1. to change or modify, especially to suit one's purposes 2. to handle 3. to influence or control someone
manual: 1. a guide book that tells one how to operate or use something 2. an instruction book

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margin: 1. a border or edge 2. the difference between the cost of production of a good and the amount at which it is sold
marginal: 1. not important 2. quite small 3. on the margin or border
mature: 1. to grow old 2. to develop 3. to ripen
maudlin: 1. self-pityingly or tearfully sentimental, especially in a foolish or annoying way 2. foolishly tearful or sentimental, especially when you are drunk
maverick: a person who refuses to follow the customs or rules of or resists adherence to a group
maxim: 1. a general truth that someone lives by 2. a rule of conduct 3. a proverb
maximise: 1. to make as large as possible 2. to make the most of something 3. to use something in a way that allows one to get the best possible result
maximum: 1. the highest possible amount or largest quantity
meager: 1. meek or feeble 2. inadequate 3. deficient in quantity; less than is needed or necessary
meander: 1. to walk slowly and without purpose or without direction 2. to follow a winding path 3. to randomly wander
mechanism: 1. a machine or device 2. the working parts of a machine
media: 1. companies or institutions that report the news through the television, radio, press, internet, etc. 2. mass communication when considered as a whole
mediate: 1. to settle disputes through negotiation 2. to be an intermediary 3. to work with opposing sides to reach an agreement
medium: 1. a way of expressing something, such as photography or print 2. something in a middle position 3. surrounding objects; environment
mental: 1. related to or involving the mind 2. existing in the mind
mercenary: 1. working or acting only for money or other reward 2. a professional soldier hired to serve in a foreign army, guerrilla organization, etc.
mercurial: 1. changing mood or opinion unexpectedly, suddenly, and often 2. volatile; erratic; unstable 3. lively and continuously active
merge: 1. to put two or more things together; to unite; to combine
method: 1. a way of doing something 2. an approach 3. a technique
meticulous: 1. extremely concerned with details 2. thorough and precise 3. finicky
mettle: 1. resilience; stamina 2. fortitude and courage 3. the ability to deal with situations that are considered difficult 4. temperament
migrate: 1. to move from one region or country to another
migration: 1. the movement of people or animals from one reason to another, based on a variety of different reasons
milieu: 1. setting 2. environment 3. the conditions and people that create a person's environment
military: 1. related to soldiers, the army, or armed conflict 2. done or made by soldiers
minimal: 1. the least or fewest possible 2. extremely small 3. negligible
minimise: 1. to make something smaller 2. to reduce as much as possible in amount or degree 3. to make something seem less important
minimum: 1. the smallest or least amount of something possible 2. the smallest size possible
ministry: 1. a government department that is in charge of a specific task or subject 2. the job of being a preacher or a priest
minor: 1. of little importance 2. small or secondary 3. not valuable 4. not serious
minute: extremely small
misanthrope: a person who hates or distrusts all people and avoids involvement with human society
miserly: 1. a person who is reluctant or unhappy to spend money 2. a person who is not charitable or thoughtful with others
misnomer: a name, term, designation, or description that is incorrect or unsuitable for a person or thing
mitigate: make something less severe, serious, painful, harmful, unpleasant, or bad
mode: 1. a fashion 2. a way of doing something or performing a task
modicum: 1. a limited amount of something 2. a small object 3. a reduced quantity
modify: 1. to make changes to something 2. to adjust or alter
monitor: 1. to watch someone or something 2. to check on something or someone in order to detect changes 3. to supervise
monotonous: 1. repetitive and boring 2. lacking variety 3. dull 4. wearisome
moribund: 1. near death 2. near extinction or obsoleteness 3. stagnant or not active
morose: 1. austere and churlish 2. ill-tempered 3. bleak or dreary in nature 4. showing a gloomy attitude
motivation: 1. the enthusiasm, interest or reason for doing something
motive: 1. one of the reasons behind someone's behavior 2. something that inspires someone to behave in a certain way 3. a motif
motley: 1. a heterogeneous group 2. polychromatic 3. characterized by variety
multifarious: 1. characterized by variety 2. largely diverse 3. composed of a wide variety of parts or elements
mundane: 1. ordinary and not interesting or exciting 2. relating to the world and practical matters instead of heavenly or spiritual ones; worldly; earthly
munificent: 1. very generous 2. liberal with one's giving of money 3. lavish
mutual: 1. shared between two or more parties 2. held in common
myriad: 1. a large number, often one that is too large to count 2. a great deal of people or things

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nadir: 1. the point opposite the zenith on a sphere, directly below the observer 2. the lowest, worst point in a situation
nascent: 1. emerging or beginning to exist 2. recently formed or started 3. developing
navigable: 1. safe, wide, and deep enough to allow the passage or transit of ships 2. able to be directed or steered
negate: 1. to deny something or say something isn't true 2. to cancel something out; to nullify
negative: 1. pessimistic 2. harmful or bad 3. expressing or showing "no" 4. expressing disapproval
nettle: 1. to bother or annoy 2. to provoke 3. to irritate or sting as if with nettles
network: 1. a large system of smaller interconnected parts 2. a system of interconnected people or things 3. a group of people who are related in some way
neutral: 1. impartial 2. not supporting either side involved in a conflict
nevertheless: 1. in spite of 2. notwithstanding 3. however
noisome: 1. very unpleasant, offensive or disgusting, as an odor 2. harmful, dangerous, or injurious, especially to health
nomadic: 1. constantly moving from place to place without a fixed pattern 2. itinerant 3. pertaining to a wandering tribe
nominal: 1. insignificant 2. in name, but not in practice 3. very small
nonchalance: 1. indifference 2. a lack of concern 3. composure; casualness
nonchalant: coolly unconcerned, indifferent, or unexcited; relaxed, calm, and not worried about anything; not displaying anxiety, interest, or enthusiasm
nonentity: 1. something that doesn't exist 2. something imaginary 3. someone or something that is not important
nonetheless: 1. nevertheless 2. however
norm: 1. a rule or standard 2. a pattern or something that is expected 3. a model
nostalgia: 1. homesickness; a longing for one's home or hometown 2. a feeling of sadness and pleasure when thinking about events or things from the past; sentimentality
notion: 1. an idea, belief or opinion about something
notwithstanding: 1. in spite of 2. nevertheless 3. although
novel: 1. new 2. different from anything that has previously existed 3. surprisingly new or unusual
novice: a person who is new and not experienced in a job or situation
noxious: 1. detrimental to living beings 2. something that is dangerous for one's physical health
nuance: a small variation in meaning, tone or feeling
nuclear: 1. related to or employing nuclear weapons or energy 2. related to the nucleus of an atom
nullify: 1. to void something, especially a legal agreement or decision 2. to make something useless or null
obdurate: 1. stubbornly refusing to do what other people want 2. stubbornly refusing to change your opinions, plans, or the way you do something despite what anyone else says, in a way that does not seem reasonable
obfuscate: 1. to make something more difficult to understand, often intentionally 2. to darken or make opaque 3. to make something obscure or confusing
objective: 1. fair and impartial 2. unbiased 3. based on facts and not affected by feelings 4. actual
oblique: 1. possessing a slanting or sloping angle or direction; inclined 2. not expressing something in a clear or direct manner
obliterate: 1. to totally destroy 2. to make something disappear completely 3. to get rid of, erase or cover completely
oblivious: 1. unaware or not conscious about something happening at that moment 2. forgetful 3. inattentive
obscure: 1. not famous or well-known 2. difficult to see 3. faint; vague 4. unnoticeable 5. mysterious
obsequious: 1. overly attentive or eager to flatter others 2. excessive obedience or flattery, often in order to gain favors from people of influence
obsession: 1. a person, object or idea that someone constantly thinks about 2. the state of being completely obsessed with something
obsolete: 1. outdated or old-fashioned 2. no longer in use 3. antiquated
obstinate: 1. unreasonably stubborn and unwilling to change one's opinion or attitude 2. troublesome to deal with, change or remove
obstreperous: 1. noisy and unruly, often in an aggressive way 2. resistant to authority; defiant
obtain: 1. to get 2. to acquire 3. to procure
obtuse: annoyingly insensitive or slow to understand explanations or situations quickly
obviate: anticipate and prevent or remove (a need, problem, difficulty, disadvantage, etc.) by effective measures so that action to deal with it becomes unnecessary
obvious: 1. clear 2. easy to see 3. apparent 4. evident
occupy: 1. to be inside something 2. to dwell in 3. to fill 4. to keep someone busy
occur: 1. to take place 2. to happen 3. to exist
odd: 1. unable to be divided by two 2. strange or uncommon 3. unexpected
odious: 1. something that causes strong dislike or hatred 2. repulsive or vile
officious: someone who is overly eager to offer their unsolicited opinion, advice or services; overbearing
offset: 1. to balance or counteract something 2. to compensate
olfactory: 1. related to one's sense of smell
ominous: 1. threatening or suggestive that something bad is going to occur 2. inauspicious

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omnipotent: 1. possessing infinite power 2. having an enormous influence 3. all-powerful
omniscient: 1. possessing unlimited knowledge 2. knowing, or seemingly knowing, everything
ongoing: 1. continuing 2. happening at the present time 3. in progress
onus: 1. a burden or a difficult task 2. an obligation 3. responsibility
opaque: 1. not letting light pass through; not transparent or translucent 2. difficult to understand or explain
option: 1. the ability or right to choose 2. a choice or something that can be chosen
opulent: 1. expensive and luxurious 2. very wealthy, rich, or affluent 3. richly supplied; abundant or plentiful
ordain: 1. to formally make or declare someone a preacher, priest or other religious leader 2. to formally declare or order 3. to establish by law or other rules
orient: 1. to adapt something 2. to align something based on a specific point or direction 3. to direct towards a goal
orientation: 1. the act of finding or determining one's position 2. a person or group's interests or beliefs 3. training for a job
ornate: 1. elaborate or heavily adorned 2. marked by complex language and unusual vocabulary
orthodox: 1. conventional or acceptable by the general public 2. traditional or old-fashioned in one's beliefs 3. a strict observer of a certain faith
ostensible: 1. something apparent or professed to be true 2. something conspicuous and open to view
oust: 1. to eject someone from a place or a role 2. to force someone out of a position
outcome: 1. the result or consequence 2. the effect
output: 1. production over a specific period of time 2. yield 3. energy or power produced by a system or machine
overall: 1. comprehensive 2. all-inclusive 3. total 4. in general
overlap: 1. a shared area of responsibility or interest 2. the amount in which two things cover a shared area 3. the period of time when two different things are occurring
overseas: 1. abroad 2. in a foreign country
oversight: 1. an accidental omission or mistake that often brings about problems 2.careful vigilance 3. surveillance
overt: 1. transparent; done or displayed in public 2. not hidden 3. clear and apparent
pacifist: 1. a person who is totally opposed to the use of violence or force 2. a person opposed to the military who refuses to participate in military activities
pacify: 1. to ease a tense situation or someone's anger 2. to cause calm or peace to come to a previously tense situation 3. to put an end to violence or conflict
painstaking: 1. performing or characterized by diligent and careful work, in which much attention is paid to detail 2. trying very hard to do something
palatable: 1. tasty 2. fit to be consumed by humans 3. acceptable
palliate: 1. to lessen the symptoms of an illness 2. to make something less severe 3. to make something serious seem less important or negative
pallid: 1. lacking vitality, liveliness or intensity; dull 2. extremely pale, to the point that one appears to be unhealthy
panacea: 1. a cure for any malady 2. something that people think will cure any difficulty or problem
panegyric: a speech or piece of writing in praise of someone or something
panel: 1. a board 2. a group of people who work together in order to make decisions, pass judgment or entertain people
paradigm: 1. something that serves as an example or a model 2. accepted ideas or practices that are used in order to explain or view a shared reality
paradox: 1. something that sounds untrue or impossible but might be possible or true 2. something that contradicts itself or has opposite qualities
paragraph: 1. a portion of a text that centers around one specific idea
parallel: 1. not intersecting 2. occurring at the same time 3. extending in the same direction
parameter: 1. a boundary that limits a specific action or process 2. a rule that controls something
paramount: 1. supreme 2. more important than any other thing
parasite: 1. any animal or plant that lives on and feeds on another animal or plant
pariah: 1. a person who is looked down upon or rejected by society, often because they are not trusted or respected 2. an outcast
parity: 1. similarity 2. the condition or state of being equal
parochial: 1. showing interest only in matters that directly affect you; narrow in scope 2. related to a parish
parody: 1. a work of art such as a text or a play which is created to poke fun at or ridicule another work 2. to poke fun at someone or something
parry: 1. to skillfully avoid dealing with criticism or answering a tough question 2. to deflect or ward off an attack
parsimonious: 1. cheap; frugal with one's money 2. unwilling to spend or give money
participate: 1. to be involved in something 2. to take part
partisan: 1. strongly prejudiced in favor of something 2. one-sided or partial 3. someone who is devoted to a political party
passive: 1. inactive 2. complacent 3. submissive 4. inert
patron: 1. a person who supports a group, activity or organization by donating money to them; a benefactor 2. a regular or frequent customer
patronize: 1. to support something or someone financially 2. to act in a condescending way towards someone
paucity: 1. a lack of something 2. scantiness 3. insufficiency in number; shortage
peccadillo: a small mistake, fault, sin, or offense that is not very serious or harmful

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pedant: a person who is obsessed with the rules and minor details
pedantic: 1. giving too much importance to formal rules or small details 2. making an excessive display of one's own learning
pedestrian: 1. ordinary; dull 2. commonplace 3. undistinguished
peerless: 1. unequaled or unrivaled 2. incomparable to anything else 3. better than anything else of its type
pellucid: 1. simple to understand 2. clear, transparent or translucent; allowing the passage of light
penchant: 1. a clear inclination towards something 2. a taste for something
pensive: 1. contemplative 2. appearing as if lost in thought, especially about something serious or sad 3. thoughtful
penury: 1. extreme poverty; the state of being extraordinarily poor 2. insufficiency or scarcity
perceive: 1. to become aware of 2. to observe; to notice
percent: 1. out of one hundred 2. a part of one hundred
perceptive: 1. possessing the ability to perceive things 2. observant 3. capable of noticing and understanding things quickly 4. wise
peremptory: 1. someone who is overly assertive, to the point that they do not allow contradiction 2. someone domineering and totalitarian 3. someone who is offensively arrogant
perfidious: deliberately faithless; treacherous; deceitful
perfunctory: 1. an action performed in a routine and careless manner 2. acting in a way which shows a lack of interest
period: 1. an interval or length of time 2. a full stop
peripheral: 1. something that is found on the outer edge or boundary 2. trivial or unimportant 3. something that is secondary or supplementary
perjury: 1. the act of lying or giving false information while under oath 2. the breaking of an oath or a promise
pernicious: 1. deadly 2. causing extreme harm, destruction or injury
persist: 1. to persevere 2. to continue despite difficulty 3. to stand firm
persistent: 1. unending; unstopping 2. constant 3. stubborn; not willing to give up
personable: 1. attractive both in one's physical appearance and in one's personality 2. friendly or sociable
perspective: 1. a vista or view 2. a way of looking at or examining something 3. an outlook
pertinacious: 1. stubborn or unyielding; resolute in one's belief or opinion 2. determined and persistent 3. obstinate
pertinent: 1. relevant to the topic at hand 2. logically related to the matter 3. fitting
peruse: 1. to read something thoroughly 2. to examine something in detail 3. to skim something; to read something in a relaxed manner
pervasive: 1. spread all over or spreading to all parts 2. present everywhere 3. permeating; penetrating
petrify: 1. to make something become hard or stone like 2. to freeze with horror or fear 3. to make hard or inflexible
petulant: easily, suddenly, frequently, childishly, or unreasonably annoyed, irritable, or bad-tempered, especially over trivial matters
phase: 1. a stage (of time) 2. a period of time in a person's life
phenomenon: 1. an extraordinary person or thing 2. an observable fact or occurrence 3. something remarkable
philistine: 1. an uncultured person who does not like or understand art 2. a vulgar person
philosophy: 1. the study of human morals and behavior 2. ideas and theories about something 3. the way someone thinks about life 4. a theory or belief that guides someone's behavior
phlegmatic: not easily upset, excited, or angered to action or display of emotion; apathetic; sluggish
physical: 1. related to the body 2. related to something one can see and touch; tangible
pillage: 1. to rob using force, especially during wartime 2. to loot
pious: 1. extremely religious 2. devout in one's religious beliefs 3. falsely devout or moral 4. dutiful to one's parents or other authority figures
pithy: 1. precise and full of meaning 2. succinct; concise, yet meaningful
pivotal: 1. of extreme importance 2. critical; crucial 3. significant
placate: make (someone) less angry or hostile, especially by making concessions or by being nice to them
placebo: 1. a harmless substance that has no real affect on the person who takes it 2. something designed or done to placate the person who takes or receives it
placid: 1. peaceful and undisturbed 2. serene, with a lack of movement or activity 3. showing calm
platitude: 1. a trite, dull or unoriginal saying that is considered common information, despite the remark being said as if it were original information 2. absence of originality
plausible: something that is credible and possibly true
plethora: a large or excessive amount of (something), especially a larger amount than you need, want, or can deal with; overabundance; excess
pliable: 1. malleable 2. flexible 3. easy to manipulate into other shapes
plumage: 1. the feathers of a bird (collectively) 2. elaborate costume or dress
plus: 1. positive 2. higher than 3. extra or added
podium: 1. a platform that is raised above the ground which people stand on to give a speech, receive a prize, or to conduct a musical group
polemical: 1. controversial and often hostile 2. strongly critical
policy: 1. a course of action decided upon by an organization, a group of people, a government or a political party 2. guidelines

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ponderous: 1. slow and clumsy because of great weight or size 2. very boring or dull 3. that seems heavy; bulky; massive
portend: 1. to foreshadow something negative that is going to occur in the future 2. to be a sign of something
portent: 1. a warning about something that is going to occur in the future 2. an indication or sign that something is going to happen, especially referring to negative events
portion: 1. a small part or section of something whole; a piece 2. the specific amount of food given to someone
pose: 1. to take on a posture for artistic purposes 2. to formally ask a question 3. to cause a problem 4. to impersonate someone
poseur: 1. a person who pretends to be something that they are not in order to impress others
positive: 1. extremely certain, without any doubt 2. more than zero 3. hopeful or giving reasons to be so
posthumous: 1. taking place after death 2. published after death
postulate: 1. a prerequisite 2. something which is accepted as true before developing or discussing another idea 3. a basic principle
potent: 1. extremely powerful or effective 2. influential 3. possessing great authority or power
potential: 1. possible 2. able to occur 3. capable of developing or happening
practice: the expected procedure or way of doing something
practitioner: 1. a person engaged in a specific practice, such as medicine or law 2. a professional
pragmatic: dealing or concerned with facts or actual practice in a reasonable and logical way instead of depending on ideas, theories or speculation; practical
prattle: 1. to speak at length about subjects that are unimportant, often without making any sense 2. to speak without sense and in a juvenile manner
precarious: 1. something that is not certain 2. risky or subject to chance 3. something which lacks security and is in a possibly dangerous situation
precede: 1. to exist before something 2. to come before 3. to have a higher rank than someone
precedent: 1. a practice or act in the past which is used to justify a similar practice in the present
preceding: 1. before 2. prior to
precept: 1. a command or rule which indicates what proper behavior is 2. a standard of conduct 3. a warrant
precipitate: 1. cause (something) to happen quickly, suddenly, unexpectedly, or prematurely before expected, warranted, needed, or desired 2. throw headlong; hurl downward 3. fall; fall downward suddenly and dramatically
precipitous: 1. quite steep 2. occurring suddenly or dramatically
precise: 1. accurate; exact 2. meticulous or exacting
precocious: 1. (especially of children) unusually advanced or mature in development, especially mental development 2. appearing or developing early
precursor: a person or thing that goes before another person or something else and that often leads to or influences its development; forerunner; harbinger
predecessor: 1. the previous occupant of a post or a role 2. something that comes before another related thing
predicament: 1. a difficult, uncomfortable, embarrassing or dangerous situation that is often difficult to get out of
predict: 1. to say that something is going to happen before it actually does 2. to foretell 3. to announce in advance
predilection: 1. a personal preference towards something 2. a special liking of something
predominant: 1. the most powerful 2. the most common 3. superior or supreme
predominantly: 1. chiefly 2. mainly 3. principally
preeminent: 1. superior 2. excelling or more important than others 3. outstanding
preliminary: 1. introductory 2. leading up to the main event or thing
prerogative: 1. a privilege or something that one is permitted to do that others aren't 2. an advantage 3. a right
presumption: 1. the act of assuming 2. something assumed 3. the act of believing something without seeing proof
presumptuous: going beyond what is right or proper and not showing enough respect, especially because of an excess of self-confidence or arrogance
pretentious: trying to appear or sound as more impressive, successful, or important than someone really is, especially in matters of art and literature
pretext: a false reason or motive that you pretend to have in order to hide your real reason or motive for doing something; excuse
prevaricate: 1. stray away from or avoid telling the truth by not directly answering a question 2. speak or act falsely or misleadingly
previous: 1. anterior 2. something coming or occurring before another event 3. prior
primary: 1. fundamental; principal 2. basic 3. essential 4. happening first
prime: 1. chief 2. most important 3. of the highest quality
primeval: 1. primordial 2. related to or from the earliest time, especially when referring to the origin of Earth 3. original
principal: 1. most important 2. main 3. first in rank or order
principle: 1. a basic rule or law 2. a standard of behavior or morals
prior: 1. coming before 2. preceding 3. previous or former
priority: 1. something that is considered to be extremely important and has the ability to take place before other things 2. possessing the right to come before others
pristine: 1. unspoiled; uncorrupted 2. new and in good condition 3. pure
procedure: 1. a way of doing something 2. a medical treatment 3. course of action
proceed: 1. to continue onward 2. to advance 3. to begin something

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process: 1. a series of happenings or actions that lead to a specific result 2. a naturally occurring series of changes
proclivity: 1. an inclination towards something 2. a natural propensity or tendency 3. a predisposition to want to do something, especially when referring to something bad
procrastinate: 1. delay or postpone doing (something unpleasant or burdensome) until a future time, especially out of habitual carelessness or laziness 2. postpone or delay needlessly
procure: 1. obtain something, especially with care, effort, or difficulty 2. obtain (a sexual partner, especially woman) for another, for the purpose of prostitution
prodigal: 1. carelessly and foolishly wasting a lot of money, time, or supplies, etc. 2. extremely generous; lavish 3. extremely abundant; profuse
prodigious: 1. very great or impressive in size, force, or extent; enormous 2. extraordinary; marvelous; wonderful; amazing
profane: 1. to defile 2. to show a lack of respect for objects considered to be sacred or holy 3. to violate
professional: 1. relating to or suitable for a specific profession 2. performing an activity to earn money instead of to relax or have fun 3. possessing the necessary qualities
profound: 1. very deep 2. (of a state, quality, or emotion) very great 3. (of a disease or disability) very severe 4. (of a subject or idea) intellectually deep; entering far into subjects 5. (of a person or statement) having or showing deep thought or wisdom
profuse: 1. created or given in large amounts; generous 2. plentiful 3. given abundantly or magnanimously
prohibit: 1. to forbid or ban 2. to not allow or permit 3. to officially ban
prohibitive: 1. something that discourages one from doing something 2. restricting people from doing something
project: 1. a scheme or a plan 2. a proposal 3. a task which requires work to be done
proletarian: 1. a member of the working class
proliferate: 1. to increase or grow at a rapid pace 2. to multiply or reproduce quickly
prolific: 1. producing a large amount of something, especially fruit, offspring or works 2. bountiful, fruitful or productive
promote: 1. to raise in rank 2. to encourage or support 3. to encourage people to buy something 4. to give publicity to
promulgate: 1. to put an official decree or law into effect via official announcement 2. to make something publicly known by officially announcing it
propensity: 1. a tendency or natural inclination to behave in a certain way 2. a preference
propitiate: 1. make (a god, spirit, or person) pleased, less angry, or regain their favor by giving or doing something that pleases them 2. appease; conciliate
propitious: 1. likely to result in or show success 2. something advantageous 3. benevolent; favorable
proponent: 1. a person who is actively in favor of something 2. a supporter 3. an advocate
proportion: 1. the amount of something in relation to the whole 2. the comparative size or degree 3. the relation between size and number
prosaic: lacking in interest, imagination, originality, or excitement; commonplace or dull; matter-of-fact or unimaginative
proscribe: 1. to make something no longer be lawful; to prohibit (legally) 2. to banish 3. to forbid 4. to denounce
prospect: 1. the ability to do something, especially in the future 2. a possibility 3. chances or opportunities for success
prospective: 1. something in the future that is expected or predicted to happen 2. probable or likely to happen
prosperity: a successful, flourishing, or thriving condition, especially in financial respects; good fortune, wealth, success, etc.
protagonist: 1. one of the main characters of a story 2. a leader of a cause or movement
protean: 1. ever changing 2. versatile and able to change form, shape or meaning quickly 3. able to play many roles
protocol: 1. the rules and regulations governing certain situations 2. a record of a transaction 3. a formal diplomatic agreement between two or more countries
provident: 1. making arrangements for the future and showing foresight 2. preparing for the future, especially by saving money for possible emergencies
provocative: 1. provoking or tending to provoke, as to action, thought, feeling, etc.; inciting, stimulating, irritating, or vexing 2. causing people to become sexually excited
prudent: 1. careful, and using good judgment in practical matters 2. careful in regard to one's own interests; provident 3. cautious or discreet in conduct; circumspect; not rash
psychology: 1. the study of the human mind and human behavior
publication: 1. something that's been published; printed matter 2. the process or act of making a book, magazine or newspaper available to the public
puerile: 1. childish, juvenile or immature 2. silly; foolish 3. related to or belonging to childhood
punctilious: 1. exact in one's attention to detail; extremely correct with one's behavior
pundit: 1. an expert or educated person on a specific subject 2. an authority on a specific subject who often makes public declarations on the subject
purchase: 1. an object that has been bought 2. the act of buying something
purloin: 1. to take something from someone in violation of their trust 2. to pilfer or steal
pursue: 1. to follow someone or something 2. to hunt for or look for
pusillanimous: lacking courage or determination; cowardly; faint-hearted; timid
quaff: 1. to drink or swallow hurriedly and heartily
quagmire: 1. a soft and wet piece of land which yields if stepped on 2. a complicated, dangerous or awkward situation
quaint: 1. picturesque 2. old-fashioned 3. interesting or appealing yet quirky in an old-fashioned way
qualitative: 1. relating to the quality of something
quandary: 1. a dilemma or a problem 2. a state of uncertainty 3. a state of doubt or confusion
quarry: 1. an open-air pit from which rock is excavated 2. a person or animal being hunted or searched for
querulous: often complaining, especially in a way that annoys other people

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quixotic: having or showing ideas, plans, hope, etc. that are not practical or likely to succeed; unrealistic and impractical
quotation: 1. specific words that have been directly taken from a certain source 2. the act of using someone else's words
quote: 1. to repeat someone else's words 2. to say something that has previously been said or written
radical: 1. extreme; drastic 2. supporting drastic changes 3. very important 4. new and different
ramble: 1. to walk about or move about in an aimless manner 2. to follow a winding path 3. to write or talk in an aimless, uncontrolled manner 4. to stroll or walk for pleasure
rampant: (of something bad) growing, happening, or spreading quickly and in an uncontrolled way
ramshackle: (especially of buildings or vehicles) in a very bad condition and likely to fall down; out of repair; likely to fall to pieces; shaky
rancor: a bitter and long-lasting angry feeling of hatred or dislike about something in the past
random: 1. possessing no specific plan or structure 2. done by chance
range: 1. a set of things that are similar 2. the upper and lower limits 3. the period of time in which something can happen
rarefy: 1. make or become rare, thin, porous, or less dense 2. make or become more purified, refined, subtle, spiritual, or lofty
rash: 1. not cautious 2. acting without pausing to think 3. reckless
ratify: (especially of governments or organizations) make (a treaty, contract, or agreement) official by signing it or formally accepting it
ratio: 1. a rate 2. the relationship between two numbers or amounts
rational: 1. logical 2. using reason to make decisions or act 3. sensible
raucous: loud, harsh, and disturbing noise
ravenous: 1. extremely or wildly hungry; voracious 2. very eager for prey or gratification
raze: 1. completely destroy a city, building, etc. 2. scrape or shave off; erase
react: 1. to respond to a stimulus 2. to act in opposition 3. to change in response to a specific stimulus
reap: 1. cut (wheat, rye, etc.) with a scythe, sickle, or reaping machine 2. gather or take (a crop, harvest, etc.) by cutting 3. gain or obtain as the reward of one’s own or another’s action, conduct, work, etc.
rebuke: 1. to punish or scold someone severely 2. to express disapproval, often in a sharp way 3. to harshly criticize
recalcitrant: 1. (of a person ) stubbornly refusing to obey authority, discipline, rules, orders, etc. 2. (of an animal ) refusing to be controlled
recapitulate: 1. to summarize something or repeat it in a more concise way 2. to briefly restate
receptacle: 1. any container or device for holding substances or objects 2. a vessel used to hold things
recluse: a person who lives alone and tends to avoid other people, often for religious meditation
rectify: 1. correct (something that is wrong) or make something right or better 2. correct by calculation or adjustment
redolent: 1. sweet-smelling; fragrant; aromatic 2. strongly smelling of 3. (redolent of/with) strongly reminding you of something
refine: 1. to purify; to take impurities out of something 2. to make changes in order to improve something
refurbish: 1. to restore something to its original quality 2. to renovate 3. to make something look like new again
refute: 1. to prove that something is not correct or true 2. to deny something
regale: 1. to entertain someone with food or drink; to feast 2. to entertain someone with a story or something amusing
regime: 1. a government that is currently in power 2. a system of rules 3. a political system 4. a management system
region: 1. a specific part of the world; a large area of land where the people or land possesses similar characteristics 2. a district 3. a part of the body
register: 1. to record something in writing 2. to enroll a student in a school 3. to express or show 4. to convey
regulate: 1. to create and impose rules for something 2. to adjust to ensure accuracy 3. to control; to manage
reinforce: 1. to make something stronger 2. to enhance something 3. to support an idea by giving evidence or reasons
reject: 1. to refuse something 2. to turn something down 3. to decline
relax: 1. to stop doing something in order to rest 2. to slacken or make less rigid 3. to make less severe 4. to calm
relaxed: 1. not strict 2. free 3. calm 4. informal
release: 1. to let go or free 2. to emancipate 3. to allow something to flow freely 4. to make information available to the public
relegate: 1. put (someone or something) into a lower or less important rank or position 2. refer, commit, or hand over for decision, action, etc. 3. (UK) moved down to a lower division
relevant: 1. related to the issue being discussed or debated 2. pertinent 3. connected to an issue
reliance: 1. a dependence on a specific person or object 2. the act of depending on someone or something
relinquish: 1. give up (something, such as power, control, or possession), especially when you do not want to do this; retire from; abandon 2. surrender 3. let go (a grasp, hold, etc.)
reluctant: 1. unwilling to do something 2. uneager to do something
rely: 1. to depend on 2. to trust 3. to have confidence in
remove: 1. to get rid of 2. to take away 3. to take off 4. to send away
renounce: 1. give up (a claim, right, or possession, etc.), especially by formal announcement 2. give up (a cause, bad habit, way of life, etc.) voluntarily 3. reject; disown
renovation: 1. restore to an earlier condition by making changes and repairs, especially an old house, building, room, etc. 2. reinvigorate; refresh; revive
repertory: 1. the repeated performance of various plays, operas, or ballets one after the other by one company of actors 2. a repository or collection, especially of information; storehouse 3. the things stored; stock; collection

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replete: 1. completely stuffed; full, especially referring to food 2. well supplied
reprehensible: unacceptable, very bad, and deserving to be criticized
reprieve: 1. a way out of,or temporary relief from a bad experience or situation 2. the deferment or complete cancellation of punishment
reproach: express disapproval of, criticism of, or disappointment in (someone), especially for not being successful or not doing what is expected
reprobate: 1. someone who has bad habits or lacks scruples 2. a person without principles
reprove: 1. to find fault with 2. to condemn, criticize or express disapproval of bad behavior 3. to rebuke
repudiate: 1. refuse to accept or reject with denial 2. disown
require: 1. to make something obligatory 2. to expect 3. to need something
rescind: end, revoke, repeal, or cancel (a law, agreement, order, or decision, etc.)
research: 1. to investigate 2. to make inquiries in order to find out information 3. to carefully study something in order to find out new information
reside: 1. to inhabit 2. to live in a certain place 3. to exist
resident: 1. someone who lives in a certain place or region 2. an inhabitant
resilient: (of a substance or object) bouncing or springing back into shape, position, etc. after being pulled, stretched, pressed, bent, etc. 2. able to quickly become strong, healthy, happy, or successful again after an illness, disappointment, or other problem
resolution: 1. a decision that is made by a group through a voting process 2. a personal promise to oneself 3. a formal statement of intent or opinion
resolve: 1. firm or strong determination 2. a resolution made by a legislative body; a ruling
resonant: 1. prompting thoughts of a similar experience 2. loud, clear, or deep 3. enduring 4. echoing
resource: 1. material used to do or make something 2. a supply of something that can be used when required 3. a country's tools for generating wealth
respite: 1. a short break or delay from work or an unpleasant experience 2. a postponement of punishment
resplendent: 1. brilliant; dazzling; bright; shiny 2. beautiful 3. impressive
respond: 1. to answer 2. to react in a favorable way
restore: 1. to bring something back to its original condition 2. to make something new again
restrain: 1. to hold back or put limits on someone or something 2. to curb 3. to keep under control
restrained: calm, controlled and not emotional; unemotional or dispassionate
restrict: 1. to limit 2. to physically confine 3. to keep under control
retain: 1. to remember information 2. to hold or keep someone or something 3. to hire someone by paying them an initial fee
reticent: 1. not willing to tell people about one's thoughts, feelings, and personal affairs 2. uncommunicative, restrained, or reserved in style 3. reluctant; unwilling
reveal: 1. to show or disclose 2. to divulge 3. to make known
revenue: 1. income 2. money that an organization, government or company receives from different sources
revere: 1. to honor or respect someone very much 2. to venerate or worship
reverent: feeling, showing, or characterized by great respect and admiration; deeply respectful
reverse: 1. to overturn 2. to send in the opposite direction 3. to move backwards
revise: 1. to check something and make changes to make sure that it is acceptable 2. to change or amend 3. to alter
revision: 1. a modification or edit of something 2. the act of looking over something that one has done
revolution: 1. a huge change in something, such as a political organization or country 2. the circular movement around a certain celestial body 3. a complete cycle 4. a very important change in the way people act
rhetoric: 1. a style of speaking or writing that is intended to influence people and that may not be honest or reasonable 2. the art, skill, or study of using language formally and effectively in speaking or writing
rigid: 1. stiff 2. hard 3. unyielding or not able to be bent 4. unable to be changed or modified
rigor: 1. strictness, harshness, or severity 2. exactitude 3. inflexibility
robust: 1. healthy 2. hardy or strong 3. sturdy and able to withstand detrimental conditions 4. successful
role: 1. the part that a performer in theater acts out 2. one's proper function in society 3. a person's function
rouse: 1. wake (someone) from sleep 2. cause (someone who is tired, lazy, or unwilling to do something) to become active 3. make angry or excited, as to anger or action; stir up 4. (nautical) pull or haul strongly and all together, especially by hand
route: 1. a course or path of travel 2. a course that certain forms of transport follow habitually 3. a way of achieving something
ruminate: 1. to think about something carefully over a long period of time 2. to meditate on 3. to chew on cud
ruse: 1. a trick with is used with the intent of confusing or deceiving someone 2. a plan used to hide one's own intentions
sacrosanct: 1. something that is considered to be sacred 2. something considered far too important to be subjected to changes
sagacious: having or showing acute mental discernment and keen practical sense and the ability to make good practical decisions
sagacity: the quality of being discerning, sound in judgment, and farsighted based on practical knowledge and experience
sage: 1. a plant used to flavor food 2. having or exhibiting wisdom and calm judgment, especially as a result of great experience
salient: 1. of utmost importance; prominent; notable 2. protruding beyond a line or surface 3. jumping
salutary: 1. beneficial 2. favorable to one's health 3. bringing about good effects or improvement
sanctimonious: pretending to be morally better than other people; excessively or hypocritically pious

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sanction: 1. official permission or approval, as for an action 2. a threat to punish someone for breaking a law or rule 3. an official order, such as the limiting or stopping of trade, that is taken against a country in order to force it to obey international laws
sanguine: cheerfully optimistic, hopeful, or confident, especially in a difficult situation
sardonic: 1. demonstrating a lack of respect for another person or what they have said or done 2. mocking 3. sneering 4. cynical
sate: satisfy (an appetite, desire, etc.) fully
satire: the use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize someone or something and make them seem foolish, weak, bad, etc.
saturate: 1. make something completely wet with water or other liquid so that no more can be absorbed 2. cause (a substance) to combine with, dissolve, or hold the greatest possible amount of another substance
saturnine: very serious and unhappy; gloomy; taciturn
savant: a person with a high level of knowledge or skill, especially a distinguished scientist
scale: 1. to climb a surface that is steep 2. to set something according to a scale or measure something by a scale 3. to remove something in layers or scales
scapegoat: 1. a person who is blamed in place of others for something that is not their fault or doing
scenario: 1. a possible situation 2. a written description or outline of a play, movie or other theater-based work
schedule: 1. to arrange for something; to make arrangements 2. to plan for something 3. to make plans
scheme: 1. an elaborate plan that is devised in order to gain something and, often, trick people 2. an official plan
scintillating: 1. very clever, amusing, and interesting 2. sparkling or shining brightly
scope: the range of one's perceptions, thoughts, or actions; extent; bound
scrupulous: 1. very careful about doing something correctly, giving a lot of attention to details 2. careful about doing what is honest and morally right
scrutinize: examine or inspect (something) closely, thoroughly, and very carefully
section: 1. a piece of something 2. a part of a whole object 3. a smaller part of a book or a newspaper
sector: 1. a division of a society or an economy 2. a part of something that is different from others
secure: 1. safe 2. free from danger or worry 3. strong or stable
security: 1. safety 2. a general freedom from risks
sedulous: showing continued hard work, effort, dedication, and determination
select: 1. preferred 2. of a special value or importance 3. exclusive 4. discriminating 5. only the best
sentinel: 1. a person or an animal that guards a certain location 2. a sentry; someone who keeps watch
sequence: 1. the order or pattern in which things happen or take place 2. a set of things that is put in a specific order
sequester: 1. to take someone's property until they have paid their debts or complied with an order 2. to seclude or segregate 3. to hide something away
serene: 1. tranquil, peaceful or calm 2. bright or clear 3. untroubled or unaffected
series: 1. a sequence of things 2. a set of related objects 3. a collection of episodes of a television show that use the same characters in different situations
serrated: 1. possessing a row of tooth-like sharp points along its edge 2. saw-like
servile: 1. too eager to serve, please, or obey others 2. of a slave or slaves
shift: 1. a slight change in something 2. a change 3. a period of approximately eight hours during which workers perform their jobs
shrewd: having or showing sharp powers to understand things and to make good judgments in practical affairs; astute
shroud: 1. something that covers or hides something; hide from view 2. a cloth used to wrap a body for burial; wrap for burial 3. take shelter or harbor
significant: 1. quite important 2. suggesting or showing a meaning 3. noticeable or detectable 4. noteworthy
similar: 1. related to something else 2. nearly the same, but not exactly the same 3. comparable
simulate: 1. to reproduce a situation 2. to feign 3. to do something that looks as if it is real when it truly is not
site: 1. a place where something can be found or where something is located
skeptical: 1. having, showing or marked by doubt 2. doubting 3. questioning
slight: 1. small in size, degree, or amount 2. treat with disrespect or indifference; treat as unimportant
solace: give comfort to in sorrow, misfortune, or trouble
sole: 1. the bottom part of a foot or shoe 2. the bottom part of an object such as a golf club or a plow
solely: 1. exclusively 2. alone; not involving anyone or anything else 3. exclusively
solicit: 1. to ask for something, often through a formal process 2. to petition
somber: 1. very sad and serious; gloomy; depressing or grave 2. dull or dark in color, especially grey or black
somewhat: 1. slightly 2. a little bit 3. to a certain degree
sophistry: the clever use of reasoning or arguments that seem true but are really false, especially with the intention of deceiving
soporific: 1. causing sleep 2. drowsy
source: 1. the place in which something originates or which someone comes from 2. a point or place of origin 3. a person who provides information
sparse: 1. not dense or thick 2. small in amount and not dense or crowded 3. scanty
Spartan: avoiding luxury and comfort; rigorously self-disciplined or self-restrained

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specific: 1. clear and precise 2. special 3. particular; relating to one specific person, group or thing 4. unique
specified: 1. defined 2. thoroughly commented or explained 3. expressly stated
specify: 1. to designate 2. to state in an explicit manner 3. to be specific
specious: seeming to be right or true, but in fact wrong or false
sphere: 1. a globe; a ball shaped object 2. an area of knowledge, study or expertise
spontaneity: the state, quality, or fact of being spontaneous
spontaneous: 1. happening or done in a natural, often sudden way, without being planned or thought about 2. growing without cultivation or human labor, as plants and fruits
sporadic: 1. occurring at irregular intervals; not constant or regular; patternless 2. appearing singly or at widely scattered localities, as a plant or disease
spurious: 1. not genuine, authentic, or true; counterfeit 2. based on false ideas or bad reasoning
spurn: refuse or reject with contempt or disdain, especially because you feel that something or someone does not deserve your respect, attention, affection, etc.
squander: spend or use (money, time, supplies, or an opportunity) wastefully or extravagantly
stability: 1. balance 2. firmness of position 2. being unlikely to change
stable: 1. constant 2. unwavering 3. strongly fixed 4. firmly established
stagnant: 1. (of water or air ) not flowing or moving, and often smells bad 2. not active, changing, or progressing
staid: of a settled, unadventurous, sedate, and steady but boring character
stanza: 1. a part of a poem that is presented in paragraph form
stark: 1. very obvious; very plain and easily seen; unpleasantly or sharply clear 2. complete; absolute; full; perfect; entire 3. unpleasant and difficult to accept or experience; severe; violent; fierce
static: not moving, acting, or progressing, especially in an undesirable or uninteresting way
statistics: 1. a field of study that collects and analyzes data 2. the data collected and what it means
status: 1. one's standing in relation to others 2. one's position in society 3. a state of things or events
staunch: very committed or loyal to a person, belief, or cause
steadfast: 1. very committed or loyal to a person, belief, or cause 2. not changing, fickle, or wavering; constant
stereotype: 1. an oversimplified way of looking at something 2. a simple and unwavering idea about what a certain person or group of people are like
stifle: 1. to hide or conceal something 2. to repress 3. to suffocate or smother 4. to prevent something from happening
stock: 1. the supply of goods or merchandise available for sale or distribution in a store or warehouse 2. a supply of something for future use or sale 3. the shares of a particular company or corporation
stoic: 1. not showing emotion or complaining, even when something bad happens 2. unemotional 3. indifferent to pleasure and pain
straightforward: 1. clear and easy to understand 2. frank; honest 3. direct
stress: 1. the pressure exerted on a physical object 2. emotional stress or anxiety caused by a difficult situation 3. emphasis placed on something
strident: 1. (of a sound) loud, unpleasant, and rough 2. presenting a point of view, especially a controversial one, in a way that offends some people
stringent: 1. strict, rigid 2. binding 3. constraining 4. extremely limiting
structure: 1. a free-standing building made from different parts 2. the way in which something is organized 3. the quality of being organized
submit: 1. to hand in or present something to a teacher, boss or other other person 2. to permit someone to exercise control over you 3. to surrender to authority
subordinate: 1. from a lower rank or position 2. inferior 3. less important
subsequent: 1. following 2. succeeding 3. happening after something else
subsidiary: 1. secondary 2. used to supplement something or someone 3. auxiliary
subsidy: 1. money that a government gives a group to help it 2. financial assistance
substantiate: 1. support with proof or evidence 2. give concrete form or body to; convert into substance; embody 3. give substance to; make real or actual
substitute: 1. to temporarily replace someone or something with something else 2. to exchange one thing for another
subtle: 1. thin, tenuous, or rarefied, as a fluid or an odor 2. not obvious, and so slight as to be difficult to notice, see, detect, or describe 3. able to make fine distinctions 4. making use of clever and indirect methods to achieve something
subversive: trying to overthrow, destroy, or damage an established system or institution by persons working secretly from within, especially an established government or political system
successive: 1. consecutive 2. following 3. sequential
succinct: 1. concise and clearly expressed 2. expressed in a short and easy to understand way
succulent: 1. (of food) tender, juicy, and tasty 2. (of a plant) having thick, fleshy, water-storing leaves or stems 3. full of interest, vigor, etc.; not dry or dull
sufficient: 1. enough as necessary 2. adequate
sum: 1. the total of a calculation 2. an amount of money 3. the total amount of something in existence
summary: 1. an explanation of something giving the main points or ideas of the original document or argument 2. a recapitulation
supercilious: behaving or looking as though you are better or more important than everyone else, and that their opinions, beliefs, or ideas are not important
superficial: 1. being at, on, or near the surface 2. shallow; not profound or thorough
superfluous: being more than is needed, useful, or wanted; surplus; excessive
supplant: remove or uproot (someone or something that is old or no longer used or accepted) in order to replace with (more powerful) someone or something else

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supplement: 1. to add to something, especially in order to make up for a deficiency 2. an addition 3. something added to make something complete
supplementary: 1. used in order to complete something 2. additional
suppress: 1. end or stop (something) by force 2. keep (something) secret; keep from appearing or being known, published, etc. 3. stop yourself feeling, showing, or being affected by an emotion
surfeit: 1. an excessive or too large amount or supply of something 2. overeat or feed to excess 3. disgust caused by excess
surly: 1. rude or threatening 2. hostile 3. unfriendly 4. dismal or menacing (related to weather) 5. bad tempered
surmise: 1. to draw a conclusion or guess, usually with little to no proof or evidence 2. to conjecture
surreptitious: 1. obtained, done, or made in a secret, stealthy way, especially because it would not be approved of; clandestine; secret or unauthorized 2. acting in a secret, stealthy way
survey: 1. a poll used to measure public opinion or the incidence of something in a society 2. an examination of a subject or a situation 3. a careful examination of land in order to map it
survive: 1. to live through an event 2. to stay alive 3. to continue to exist 4. to outlive someone
susceptible: 1. easily influenced or harmed by something 2. (of a person) easily affected emotionally; sensitive 3. a person who is vulnerable to being infected by a certain disease, or to be affected by it more severely than others are
suspect: 1. to distrust someone or something 2. to think that someone or something is responsible for a specific action or something bad
suspend: 1. to delay something 2. to postpone 3. to stop something temporarily or permanently 4. to hang something in the air
sustain: 1. to bear or to hold 2. to support 3. to keep something alive 4. to provide for 5. to deal with
sybarite: 1. a person who is quite fond of luxury and pleasure
sycophant: a self-seeking person who attempts to win favor by flattering rich or influential people
symbol: 1. a sign 2. a shape, object or picture which is used to represent something 3. something used to represent or show an idea
taciturn: tending not to speak much; not liking to talk; uncommunicative
tactile: 1. tangible 2. related to the sense of touch 3. perceptible or detectable through touch
tangential: 1. slightly or indirectly related to what you are doing, discussing, or thinking about; not closely connected to something 2. merely touching; slightly connected; peripheral
tangible: 1. palpable 2. able to be felt or touched 3. real
tantamount: 1. of an equal amount of value, force, etc. 2. having an equal effect as something 3. equivalent to
tardy: 1. late 2. slow to perform a task or do something 3. delayed
target: 1. a goal 2. an object that is shot at 3. an objective 4. something that one wants to achieve
task: 1. to assign a job to someone 2. to place a burden on someone
tawdry: 1. unpleasant or immoral 2. cheap and clearly of bad quality 3. gaudy
team: 1. a group of people that work toward a common goal 2. two or more animals that work together to pull something
technical: 1. mechanical 2. specialized 3. having or requiring specialized knowledge
technique: 1. a way of performing a specific task 2. a method of doing something or carrying out a task 3. a technical skill
technology: 1. the use of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, with special reference to its use in industry 2. applied sciences
tedium: 1. boredom 2. tediousness 3. the state of being boring over an extended period of time
teem: 1. be full of things; abound or swarm; move in large numbers 2. be present in large quantity
temerity: 1. recklessness or disregard for danger or consequences 2. foolish boldness 3. audacity
temper: 1. to neutralize or relax something 2. to moderate 3. to cause a substance to reach its desired consistency or hardness, often by putting it through a heating and cooling process
temperate: 1. emotionally calm and controlled 2. not extreme in behavior or language 3. (of weather conditions) neither very hot nor very cold
temporary: 1. limited 2. not lasting or permanent 3. passing 4. brief
temporize: act evasively in order to gain time, avoid argument, or postpone a decision
tenacious: 1. holding firmly 2. that clings; adhesive; sticky 3. holding together firmly; cohesive 4. very determined to do something; persistent; stubborn
tense: 1. tight 2. pulled to its limit 3. nervous or stressed 4. rigid
tension: 1. a feeling of nervousness before something 2. a feeling of anger or hostility between two or more people 3. the degree to which a string, rope or wire is tensed
tentative: 1. provisional 2. not fixed or positive 3. experimental 4. hesitant or without confidence; uncertain
tenuous: 1. thin, weak, and easily broken; not certain, definite, or strong 2. very thin or slender in form, as a thread; insubstantial
terminate: 1. to stop 2. to put an end to 3. to sack or fire 4. to conclude
termination: 1. the conclusion to or end of something 2. the act of ending something
terse: 1. short or curt, often in a way that is interpreted as unfriendly 2. concise and to the point
text: 1. a piece of writing such as a book 2. all the words that were said in a speech 3. written words
theme: 1. the topic or subject discussed in a book, essay, conversation, debate, etc. 2. a subject that is brought up frequently 3. the style upon which something is based
theory: 1. a hypothesis 2. an idea that tries to explain something 3. an idea used to justify or explain something
thereby: 1. because of 2. thus 3. as a result
thesis: 1. the subject to be written about or debated in an essay 2. a long study written while one is studying one's doctoral degree 3. the main idea of a written work
thwart: 1. to prevent something from happening 2. to hinder, frustrate or foil

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timorous: 1. lacking confidence or nervous 2. showing fear 3. demonstrating timidness
tirade: a long, angry speech criticizing or accusing someone or something
topic: 1. a subject that is currently being examined or discussed in a conversation, book, essay, article, etc. 2. a theme
torpid: 1. dormant or acting in a slow way due to laziness or sleepiness 2. deprived of all power 3. dull
torpor: a state of not being active and having no or very little energy or enthusiasm
tortuous: 1. full of twists, turns, or bends 2. complicated, long, and confusing
totalitarian: relating to a system of government that is centralized, maintains complete control under a dictatorship, and does not allow people freedom to oppose them
totter: 1. to walk or move in an unsteady way, as if one were about to fall 2. to stagger 3. to sway or rock
tout: 1. try to persuade people to like, accept, or buy something by praising or recommending highly and repeatedly, especially loudly and in public 2. (British) buy tickets for an event and resell them at a much higher price
trace: 1. to follow or to track 2. to find the starting point of something 3. to copy a drawing by placing a piece of paper over the original and following the lines one can see through the paper
tractable: 1. (of a person) easily managed, taught, or controlled 2. (of a situation or problem) easy to deal with
tranquil: 1. calm 2. relaxed 3. free from disturbances 4. quiet
transfer: 1. moving something from one place to another 2. an exchange 3. giving property or financial holdings to another person
transform: 1. to change something 2. to convert 3. to totally change something in an attempt to make it more attractive or improve it
transformation: 1. a major change in something or someone 2. a change into something entirely different 3. the process of changing into something totally different
transgress: 1. to surpass the limits of what is considered by society to be acceptable 2. to sin 3. to go beyond
transient: existing, happening, or staying somewhere for only a short time; temporary
transition: 1. the conversion from one state to another 2. to cause someone or something to convert from one state to another
transmission: 1. the act of sending out a message or broadcasting a message 2. the act of passing something from one person to another
transmit: 1. to convey 2. to send across 3. to communicate or broadcast 4. to give a virus or illness to others 5. to pass from one person to another
transmute: 1. to transform 2. to convert from one form or state into another 3. to cause something to convert into something else
transport: 1. to carry something 2. to bring something from one point to another 3. to move goods or people using vehicles
traverse: 1. to move across or through 2. to cross 3. to extend across
trenchant: 1. clear-cut 2. forceful, vigorous, or severe especially when referring to one's arguments or ideas
trend: 1. the general direction in which something is moving or the way people are behaving 2. a fashion 3. a tendency
trepidation: a feeling of fear or worry about what is going to happen because you think something bad or unpleasant is going to happen
trigger: 1. to bring about 2. to cause 3. to set something off 4. to make something happen
trite: 1. (of a remark or idea) not fresh or original 2. not interesting or effective because of overuse or repetition; worn out by constant use; common
trivial: 1. of no real importance 2. ordinary 3. insignificant or minor
truculent: easily annoyed or angered and always ready, eager or quick to argue or fight
truncate: 1. to make something shorter by cutting off one of its ends
turgid: 1. pompous or too serious; grandiloquent 2. swollen or bloated
turpitude: depraved, shameful, dishonest, or immoral behavior or character
tyro: 1. a person who has just started learning or doing something 2. a beginner or novice
ubiquitous: present, or seeming to be present everywhere, especially at the same time; omnipresent
ultimate: 1. last 2. found at the end of something 3. the best or the worst of something 4. the most extreme
ultimately: 1. finally 2. in the end 3. at last
umbrage: to be displeased, offended or annoyed by what someone has said or done
uncanny: strange or mysterious, especially in a way that is difficult or impossible to explain or understand
uncouth: 1. behaving in a rude, unpleasant, or offensive way 2. not polite or socially acceptable
unctuous: 1. oily or greasy 2. overly friendly or interested behavior that is often clearly insincere
undergo: 1. to go through a certain procedure or experience 2. to experience something 3. to endure 4. to suffer something
underlie: 1. to serve as a basis for 2. to be a strong influence on 3. to be situated below something
underlying: 1. fundamental 2. lying beneath 3. basic
underscore: 1. to emphasize or stress something 2. to draw a line under a word or words 3. to stress
undertake: 1. to agree to do something 2. to begin something, especially a long and difficult process 3. to pledge to do something
ungainly: (of a person or movement) awkward; clumsy; not moving in an attractive or graceful way
uniform: 1. a set of clothes that must be worn to be in a specific school or do a specific job 2. an outfit worn by people from a same school or doing the same job
unify: 1. to join two or more units together in order to create a newer, larger unit 2. to combine 3. to consolidate
unique: 1. special 2. being the only one of its kind 3. unparalleled 4. extraordinary

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unprecedented: 1. new and never been seen or done before 2. without precedent
unruly: difficult or impossible to discipline, control, or rule
unscathed: 1. safe 2. unharmed or not injured 3. not damaged
upbraid: 1. to harshly criticize or scold 2. to strongly reproach someone for their behavior
upshot: 1. the outcome or result 2. the main idea; the gist 3. the conclusion
urbane: (of a person, especially a man) polite, courteous, and confident in a smooth, polished way
usurp: seize and hold (power, a position, property, rights, etc.) by force or without legal right
utilitarian: 1. useful; practical; not for show 2. capable of being used 3. created with its utility, not its beauty, in mind
utility: 1. a public service 2. something useful to the public 3. usefulness
utopian: 1. modeled on or related to the idea of a perfect society 2. visionary 3. impractical
utter: Complete
vacillate: 1. to change opinions or show indecision 2. to sway or stagger in an unsteady manner 3. to oscillate
vacuous: 1. having or showing a lack of intelligence, interest, purpose, or thought 2. without contents, meaning, importance, or substance; empty
valid: 1. sound 2. binding 3. well-grounded 4. effective 5. possessing legal force
validity: 1. well grounded 2. the state of being valid 3. having legal force
vanquish: completely defeat in a contest, conflict, or competition
vapid: 1. showing no intelligence or imagination, and therefore very boring 2. lifeless, dull, or boring 3. lacking taste or flavor
vary: 1. to change 2. to fluctuate 3. to alter 4. to differ
vehement: 1. powerful 2. forceful 3. intense; impassioned 4. expressing strong feelings and great energy
vehicle: 1. any device which is used to transport one or more people around 2. a means or way of expressing a certain idea
venal: 1. dishonest and ready to do dishonest things in return for money; open to bribery 2. for sale, available for a price, as by a bribe
veneer: 1. a thin coating 2. a decorative coating or facade 3. a polite but insincere way of behaving
venerable: deserving respect, especially because of age, wisdom, character, long use, etc.
venerate: regard or treat (someone or something ) with great respect
venial: 1. trivial 2. easily forgiven 3. minor
veracity: 1. honesty, accuracy, truthfulness 2. habitual or constant truthfulness
verbose: using or containing more words than are necessary, and therefore long and boring
verdant: 1. covered in green, often referring to vegetation 2. inexperienced
version: 1. an individual's view about something that happened 2. an adaptation 3. a form of a book or other object that is slightly different from other books or objects
vex: make someone angry, annoyed, confused, or worried, especially with trivial matters
via: 1. by way of or through
vicarious: 1. living an experience through another person's description instead of doing the action oneself 2. suffered by one person in place of another, especially referring to punishment
vicissitude: 1. changes that occur throughout one's life, often making things worse; the ups and downs of life 2. mutability or the natural process of change 3. alternation between opposite things
vignette: 1. a short story 2. a small decorative design found at the start or end of a chapter in a book 3. a small image or drawing which fades into its background
vilify: 1. to slander or spread negative information about 2. to use negative language about someone
vindicate: 1. clear from criticism, blame, guilt, suspicion, etc. with supporting arguments or proof 2. defend or maintain (a cause, claim, etc.) against opposition
virtually: 1. essentially 2. almost 3. just about
virtuoso: a person who has special knowledge or skill in in some fine art, especially playing a musical instrument
virulent: 1. (of a disease or poison) extremely infectious, malignant, or poisonous; deadly 2. (of a pathogen, especially a virus) highly infective 3. bitterly hostile or antagonistic; full of hate and violent opposition
viscous: (of liquids) thick and sticky and does not flow easily
visible: 1. able to be seen 2. frequently seen in public; conspicuous 3. obvious
vision: 1. sight 2. the ability to see 3. a mental image 4. something or someone considered to be extremely beautiful
visual: 1. capable of being seen with one's naked eye 2. related to sight 3. relating to things that can be seen
vital: 1. necessary for life 2. related to life 3. showing great energy or liveliness 4. of great importance; crucial
vitriolic: 1. cruel and hateful language 2. marked by notable criticism or sarcasm
vocation: a particular occupation, business, or profession, especially one for which a person is particularly suited or qualified
vociferous: 1. highly opinionated and loud about one's beliefs 2. clamorous or offensively loud
volatile: 1. (of a substance) vaporizing or evaporating quickly 2. likely to change suddenly and unexpectedly or suddenly become violent or angry; unstable; explosive
voluble: 1. talkative; speaking with enthusiasm 2. fluent 3. expressed in many words 4. garrulous
volume: 1. the amount of space taken up by something 2. an amount of something 3. the sound level

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voluminous: 1. large in volume 2. bulky 3. great in extent 4. long and detailed; enough to fill volumes (writing)
voluntary: 1. not obligatory 2. unenforced 3. given or done by choice
voracious: 1. consuming or eager to consume very large amounts of food 2. very eager in some desire, activity or pursuit
waive: 1. to defer something 2. to relinquish a right to something 3. to not enforce something 4. to put aside
wane: 1. to decline in power 2. to lose strength or intensity 3. to approach the end 4. to ebb or dwindle
wanton: 1. a cruel, malicious or violent action done, shown, used deliberately, unprovokedly and unjustifiably 2. careless; reckless
wary: cautious or nervous about possible dangers or problems; watchful
waver: 1. be undecided between two opinions, possibilities, or courses of action or you keep choosing one way and then the other 2. become unsteady because of weakness, emotion, tiredness, etc.
wax: 1. to get larger or increase in size 2. to become stronger 3. to put wax on a surface 4. to express oneself
waylay: 1. to wait to ambush 2. to stop someone who is going somewhere in order to talk to them or to harm them 3. to intercept or interrupt someone
welfare: 1. the well-being of a person or people 2. financial aid from a government to a person in need
whereas: 1. in contrast to the fact that 2. although 3. since
whereby: 1. by which
whet: 1. to stimulate or increase someone's interest in something 2. to sharpen
whimsical: 1. strange and unusual in a way that is considered to be amusing or interesting 2. capricious 3. unpredictable and erratic
widespread: 1. able to be found in many different locations 2. extensive 3. popular 4. occupying a wide space
willful: 1. intentional 2. done on purpose, especially with the intention of causing harm 3. deliberate 4. stubborn
wily: 1. cunning 2. capable of deceiving others in order to get what you want 3. clever; sly
winsome: 1. charming and pleasing, often in an innocent or child-like way 2. attractive
wistful: 1. showing longing or sad thinking about the past 2. marked by or inspiring yearning
wry: 1. using or expressing dry humor, often with a touch of irony 2. (of a person's face or features) temporarily twisted in an expression of disgust, disappointment, or annoyance 3. abnormally bent or turned to one side
zeal: great energy, effort, and enthusiasm, as in working for a person, cause, or object
zealot: 1. a fanatically committed person who is uncompromising in pursuit of their religious, political, or other ideals 2. an excessively zealous person; fanatic
zenith: 1. the point in the sky that's directly over one's head 2. the highest point or peak
zephyr: 1. a light breeze, especially one that comes from the west 2. any lightweight, soft or gentle fabric or yarn

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